An another letter The Emperor!

Xavier looks down immediately and says "Nothing Mother...".

Madam Mary enters the chamber with a frown on her face. She thought Xavier was not in the Palace. She is surprised to see him sitting in his chamber when the country is not at peace.

She asks walking into the chamber slowly "What are you doing here son? I believe you were given some important works to do".

Xavier didn't able to meet her eyes and nods looking aside "Yes Mother. I felt tired...of... all the journey... I-I will take a leave in a few moments".

Madam Mary senses his nervousness and asks "Is everything alright son?".

Xavier is about to walk out of the chamber but stands looking down. He is ashamed of himself. He never would have imagined that he would fall in love with his 'sister-in-law'!

Madam Mary feels something wrong but couldn't point out anything. She walks before Xavier and holds his shoulder lightly. She asks slowly "What is it? What is it bothering you so much?".

She knows him very well. She is so sure that something is worrying him. She knows the look on his face.

Xavier tries to manage the situation but he couldn't help telling his mother. He speaks reluctantly "I met a girl-".

Madam Mary gasps staring Xavier "Are you sad for this?! Who is she? Who is the fortunate one?!-".

Xavier shakes his head and tells disheartened "Indeed she is fortunate..but I am the unfortunate one Mother... She..".

Madam Mary gets confused seeing him so disturbed and asks her self doubts "What is it Xav? Who is she? Is she not a Princess? If she is not, then don't be disheartened. You can still marry her as you are not intended to be a King. As long as you remain away from the throne, these simple issues will not bother your life".

Xavier hangs his head down "She is already married".

Madam Mary gets stunned and darts her eyes on Xavier's face silently. He was broken. But she couldn't understand something.

'How could he be so broken? When did he meet that girl?! How long he has been liking her?'.

She asks finding intending to find some hopes "Did you check properly? Is she really married?! Who told you so? What if she lied to you?!"

Xavier closes his eyes "Mother.." and sighs not intending to speak anymore.

Madam Mary pats his shoulder and stands with him silently. She couldn't believe Xavier's condition.

Xavier speaks after few minutes of silence "I have to leave".

Madam Mary gets worried and holds his hand protectively "Do you have to? Why don't you rest for a while?".

Xavier speaks slowly "Brother would be here in any moment. I have to welcome him".

Madam Mary nods and stares Xavier who was walking out of his chamber. Even though he pretended to be normal, she could tell everything about him.

'Poor son...'.

Madam Mary frowns "That girl is only married, isn't she? What if she likes my son too? I have to find who that girl is. I have to know about her everything before my son loses his hope. I have never seen him like this after that day. The day when he was locked in the Cold Prison! How could any girl have this extreme effect on my son?! What did she do?!".

Madam Mary walks out in determination to find the girl who stole his son's heart.


The Countryside Pavilion.

Celina looks at Maya looking outside through the window. She looks around and whispers "Ma'am? Would you like to see the river? It's such a wonderful view and I swear you will like it!".

Maya smiles 'This really knows what I want!'. 

Celina smiles sneakily "Are you coming then?".

Maya shakes her head "Not before you tell about the importance of the place".

Celina explains "The river flows through the southern part of The Northern Country so most of the benefits are for The Southern Country. But the view of the river from a secret place would spellbound you! Only I know the secret place!".

Maya was smiling at her enthusiastic voice but remembers something and asks " A River? Even after having a river flowing  near this place why are people suffering from draught?".

Celins walks beside Maya and explains "The Emperor issued an eddict to build a dam across the river long ago. But series of battles made severe effects and shortage of fund to construct the dam. Poor people suffer from severe problems. Sometimes the people in Southern Country too suffer due to the flood ..Even few days before I have heard that there was flood in Southern Country which destroyed some villages and cultivation in there".

Maya frowns thinking something and stands "Let's go there!".

Celina blinks blankly "Now?!".

Maya drags her by her hand and smirks "Didn't you say it's view would spellbound people?! I have to check myself. Come!".

Celina purses her lips "Ma'am. Shall we inform Sarah this time?! Last time, she caught me red-handed. I don't want to hear her preaching of rules again".

Maya chuckles tugging her "Let her teach the rules once we return. I will listen the preaching with you this time!".

Celina giggles and walks out of the chamber with Maya. While walking out Maya was thinking something seriously. She smirks 'Why do I feel some strangely familiar temptations in my mind?'.

She shrugs 'I have decided to walk in this path already then why to hesitate when I have The Emperor who listens to me?! I just have to add some prasing lines in between the complaints!"

She stops Celina suddenly "Do something for me before leaving".

Celina looks at Maya and nods "Yes Ma'am! What can I do for you?!".

Maya says "An another The Emperor ".

Calina opens her eyes wide and whines "Again?!".

Maya chuckles "Get used to this dear. You will be doing this often in future! ".

Within few minutes of entering the writing room, a sound escaped the room.
