Chapter 2 Gift Package

Fell Woods, the waterfall on the outskirts.

Feng Zichen peered at the countless Ninjutsu displayed on the light curtain before him, coupled with their exorbitant prices, causing him to squint in discomfort. It felt like a golden mountain placed tantalizingly within reach but shackled with an immense padlock—was it merely there to torment him?

"System, how can I earn these exchange points? I really want these Ninjutsu…" Feng Zichen inquired plaintively.

"Ding ~ This System can convert all forms of energy into corresponding exchange points. By submitting items imbued with energy, the System will convert them into exchange points. The higher the energy and its quality, the more conversion points awarded. This serves as the primary means for the host to acquire exchange points. Additionally, the System will periodically release missions that yield a significant number of exchange points," the System replied, its response unwavering.

"Energy…" Feng Zichen murmured, having come across the concept in many novels from his previous life. Martial Artists and Mages of other worlds often relied on various forms of energy. While acquiring energy in this world wasn't particularly challenging, he sought clarification.

"Could you elaborate on the energy sources? Are there readily available energy forms in this alien world? For instance, what energy can be accessed nearby?" Feng Zichen inquired further.

After a brief silence, the System elucidated, "Scanning the Continent, named Xingchen Continent, reveals rich energy sources saturating the region, nurturing numerous experts. The Cultivation systems of Arcane Arts and Dou Qi have flourished for millions of years, reaching their zenith. However, the natural energy between Heaven and Earth on this Continent cannot be directly converted into redemption points. To convert it, the host must obtain crystals composed of this natural energy. Fortunately, the Continent abounds with such energy sources, alleviating concerns about the availability of energy for exchange…"

Feng Zichen nodded as he listened. Arcane Arts and Dou Qi? This meant he wouldn't face scarcity in obtaining exchange points.

"However, to acquire these energy crystals swiftly, the host must possess sufficient strength. For instance, Fell Woods is an ideal locale for acquiring these crystals. Inhabited by countless Demon Beasts, these creatures' Demonic Cores are pure energy blocks. The more potent the Demon Beast, the more energy its core holds, leading to higher redemption points upon conversion. But it necessitates the host to meet certain strength requisites…" System added, dashing Feng Zichen's secret hope with a dose of reality.

A bitter expression adorned Feng Zichen's face. Strength? What strength could he possibly possess? He was just an individual transplanted into the Cultivation world of Xingchen Continent from his earlier years. He doubted he possessed even the fighting prowess of an average six-year-old child…

It seemed System detected Feng Zichen's predicament and offered a ray of hope, albeit belatedly. "Ding ~ Friendly reminder, a novice gift pack resides in the host's backpack. It contains essential items you currently require. It's recommended the host accesses it at the earliest…"

This sentence felt like a glimmer of light in the darkness, dispelling the gloom shrouding Feng Zichen's thoughts. Ah ~ Typically, Systems offer perks initially. Hopefully, there's something good inside.

Feng Zichen hastily exclaimed, "System, I want to open the novice gift package!" The System responded in its usual tone, "Ding ~ Novice gift package received successfully, now opening… Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for receiving the Chakra Refining manual, a Ninja Tool Pouch, a Three-Style Jutsu primer, and an additional 100 points from System's redemption."

"Just these?" Feng Zichen felt a twinge of disappointment. He yearned for Rinnegan, Sharingan, and all the coveted Dojutsu Kekkei Genkai from the Naruto World. Obtaining those would ensure his survival effortlessly. After all, they were among the most sought-after abilities in the Naruto World.

However, now… There was no talk of Kekkei Genkai, not even a decent Ninjutsu. Chakra Refining manual? Useful, perhaps; basic Three-Style Jutsu? Common and ubiquitous in the Hokage world; Ninja Tool Pouch? The handful of kunai darts inside seemed somewhat useful, but what rendered Feng Zichen speechless was the 100 redemption points awarded by the System. Barely enough for even a C-Rank Ninjutsu from the Ninjutsu section. A few hundred points were needed for a D-Rank Ninjutsu. What use could a D-Rank Ninjutsu like Little Fireball serve? Creating a tiny flame?

"Ugh ~ System, is there no high-level gift package? Or perhaps a bundle of millions of redemption points?" Feng Zichen pondered weakly.

The System's icy response shattered Feng Zichen's last hope and delivered disheartening news: "The novice gift package is a one-time offer and cannot be granted repeatedly. Furthermore, redemption points are fixed at one hundred only. Additionally, please be advised that you are currently situated in the notorious Great Ominous Land—Fell Woods on the Xingchen Continent. Despite being an outlying area with fewer high-end Demon Beasts, it's teeming with low-level Demon Beast groups, presenting a lethal challenge for your current strength level. I recommend the host refine Chakra and bolster their strength before the System's protection barrier dissipates."

Feng Zichen's initially grumbling countenance froze abruptly. He turned to survey his surroundings—towering trees, dense jungles, and the occasional roars of various beasts sent shivers down his spine.

Struggling to maintain composure, Feng Zichen inquired, "Um... System, how long will this protection barrier remain active? And, how much time is required to refine Chakra using the Chakra Refining manual?"

System responded, "The protection barrier will dissipate in X hours. As for the time needed for Cultivation to refine Chakra, it varies based on the host's innate talent. A few hours for those with superior talent, whereas those with lesser innate talent might take several days or longer."

The System's concise response set Feng Zichen's heart pounding. What if he had poor innate talent? What if he couldn't extract Chakra quickly, just like Rock Lee in the Naruto World, lacking Ninjutsu talent?

With a mind crowded by worries, Feng Zichen gritted his teeth. There was no other choice; he had to hurry and start Cultivation. His life hung on a thin thread.

Having made up his mind, Feng Zichen addressed the System, looking upwards, "System, give me the Chakra Refining manual for now. Place the other items in the backpack for later."

The floating light curtain vanished from the sky, replaced by a booklet that materialized and descended into Feng Zichen's outstretched hand. Upon closer inspection, the booklet featured a concise layout, brimming with text and intricate patterns.

As Feng Zichen pondered where to begin, the System intervened, "Ding ~ Are you eager to swiftly learn the Chakra Refining technique?"

Startled, Feng Zichen instinctively nodded. In an instant, the booklet in his hand transformed into a white light, merging seamlessly into his mind. A torrent of information surged into his consciousness, imprinting the Chakra Refining technique deep within, a knowledge that felt indelible, unforgettable, and bound to last a lifetime.

Experiencing the sudden infusion of Chakra Refining knowledge, Feng Zichen was flabbergasted. Could it really be this easy? To absorb all Cultivation techniques at the blink of an eye, never to forget?

Filled with hope, Feng Zichen asked, "Can I learn Ninjutsu or other skills in the same way? Some intricate Ninjutsu can be difficult to learn. Without the proper innate talent, mastering them is impossible. If all Ninjutsu can be acquired like this, I won't have to worry."

In response to Feng Zichen's eager anticipation, the System continued to empower him, "Yes, all Ninjutsu, Illusion Techniques, or Taijutsu can be acquired swiftly. However, achieving proficiency and mastering minor nuances will require the host's dedication."

Delighted by this revelation, Feng Zichen exclaimed, "Truly fantastic!" The Hokage Exchange System indeed possessed extraordinary capabilities.

Buoyed by newfound confidence, Feng Zichen earnestly initiated his first Cultivation session in this alien world, diligently following the Chakra Refining method imprinted in his mind. This crucial moment would determine the course of his life. Soon, he would discover his innate Chakra talent.

However, the outcome left him perplexed. After less than half an hour with closed eyes, Feng Zichen's bewildered gaze searched the surroundings.

"What's going on here?"