Chapter 3 Kunia that Pig

Before the waterfall, Feng Zichen, who had been concentrating on refining Chakra through Cultivation, opened his eyes in less than half an hour, looking perplexed. "What's happening?"

Initially concerned about his innate talent for Chakra refinement, Feng Zichen was astonished to discover that in just ten minutes, he had refined the first strand of Chakra within his body. The speed took him aback, feeling almost unbelievably smooth.

Sensing the subtle energy within his body, Feng Zichen explored the pathways of his Chakra, experiencing a warm, almost palpable trace—a characteristic hallmark of Chakra. But how could he refine it so quickly?

Baffled, Feng Zichen turned to the all-knowing System once again. "System, why is everything going so smoothly for me?"

The System responded matter-of-factly, "There's nothing strange about it. This system selects hosts based on their unparalleled Chakra innate talent from Earth. Since the Hokage Exchange System chose you as its host, your Chakra innate talent is naturally exceptional. Cultivation progress proceeds normally and smoothly..."

"Is that so? Am I the most proficient in Chakra innate talent on Earth?" Feng Zichen was taken aback. In his previous life, he was an ordinary high school student with nothing outstanding. Realizing he was unmatched in Chakra innate talent was an incomprehensible feeling for Feng Zichen...

Shaking off the enigmatic thoughts, Feng Zichen closed his eyes and resumed the Chakra refinement process. Despite possessing exceptional talent, he understood that it still required dedicated efforts to progress.

As time elapsed, Feng Zichen became increasingly absorbed in the world of Cultivation. Unbeknownst to him, he entered a state of ideal concentration—a state of bliss.

His Chakra refinement rate accelerated dramatically, shifting from surprisingly fast to downright astonishing. The Chakra within his body grew rapidly, evolving from a mere trace to a strand, then swiftly expanded to a warm current the size of a soybean. It circulated endlessly through Feng Zichen's Chakra Pathway within his body.

The surge in his inner strength, comparable to a minor enhancement, thrilled Feng Zichen, leaving him nearly intoxicated by its effects.

After an indeterminate duration, the Chakra refined within Feng Zichen's body had surpassed the thickness of his fingers. Gradually experiencing a sense of fullness and satisfaction, he snapped out of his ecstatic state. Feeling jubilant, he had unconsciously reached the threshold of Genin. By accumulating more Chakra and activating the Chakra cyclone at specific acupuncture points within his body, he would officially attain Genin status.

This unforeseen pace led Feng Zichen to marvel at the advantage of exceptional innate talent. Typically, Ninjas in the Naruto World required two or three years to accumulate Chakra reserves equivalent to those of a Genin (excluding those with exceptional physical attributes or Chakra reserves). For Feng Zichen, achieving Genin's Chakra reserves wouldn't take two or three days, leaving him speechless at the disparity.

"Is this what it feels like to be a peerless genius? It's truly different, absolutely thrilling..." Feng Zichen reminisced about his unremarkable high school life in his previous existence. If only he had possessed this innate talent in his studies...

"Hehe... What's the use of thinking about it now? I've begun anew in this realm; it's time to let go of everything from my previous life! Embracing this rebirth, I should move forward!!!" Determination glimmered in Feng Zichen's clear eyes as he reaffirmed his resolve.

"Alright! Now that the path to expertise is clear, I must stay committed. The first step is reaching Genin level through Cultivation and start..." Feng Zichen declared with conviction, but then...

"Gu gu ~" A series of peculiar sounds emanated from his stomach, freezing Feng Zichen's previously vibrant expression.

"I'm so hungry... starving..." The unexpected hunger made Feng Zichen's ambitions disappear instantly. Gripping his stomach in slight pain, he wondered how he could be this hungry. He had never experienced such intense hunger before...

By the way, Chakra! Feng Zichen, after some contemplation, perceived that Chakra is the amalgamation of human Spiritual Force and physical strength. But how could I have withdrawn such a significant amount of physical strength from my body just now?

Resisting the growing hunger within him like a rising tide, Feng Zichen stood up and surveyed his surroundings. The sky that had once stretched endlessly for thousands of miles was slowly losing its clarity, hinting that this Cultivation might take longer than he anticipated.

No, finding food is a priority; otherwise, forget about the path of expertise—I'll starve to death first, Feng Zichen thought to himself, albeit secretly.

Even though his stomach growled incessantly, Feng Zichen remembered System's advice. Instead of seeking food, he dashed into Fell Woods, the most perilous area, not to find sustenance but to deliver food to the Demon Beasts.

Although the protection barriers remained intact, System had cautioned that these barriers only prevented active attacks from Demon Beasts. Provoking them intentionally would be futile, so he had to be prepared.

First on the list was the Ninja Tool Pouch bestowed upon him by System. As expected, it contained a Kunai, two ninja darts, three Explosive Tags, and four medical bandages—nothing more.

Feng Zichen hefted the dark kunai, testing its weight, then instinctively thrust it with full force. The sound of a breaking wind, "哧 ~," startled him.

My own strength… Feng Zichen clenched his fist, Chakra concentrating on it, and struck a rock nearby with a powerful punch.

A dull thud followed, leaving a fist print about half an inch deep on the boulder. Tiny cracks splintered out like a spider's web from the impact point. This single punch shattered the sturdy rock, astonishing even Feng Zichen, its creator. He hadn't expected such formidable power from his Chakra, especially without reaching the Genin level yet. This boosted his confidence for the upcoming hunting trip.

Securing the Ninja Tool Pouch around his thigh, reminiscent of the ninjas in the Naruto World, Feng Zichen retrieved the basic Three-Style Jutsu provided by System and learned it promptly, just like the Chakra Refining Manual.

Upon feeling Three-Style Jutsu in his mind, Feng Zichen grinned—it was mastered instantly.

Three-Style Jutsu referred to the trio of fundamental Ninjutsu that every ninja in the Naruto World must learn: Clone Jutsu, Transformation Jutsu, and Body Substitution Jutsu. Despite being Ninjutsu with the lowest difficulty and weakest power, they were classified as Righteous Sect Ninjutsu...

Eager to experiment with his lifelong dream of Ninjutsu from his past life, Feng Zichen couldn't wait.

"Clone Jutsu!" With a low exclamation, Feng Zichen executed the hand seals. There was a puff of smoke, and two Feng Zichens appeared before the waterfall. One smiled vibrantly, radiating vitality, while the other mirrored the smile but lacked any emotional fluctuation—a clone of Feng Zichen.

However, despite its identical appearance to the original, the clone came with various drawbacks. It lacked attack capabilities and merely mimicked the caster's movements. Furthermore, it was perceptibly a clone, and upon close inspection, its weak points were discernible. Its most significant disadvantage: it had no defensive capabilities and dissipated upon receiving even the slightest attack. These limitations relegated Clone Jutsu to one of the most basic Low-Rank Ninjutsu in the Hokage World.

Next up was the Transformation Jutsu. Performing the hand seals, Feng Zichen's eyes flashed, and a puff of smoke transformed him into the renowned superstar Andy Lau from his previous life.

Gazing at his celebrity-like reflection in the river, Feng Zichen chuckled at the truth behind the saying "eight people in real life."

With a loud bang, he reverted to his true form and then proceeded to execute the Body Substitution Jutsu. The hand seals triggered its activation, causing Feng Zichen to vanish in a puff of smoke, leaving behind a wooden log.

Emerging from the smoke twenty meters away under a massive tree, Feng Zichen observed the wooden log in the distance. This Body Substitution Jutsu was practical, swiftly swapping oneself with an object at a certain distance to avoid fatal injuries. It consumed minimal Chakra, activated swiftly, and required only a seal imprint, making it a more advanced technique than Clone Jutsu and Transformation Jutsu—often employed even by Jonin-level experts. It was deemed the most practical among the basic Three-Style Jutsu.

Ahem, getting back on track. Successfully utilizing Three-Style Jutsu, Feng Zichen experienced the first real application of Ninjutsu in his two lifetimes, exuding an air of exhilaration. If it weren't for the insistent hunger gnawing at his stomach, he might have basked in this excitement for much longer.

Buoyed by newfound strength, Feng Zichen, wielding the black Kunai, ventured cautiously into the primeval jungle, on a quest to sate his constantly protesting stomach.

"According to System, this is the outskirts of Fell Woods. Although there aren't high-level Demon Beasts here, numerous second to fifth-order Demon Beasts abound. Even these low-level ones are equivalent to Genin or Chunin-class strength. I'm no match for them, especially since they're often in groups of dozens or hundreds."

Feng Zichen, akin to a famished lone wolf, infused Chakra into his legs, maneuvering swiftly and attentively through the jungle. His keen eyes remained vigilant, scouting for potential prey.

After an extensive search, Feng Zichen failed to find a suitable target. Either the adversaries were too powerful or in overwhelming numbers, making it challenging to initiate an attack. As his stomach protested louder, Feng Zichen grew anxious. Determined, he resolved that if he couldn't find a suitable Demon Beast soon, he'd have to confront some trickier targets...

Fortunately, Feng Zichen's luck wasn't entirely bleak. Just as he was on the verge of desperation, he finally stumbled upon a solitary Demon Beast—a Unicorn Fire Pig.

A fourth-order Demon Beast, the Unicorn Fire Pig boasted lower attack potency, higher defense, and a single method of attack—an innate talent for Arcane Arts: a fire bomb. It was an ideal starting target for many lower-strength Mages or Martial Artists, although Feng Zichen remained oblivious to this fact. He chose the Unicorn Fire Pig purely for the hundreds of pounds of succulent pork...

Observing the majestic fire pig leisurely near the tree, Feng Zichen's throat felt dry, his eyes glinting with an intense hunger. Moving cautiously, Feng Zichen grew somewhat nervous; after all, this was his first direct confrontation with such a creature.

As his stomach growled, Feng Zichen was wary of alerting the beast while approaching. He halted at a distance of more than XNUMX meters from the Unicorn Fire Pig, taking cover behind a large tree, silently catching his breath, his nerves on edge.

Stay calm! Stay calm! Feng Zichen continually reassured himself, gradually calming his nerves and regaining his confidence by channeling Chakra within him, feeling the surge of strength coursing through his veins.

With the sharp Kunai in hand,