Chapter 4 Eat the Pig

Here's a revised version:

"Hmm..." The sound of sharp blades echoed, but Feng Zichen's expression changed slightly; no blood spattered.

He witnessed the Kunai slicing through the relatively soft side abdomen of the unicorn fire pig, leaving behind a long white mark. Despite a slight change in blood color, the defensive power of this creature caught Feng Zichen off guard and sank his heart.

Reacting to the sudden attack, the unicorn fire pig, far from being a pushover, roared lowly and ferociously charged at Feng Zichen. The unicorn flashed a glint of cold light as it rushed.

With no combat experience, Feng Zichen found himself in a state of panic, unsure of what to do. Instinctively, he leaped backward, surprisingly jumping seven or eight meters high, landing on the thick branches of a large tree.

Momentarily losing its target, the unicorn fire pig failed to adjust its course and rammed straight into the thick tree trunk. The sharp unicorn deeply embedded itself due to the powerful sprint, stuck and unable to pull out.

Amazed by his newfound jumping ability, Feng Zichen realized the dramatic situation with the one-horned fire pig and recognized this as a heaven-sent opportunity. He quickly infused Chakra into his Kunai, leaped from the tree, and aimed to pierce the unicorn's neck.

The strike finally had an effect. Empowered by Chakra, the Kunai pierced straight into the neck of the unicorn fire pig. Breaking through the resilient pigskin, it plunged into flesh, causing blood to splash.

This fierce blow took a toll. Enhanced by Chakra, the sharp Kunai successfully penetrated the unicorn fire pig's neck. The creature howled painfully; its round eyes turned blood-red as a faint crimson light enveloped its towering body.

This isn't good! Although uncertain of what was happening, Feng Zichen instinctively understood it was trouble. Struggling to retrieve the Kunai, he swiftly scrambled back up the tree.

The unicorn fire pig erupted in rage. Arcane Arts conjured a radiant red light around it. Elements converged on the unicorn, culminating in the unleashing of its innate talent—Arcane Arts: the flame bomb.

"Boom..." The resulting explosion blew a one-meter square hole in the two-feet-thick tree, revealing a formidable power that made Feng Zichen's heart skip a beat. This power seemed comparable to a C-Rank Ninjutsu—Great Fireball Jutsu, perhaps?

The explosion blasted a gaping hole at the base of the tree. The massive tree, dozens of meters tall, could no longer support itself and slanted to the ground.

Feng Zichen had no choice but to land on the ground, observing the one-horned fire pig's successful escape from the trap. He was both enraged and slightly confident.

With Chakra's blessing, his physical abilities had significantly improved, granting him greater strength, speed, and reflexes than an ordinary person. Facing this fourth-order Demon Beast, Feng Zichen felt a surge of confidence despite the headache caused by its extraordinary defensive force.

The wound on the unicorn fire pig's neck continued to bleed, causing the creature increasing agony. Its pain intensified its anger; a red light emanated from the unicorn, and shaking its head, it hurled a head-sized flame bomb toward Feng Zichen.

Startled, Feng Zichen realized the potency of the previous attack. Facing this blow, he knew it could mean life or death.

Not daring to underestimate the situation, Feng Zichen swiftly ducked and rolled to narrowly evade the flames. As he looked up, a looming shadow enveloped him—the one-horned fire pig charged over angrily, slamming its front hooves down with force.

A thunderous boom reverberated as the mighty impact shook the earth. The ground scattered debris, and spiderweb-like cracks sprawled outwards. If hit directly by such formidable power, even a Chunin would struggle to endure it.

Confident in the attack's strength, the unicorn fire pig flashed a hint of pride in its blood-red eyes.

As the dust settled, revealing what lay beneath the one-horned fire pig's iron hooves, it wasn't Feng Zichen, but a mere wooden log!

Perplexed, the one-horned fire pig seemed confused, wondering how a living person had turned into wood. It anxiously circled around, trying to make sense of the odd situation.

Meanwhile, ten meters away from the fallen tree, Feng Zichen, still catching his breath, leaned against a tree trunk, observing the bewildered one-horned fire pig nearby. He muttered to himself, "That was close. At the critical moment, I quickly initiated the Body Substitution Jutsu, replacing myself with a piece of wood to escape."

His stomach growled in protest, and a hungry Feng Zichen sighed inwardly. He had intended to test his combat skills against a beast; after all, opportunities to face such a straightforward opponent with a single legitimate attack method were rare.

"For the sake of my hunger, I'll have to resort to trickery..." Feng Zichen muttered. His right hand touched his thigh, retrieving a ninja dart and an Explosive Tag from his Ninja Tool Pouch.

In the world of Naruto, an Explosive Tag was a bomb-like Ninja Tool known for its formidable power and ease of use. Even Chunin and Jonin-level experts would perish if caught in its blast. Although the unicorn fire pig possessed strong defense, it would surely be affected by the Explosive Tag's might.

Carefully tying the Explosive Tag to the dart, Feng Zichen, who wasn't confident in his accuracy, clenched his teeth and emerged from behind the tree.

Here's a revised version:

The unicorn fire pig quickly spotted the detestable human and, with its simplistic mind, surged with anger once more. It charged ferociously at Feng Zichen.

Feng Zichen felt flustered for a moment but managed to regain his composure. Gripping the dart with the Explosive Tag tightly, he assessed the distance between them.

Twenty meters, fifteen, ten... As the one-horned fire pig approached, Feng Zichen's eyes glinted. He leaped lightly onto a large tree branch. The unicorn fire pig, a simple-minded fourth-order Demon Beast, tragically slammed into a stout tree trunk once again, getting stuck.

However, this time, it refrained from using Arcane Arts. Feng Zichen was pleased to see it unfold just as he expected. With the dart carrying the Explosive Tag in hand, he hurled it vigorously, aiming directly at the severely injured neck of the unicorn fire pig.

Simultaneously, Feng Zichen sprinted toward another nearby tree and dashed away from the scene. As he tossed the dart...

The dart hit the unicorn fire pig's neck, and the attached Explosive Tag detonated.

A deafening "Boom..." reverberated as the explosive force sent the several hundred-pound unicorn fire pig flying four to five meters away. The one-to-two-meter thick trees were shattered, leaving a half-meter-deep crater in the ground.

Rushing over from a distance, Feng Zichen marveled at the destructive sight. "The formidable power of this Explosive Tag is immense. Those hundred redemption points in the System seem justified..."

The one-horned fire pig let out miserable cries, riddled with injuries all over. Its neck had a gaping hole, oozing blood.

"Ah, what's that?" Feng Zichen's eyes caught something shiny in the head of the unicorn fire pig. He approached and extracted it with his kunai—a fiery red spar.

Feng Zichen pondered, "Could this be the Demonic Core? It looks like it..." He inquired of the System, "Is this the Demonic Core from another world?"

The System confirmed, "Yes, it's a Fire Attribute fourth-order demonic core, convertible into six hundred exchange points. Convert it?"

"Convert..." Feng Zichen was overjoyed upon discovering it was a Demonic Core. A fourth-order Demonic Core, exchangeable for six hundred points—why wouldn't he convert it? A C-Rank Ninjutsu could be at his fingertips. A higher-ranked Demonic Core might even yield more exchange points...

Yet, Feng Zichen understood that obtaining higher-ranked Demonic Cores wasn't as easy. Battling this fourth-order Demon Beast had been perilous enough, relying on Explosive Tags to secure victory quickly. Higher-ranked Demon Beasts would pose greater challenges. The stronger they were, the less effective Explosive Tags became. Hence, relying on personal strength would be imperative.

But that was a concern for the future. Feng Zichen, eyeing the several hundred pounds of meat, felt his mouth water. Approaching the unicorn fire pig, he grabbed its front hoof, attempting to drag it. Fortunately, with the Chakra's enhanced strength, he could manage to pull it toward the waterfall.

Straining, Feng Zichen pulled the unicorn fire pig for some distance until, exhausted, he sat panting in front of the waterfall. It had been quite an effort.

After a brief rest, excitedly, Feng Zichen began cooking and hoisted the hefty pork onto the fire. Ignoring his ravenous hunger, he roasted the meat cut into pieces using his kunai. After several hours of roasting, the fragrant aroma of the roasted pork leg filled the air. Feng Zichen swore it was the longest wait he had endured, but the moment of devouring was akin to satisfying a starving ghost.

"Mmm, it's so aromatic, truly a Demon Beast meat from another world—it's delicious," Feng Zichen remarked, devouring the pork at a quick pace. He finished a few fat pig legs in no time, despite his stomach being only halfway full. Grilling a few more pieces, Feng Zichen nearly consumed the entire pig, satiated.

Finally full, Feng Zichen slumped to the ground, a contented smile adorning his face. This Demon Beast's meat was distinct; even regular pork couldn't compare. It was pure, natural, devoid of additives or preservatives.

Despite the meal, Feng Zichen hadn't forgotten his earlier aspirations. After tidying up, he sat cross-legged and commenced "Chakra Refining."

The recent battle had revealed the potency of Chakra, and it motivated Feng Zichen further in his cultivation. He felt exhilarated by the power it conferred. Seeing the opportunity granted by fate to transcend the ordinary, Feng Zichen resolved to put in extra effort as a transmigrator.

Firm in his decision, Feng Zichen pondered on the strength of the masters in this Star Continent and what kind of power he'd need to avoid being bullied. Rushing into human society without strength wasn't a prudent idea. Hence, he decided to cultivate in Fell Woods for several years.

Fell Woods offered a sparsely populated area with countless Demon Beasts—a perfect place to accumulate strength while saving up exchange points. Energy blocks were challenging to obtain outside, making Fell Woods a suitable location.

Moreover, the place teemed with free sparring partners, ideal for honing fighting instincts and gaining experience. Being an otaku in his previous life, Feng Zichen hadn't engaged in many battles, lacking experience.

With these benefits, why wouldn't Feng Zichen stay? At that moment, he resolved not to leave Fell Woods until reaching a certain level of strength.

When Feng Zichen finally stepped out of Fell Woods, he intended to make the whole of Star Continent tremble at his might! His eyes gleamed with an unprecedented determination, almost palpable in its intensity.

Star Continent, await my arrival! !! !!