Chapter 7 The Strongest Attack vs the Strongest Defense

Deep within Fell Woods, the valley once claimed by the overlord, Three Eyed Vajra Ape, had transformed into a massive lake, all brought about by Feng Zichen standing atop the water's surface.

With one hand gripping the top of an exceptionally tall tree trunk, Three Eyed Vajra Ape gazed at the vast expanse of water with a hint of shock.

The scope of this terrifying Arcane Arts was nearly comparable to a Forbidden Spell, albeit slightly less in sheer power. Who exactly was this human? At such a young age, how could they possess such prodigious innate talents in Arcane Arts?

Before Three Eyed Vajra Ape could draw any conclusions, Feng Zichen had initiated an attack. "Shadow Clone Jutsu..." Boom! Boom! Boom! Three Shadow Clones emerged, standing beside Feng Zichen.

Feng Zichen grinned. A Fire Attribute Demon Beast? Then I shall employ Water-Style against you. Atop the waters I purposefully created, my Water-Style prowess can ascend to greater heights.

One "Feng Zichen" swiftly made hand seals on the left, striking the water's surface: "Water-Style: Water Dragon Whip!" A thick water whip surged from the water, rushing toward Three Eyed Vajra Ape like thunder.

Another "Feng Zichen," expressionless, performed hand seals in rapid succession: "Water-Style: Water Blade!" A water blade about one zhang in size sliced through the water's surface, hurtling toward Three Eyed Vajra Ape.

Simultaneously, the "Feng Zichen" on the right completed intricate hand seals and clapped the water's surface: "Water-Style: Water Bomb!"

A creature akin to a snake and a dragon surged across the water, roaring toward Three Eyed Vajra Ape.

All at once, the three formidable powers of the water whip, water blade, and water beast surged forth, almost exploding toward Three Eyed Vajra Ape simultaneously, creating a wave on the water's surface.

Three Eyed Vajra Ape was perturbed. As a Fire Attribute Demon Beast, it wouldn't be vanquished by Water Element Arcane Arts, but it certainly didn't welcome water.

However, as the reigning pride of Fell Woods for centuries, Three Eyed Vajra Ape couldn't afford to retreat.

Drenched in a dazzling red glow, Three Eyed Vajra Ape's palms trembled in front of its chest, summoning a layer of flame barrier that soared against the wind, transforming into a colossal wall of flame.

The water whip, water blade, and water beast roared, colliding with the wall of flames. Though seemingly fragile, the barrier was unexpectedly robust. The three potent Ninjutsu crashed against it, creating ripples that eventually dissipated.

Three Eyed Vajra Ape's eyes flashed fiercely as its hands pressed against the flame barrier, growling, "Level 9 Arcane Arts, Xuan Fireball!"

Gathering rich Arcane Fire Yuan elements from the air, the rays of light on the wall of flames were extinguished, and a dark red Fireball several feet in size hurtled toward Feng Zichen.

Witnessing his series of attacks having no effect, Feng Zichen was astonished. This Three Eyed Vajra Ape's strength was truly formidable. This attack might have severely injured a Ninth Order Demon Beast. Its strength was carried effortlessly.

Seeing that this Fireball was several times larger than his previous Great Fireball Jutsu, Feng Zichen's expression turned grave. With hands forming seals rapidly, he shouted, "Water-Style: Water Wall!"

A massive wall of water surged from the depths, blocking in front of Feng Zichen. The original Water Wall technique was only B-Rank Ninjutsu, equivalent to seventh and eighth-level Arcane Arts on the Xingchen Continent. It should have been enough to halt Three Eyed Vajra Ape's Level 9 Arcane Arts, albeit with difficulty. However, Feng Zichen deliberately infused Chakra reserves equivalent to A-Rank Ninjutsu, allowing it to withstand the attack.

The dark red Fireball struck the water wall, triggering a violent shockwave. The water wall remained intact, providing a momentary relief to Feng Zichen, until the Fireball suddenly fragmented into hundreds of smaller Fireballs, bypassing the water wall and hurtling toward him.

Feng Zichen's heart skipped a beat. Still, this tactic? Reacting instinctively, he completed a hand seal, attempting to counter the barrage of hundreds of small Fireballs.

In Three Eyed Vajra Ape's fierce eyes, a gleam of light appeared. Hit the mark? Though this Arcane Arts move wasn't its ultimate, it was among its trump cards. It was skeptical that such an unconventional attack could be easily countered by this young human.

"Lightning-Style: Raikiri!!!" thundered a loud shout from the right of Three Eyed Vajra Ape, shattering its expectations. The creature swiftly turned, witnessing the human youngster suddenly appearing to its right, wielding a highly condensed ball of lightning hurtling towards itself. The sharp aura assaulted its senses, sending Three Eyed Vajra Ape into a panic, realizing this strike was entirely different from previous Arcane Arts.

"The flame protects Kinoe!" Three Eyed Vajra Ape promptly invoked its strongest defense, Arcane Arts, summoning a swiftly spreading layer of dark-red Flame armor, Kinoe, enveloping itself in solid flame protection.

Feng Zichen's countenance turned icy as the incredibly cohesive Raikiri in his hand grew more powerful under the influence of high-speed movement. His eyes suddenly turned blood-red, three lacquer-black tomoe embedded within them, imparting an eerie and mysterious appearance.

It was the Sharingan! One of the Naruto World's Three Great Dojutsu, the Sharingan possessed the Eyes of Cursing and Eyes of Ominous. Sharingan reigned supreme in the Naruto World, renowned for its power and enigmatic nature. When reaching the Mangekyo Level, it became even more terrifying. The array of Sharingan secret techniques were incredibly potent.

In some circles on Earth from his past life, there was even a saying that referred to the Naruto World as the Dojutsu World, emphasizing the pervasive power of Sharingan and Rinnegan throughout the Hokage plotline.

While somewhat exaggerated, it underscored the potency of the Sharingan, a kekkei genkai Dojutsu. As a dedicated Naruto fan, how could Feng Zichen pass up the opportunity to attain this formidable Kekkei Genkai? He had redeemed it early and gradually advanced it to the three-tomoe Level.

Raikiri, this penetrating A-Rank Ninjutsu, required cooperation with the Sharingan to achieve heightened formidable power. Feng Zichen was no longer concealing his abilities. After the previous setback, he exercised great caution and aimed not to stall but to vanquish with his utmost strength.

Powerful lightning blasted the water's surface, carving a long gash under Feng Zichen's super-high-speed movement.

"Take this..." Feng Zichen yelled, flashing beside Three Eyed Vajra Ape. Raikiri's lightning flashed across the flame guard Kinoe in his hand, creating a harsh collision sound.

Raikiri bore into the flame protection Kinoe like a drill. The potent lightning fully condensed its formidable power. In the incredulous eyes of Three Eyed Vajra Ape, Feng Zichen's Raikiri on his right hand acted like a sharp knife. Its sturdy flame protection Kinoe fractured halfway through, and even the reduced lightning blade remained terrifying, gouging a deep hole into the chest of Three Eyed Vajra Ape, exposing bone.

Three Eyed Vajra Ape's eyes turned blood-red, seething with anger. Its long tail lashed out at Feng Zichen like a whip of lightning, issuing a mad scream, inflicting substantial harm.

With a sweeping motion, Three Eyed Vajra Ape unleashed a large-scale fire sea technique. The flames, encompassing the sky and the earth, blanketed the entire lake, the scorching heat evaporating the water little by little.

Feng Zichen had to act swiftly, pulling out a paintbrush and drawing paper, swiftly sketching a male hawk. "Ninjutsu: Super Beast Painting!" The male hawk within the painting suddenly spread its wings and soared out of the paper. Feng Zichen swiftly mounted the eagle's back, directing it to soar high above the fiery sea's range.

The water level gradually receded, as did the flames. Before long, the lake's water and flames were extinguished.

Three Eyed Vajra Ape landed, blood still oozing from its chest, only fueling its frenzy.

"Human, you have truly enraged me. Prepare to meet your end next..." Three Eyed Vajra Ape declared, both eyes shut, and it remained motionless for a few moments. Then, its eyes trembled.

Observing the anomaly, Feng Zichen was taken aback. Is it... bad! Acting swiftly, Feng Zichen urgently commanded the male hawk to descend and jumped off its back. He erased the drawn eagle in haste, his eyes filled with solemnity and dread.

If Feng Zichen was correct, the Three Eyed Vajra Ape was about to unleash Fell Woods' Forbidden Jutsu—the Divine Light Destruction.

"In that case, it seems I must resort to my trump card..." Feng Zichen thought to himself.

Three Eyed Vajra Ape's face radiated a murderous intent, and the third eye at its forehead finally opened. What kind of eyes were those!

Nested within the narrow pupils were two golden rings. As it locked eyes with Feng Zichen, a feeling of transmigration through space and time enveloped him—a pair of indifferent and murderous eyes that interrupted Feng Zichen's thoughts.

The golden pupils in Three Eyed Vajra Ape's three eyes were radiating beams of light. After a prolonged preparation, it unleashed a golden divine light, hurtling towards Feng Zichen.

"Destroy Divine Light!!!"

Every pore on Feng Zichen's body exploded with an unprecedented sense of threat, realizing he had been targeted. It was futile to attempt to escape with Body Flicker Jutsu or Body Substitution Jutsu. He had no choice but to stand firm and receive the attack.

Feng Zichen swiftly performed hand seals, clasping his hands together and shouted, "Summoning Jutsu, Triple Rashomon!!!"

"Rumble~" After several thunderous noises, three dark and mysterious gates rose, standing like three mountains in front of Feng Zichen. This was Feng Zichen's most potent defensive Ninjutsu, Triple Rashomon.

Mie Rashomon could withstand all attacks below S-Rank, except Illusion Techniques. It was exclusively designed for defense and cost him XNUMX exchange points, leaving him quite content with its defensive capabilities. Previously, no attack had managed to breach even one Rashomon, let alone a super-defense comprising three Rashomons.

However, this time Feng Zichen was somewhat apprehensive. While the Triple Rashomon defense was robust, Three Eyed Vajra Ape's lethal move—Divine Light Destruction—was equally infamous. It was known to eradicate those who dared to challenge it or any Demon Beast of repute. The name alone instilled fear; Feng Zichen wondered if Triple Rashomon could withstand such power this time.