Chapter 8 Redemption Point

Three Eyed Vajra Ape, driven by severe injury, unleashed the Forbidden Jutsu—Destruction Divine Light—disregarding its physical condition.

His very confident in this move, Three Eyed Vajra Ape. Even though he witnessed the release of the three gates by Feng Zichen, appearing incredibly strong in defense, he still have faith in the power of Forbidden Spell. After all, Three Eyed Vajra Ape managed to slay the tenth-order Sacred Realm Demon Beast with this very technique!

Yes, a tenth-order Sacred Realm Demon Beast! In Xingchen Continent, a Sacred Realm expert holds a revered status. Even the Imperial Family of the Three Great Empires shows deference when encountering a Sacred Realm expert.

In the world of Demon Beasts, the hierarchy is even more stringent, and the gap between ranks is immense, especially between the Ninth Order and Sacred Realm. Even a severely injured tenth-order Sacred Realm Demon Beast is not something a Ninth Order Demon Beast can easily vanquish. Yet, Three Eyed Vajra Ape succeeded in killing a severely injured tenth-order Sacred Realm Demon Beast using the power of the Forbidden Jutsu—Destruction Divine Light.

The dazzling golden light, brimming with a lingering aura of menace, shattered the void and forcefully struck the triple Rashomon.

Feng Zichen only heard an incredibly sharp impact and beheld a sight that made his heart skip a beat—

Despite the defensive capabilities of the triple Rashomon, the power of the Destruction Divine Light prevailed. The golden light struck the first Rashomon, tearing a large hole with its terrifying force. Advancing to the second gate, the formidable power of the Destruction Divine Light seemed boundless; it instantly shattered the second gate. The third gate resisted for a while, eventually succumbing after absorbing most of the Divine Light's power.

The incredible force of the Destruction Divine Light was terrifying!

For the first time, Feng Zichen was genuinely stunned; his impeccably sturdy defense Ninjutsu had been breached? The formidable power of the Destruction Divine Light was truly abnormal...

However, although Feng Zichen's triple Rashomon couldn't entirely stop the devastating Divine Light, it managed to deplete more than X% of its power. The golden light, once as thick as a thigh, now only retained the thickness of a finger.

Executing his prepared Ninjutsu, Feng Zichen exclaimed, "Earth-Style: The Art of Earth Array!" A series of deafening sounds reverberated as five earth walls suddenly sprouted, encircling Feng Zichen.

Despite thinning to the width of a finger, the Divine Light bore its own majesty and determination. It crashed through the four solid earth walls in succession and dissipated, finally powerless.

"So perilous!" Feng Zichen shook his head in astonishment. Initially intending to summon only one earth wall to withstand the force, he now realized how fortunate he was.

While Feng Zichen exulted in his fortune, Three Eyed Vajra Ape stood stunned. Its most powerful killing maneuver, the Destruction Divine Light, had been blocked by the human youngster? How was this possible? This Forbidden Spell was capable of even slaying a Sacred Realm expert...

Executing a Body Flicker Jutsu, Feng Zichen appeared beside the incapacitated Three Eyed Vajra Ape, noticing it lying paralyzed on the ground, weak in expression and aura, nearly devoid of battle strength.

Feng Zichen inferred that this formidable Forbidden Spell seemed to come with significant drawbacks when employed.

Observing the defeated creature before him, Three Eyed Vajra Ape felt a mix of emotions. For centuries within Fell Woods, it had always triumphed using the Forbidden Spell—Destruction Divine Light. How mighty was that? Yet today, it finally met its match.

Moreover, there was no shame in meeting death at the hands of such a prodigious individual like Feng Zichen, possessing such strength at such a young age. It seemed an extraordinary figure was emerging on Xingchen Continent.

With these thoughts, Three Eyed Vajra Ape remained silent. It chose to seal its sentiments, preserving its pride, and resigned itself to its fate.

Observing the compliant Three Eyed Vajra Ape, Feng Zichen hesitated for a moment, then seemingly grasped something. Afterward, the fleeting excitement in his heart dissipated.

Suppressing the inexplicable surge in his emotions, Feng Zichen retrieved the Demonic Core of Three Eyed Vajra Ape—a fiery red crystal, basketball-sized, larger than the average Ninth Order Demonic Core.

"System, how many redemption points can I receive for this Demonic Core?" Feng Zichen silently inquired.

"Ding ~ Ninth Order peak Fire Element Demonic Core, containing incredibly rich energy. It can instantly elevate you to the tenth-order sacred core and be converted into five hundred thousand points!"

"Five hundred thousand?" Feng Zichen exclaimed. Previous Ninth Order peak Demon Beast Demonic Cores only garnered two to three hundred thousand points. Yet, the Demonic Core of Three Eyed Vajra Ape is valued at five hundred thousand points?

Upon contemplation, Feng Zichen understood that while Three Eyed Vajra Ape was also a Ninth Order peak Demon Beast, the average Ninth Order peak Demon Beast wouldn't last ten moves against it. Such depth could be imagined, and the Demonic Core, as the essence of a Demon Beast's life, could be deemed invaluable in terms of redemption points.

"Five hundred thousand points? I previously spent six hundred thousand points, totaling one hundred thousand thousand. I wonder if I can redeem that one this time..." Feng Zichen pondered, activating the Hokage Exchange System.

A virtual light curtain materialized in front of Feng Zichen, and with practiced ease, he navigated to the Kekkei Genkai section.

"Red Copper Clan's Chakra-Devouring Kekkei Genkai, ordinary level, 1 exchange point… Steel Release Kekkei Genkai, powerful, X exchange points… Byakugan Kekkei Genkai, top grade, five hundred thousand exchange points; Mangekyo Sharingan, top Level, 1 million exchange points…"

Skipping through other Kekkei Genkai, Feng Zichen's focus was on the Mangekyo Sharingan, particularly the one million exchange point label.

Yes, this time, Feng Zichen intended to obtain the advanced version of the Three-Tomoe Sharingan—the Mangekyo Sharingan.

A year ago, Feng Zichen had traded for the One-Tomoe Sharingan when aiming for the potent Mangekyo Sharingan. The progression through the Sharingan series had been a financial hurdle—starting at a thousand points for the basic version, climbing to two tomoe for 200,000 points, and finally, the Three-Tomoe Sharingan for 300,000 points. It had cost Feng Zichen a total of six hundred thousand points, barely enabling him to redeem a super S-Rank Ninjutsu.

Now, to reach the Mangekyo level, another 1 million points were required, a considerable strain for Feng Zichen.

Yet, the formidable power of the Mangekyo Sharingan justified its high price.

"System, I wish to redeem the Mangekyo Sharingan!" Feng Zichen announced.

"The Hokage Exchange System offers six pairs of Mangekyo Sharingan: Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Izuna, and Uchiha Madara. Each pair possesses unique abilities. Which pair would the host like?" the System inquired.

Six pairs? Feng Zichen briefly hesitated, recollecting that the system indeed contained six pairs of Mangekyo Sharingan, each offering distinctive performances.

For instance, Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyo Sharingan specialized in Illusion Techniques, particularly his unparalleled Kotoamatsukami.

On the other hand, Uchiha Sasuke's Mangekyo Sharingan excelled in Ninjutsu, housing the left eye's Amaterasu, an unstoppable physical attack, and the right eye's Kagutsuchi, controlling all flames.

Regardless of the differences, every Mangekyo Sharingan shared a common ultimate Dojutsu—Susanoo. This incredible Dojutsu, unlocked at a certain level of Mangekyo mastery, possessed formidable power, heaven-defying defense, and the ability to summon Divine Items, offering various incredible abilities.

However, Feng Zichen wasn't inclined towards Uchiha Shisui or Sasuke. He intended to obtain the Mangekyo Sharingan of Uchiha Itachi, favoring its unique abilities.

Uchiha Itachi was a captivating character in the Naruto World, renowned for his sacrifice and righteousness. His Mangekyo Sharingan boasted the super spiritual Illusion Technique—Tsukuyomi in the left eye and the indomitable physical attack—Amaterasu in the right eye. Additionally, both eyes possessed the ultimate Dojutsu—Susanoo.

This combination made Uchiha Itachi's Mangekyo abilities Feng Zichen's preferred choice.

"Uchiha Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan requires 1 million redemption points. The host currently holds one million points. Would you like to proceed with the redemption?" the System inquired.

"Redeem!" Feng Zichen confirmed.

Upon confirmation, the System stated, "Redemption of Uchiha Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan confirmed. Detecting the host's possession of the Three-Tomoe Sharingan. Now, eye-power evolution begins…"

Feng Zichen sensed a refreshing coolness enveloping his eyes, empowering them. He felt a clear enhancement in his Sharingan's eye-power.

After a while, Feng Zichen perceived the refreshing sensation fading, witnessing a noticeable enhancement in his eyes' power. The System chimed in, "Eye-power upgrade complete. Congratulations to Host, your Sharingan has ascended to the Mangekyo Level…"

Feng Zichen opened his eyes joyfully, conjuring an ice mirror with Ice-Style power to inspect—

Reflected in the mirror were a pair of blood-red eyes. The three black tomees in the blood-colored pupils were now arranged in a rotating pattern akin to a shuriken, mysterious and intriguing.

"Indeed, Mangekyo Sharingan…" Feng Zichen exclaimed in delight, realizing his eye-power was now over ten times stronger than before. Both Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi within his eyes were at his command, and the ultimate Dojutsu—Susanoo—seemed accessible, albeit more challenging.

Could this be another benefit from the System? Feng Zichen contemplated, elated by the savings in effort. With this leap in strength, facing Three Eyed Vajra Ape again, he felt confident enough to outmaneuver it effortlessly…

"Now, even facing the devastating Divine Light won't be such a daunting task. Susanoo can immediately confront it…" Feng Zichen mused happily.