A whole new world.. A dazzling place that I never knew..

I woke up some time later.

I was laying on the ground. Slowly getting up and looking around I saw that I was surrounded by trees. Lots of trees.

I was in a forest.


I screamed her name to the top of my lungs. After my lungs gave out, I stayed silent and listened, hoping for a voice to respond to my call.

But I got nothing….. No one answered me.

I knew it wouldn't be that easy but I just had to try. I decided to climb one of the trees to get a better look at my surroundings.

Looking out from the top of the trees, I could confirm that I was indeed in a forest. A very big one at that. Even with my enhanced vision I couldn't see anything but trees for miles. No sign of civilization or people anywhere. Only a few random animal calls were picked up by my ears signifying that there was indeed some form of life on this planet.

Just as I'd planned to get down, at the edge of my vision I noticed a black dot getting larger and larger. For a second I stood there squinting trying to identify the object but the moment I could recognize the object, I immediately scampered down the tree and ran.


That "object" was in fact a giant black bird that resembled a hawk. Only, it was at least the size of a small house.

I tried to hide under the cover of a tree but the moment I looked back to check if it had noticed me, I locked eyes with the beast. They were ice blue. And looked hungry...


It was after me. I immediately took off in a random direction.


As if challenged by my decision to run, the giant hawk screeched louder.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!Shit!Shit!"

I was fast. Moving at 50 meters per second but it seemed it was gaining on me. I kept running hoping to lose it under the cover of the trees or find a cave to hid in or something.

But I had no such luck.

It's eyes were glued on me and there was nothing but trees around.

Finally, I could feel the wind generated by its wings on my back. It was do or die time.

Taking my sword from my back, I jumped towards a tree and kicked off of it propelling myself into the sky. I twisted my body in midair and struck my sword upwards.


I'd managed to cut one of its wings, creating a bloody gash underneath. But before I could celebrate, I was knocked from the sky with its other wing and propelled to the ground at such force that for a second, I thought I was going to die. I closed my eyes and waited for impact.

An impact did happen but not as heavily as I'd thought. Sure the wind was knocked out of my lungs and my back hurt like hell, but I wasn't dead. McGucket's Shield ring was working great!

I didn't take my time getting up. Searching in the sky, I quickly found the bird. It was trying to stay in flight with the wounded wing. But it was obviously failing as it was slowly getting lower and lower to the ground.

I quickly charged towards it passing by all of the trees in agile and fluid movements. Once I gauged I was close enough, I lept off of tree and once again propelled myself towards the beast.


This time I managed to get the other wing and it finally fell out of the sky completely.

I landed. Thanks to the boots, which absorbed the impact of landing from such a height, my legs felt nothing from the fall. I made my way to the beast, which still hadn't given up yet.

Despite both its wings being injured it still pecked towards me with its beak.

I dodged all of the attacks and took my chance to slip underneath its neck when it had finally slowed down its attacks. The massive blood loss from its wings was affecting it.

With one quick slash, I'd severed its head from the rest of its body.

Taking the moment to recover my breath, I finally relaxed my tense body.

"Big stupid birds... I outta eat you."

But I wouldn't. Great Uncle Ford taught me to never eat something that I didn't know. Unless, of course, it was my last resort.

I sat down and decided what to do next. After a bit of thinking, I decided to keep moving in one direction for as long as I can until I can't anymore. After every hour or so of traveling I'd climb a tree and check for an area that isn't forest.

With a plan in mind, I decisively headed out.

And not a moment too soon. Not long after I'd left the area where I killed the bird, I heard multiple loud roars coming from that direction. It seemed the scent of blood had attracted many beasts.

"Glad I got out of there."

It would seem that I'd spoke too soon. Dead ahead of me was a light gray wolf. It looked exactly the same as the wolves on Earth except that it had pale white eyes that seemed to glow. It immediately lowered its body in an attacking stance the moment it noticed me, and let off a low threatening growl. Staring coldly at me, it slowly advanced.

Once again taking out my sword, I dashed towards the wolf and swung.

I missed.

The wolf moved lightning fast, dodging my attack with ease. No normal wolf could do that. It swung its claw at me intending to injure my chest.

I sidestepped it and attacked again.

Once again. Miss.

And like that we slowly exchanged attacks with neither of us landing a hit. It seemed like the fight would never end.

After a while, the wolf slowly began to tire. Thankfully for me, the boots made it easier for me to move. So not only did they increase my speed, they inadvertently increased my stamina. Taking another swing with my sword, I managed to cut its side.


It howled in pain. I took another stab and managed to create a deep wound in its shoulder blade. Since it was injured, it was much easier to attack.

With another couple of hits, it was dead.

I finally managed to catch my breath after the attack and once again headed away, knowing that the screams of the wolf and the scent of its blood would attract more beasts.

Not too long after I left the area, I encountered another beast...….

This was going to be a pain in the ass....