We did it for the GLORY!

As such, 4 months passed.

During the day, I traveled and searched for something. Anything. Other than trees, trees, beasts, and more trees.

At night, I hid from the beasts and tried to get as much sleep in as I could before I had to set out again in the morning. In this time, besides a few ancient ruins that hinted at human civilization, I found no other traces of people. I was beginning to think there weren't any left.

It was midday and I was once again resting on a thick branch of a tree. I learned quickly that the ground wasn't safe. There was nothing stopping the beasts from coming at you. They easily found your scent if it was on the forest floor. So I learned how to use the trees as cover as I moved through the forest. I also learned how to detect when a beast was near.

Speaking of detecting beasts, here comes lunch. A month ago I'd run out of food so I had to find another source of food to eat. I followed a fox-bear-like beast one day and discovered that the beasts ate one another, not like I hadn't already assumed that. But just to be sure, I had to see it for myself. After that I followed that fox-bear for days and it showed no sign of being poisoned or dying. And so I decided it was safe to eat the beasts.... I ate that fox-bear…..

Today's lunch was a nice and healthy little bunny rabbit. It was about 2 feet tall and had ears the same length. It was completely snow white and had small black eyes that you could clearly see through its fur. It was absolutely adorable!

I was going to eat it.

Waiting as it slowly approached my tree, I held my breath. Then…

I leaped!

Shooting down from the tree like an arrow released from a tightly cocked bow, I descended upon the rabbit.

It's ears twitched and it looked up just as I pushed off. Quickly, it leaped out the way of my sword's path causing it to hit nothing but ground leaving a crack.

Looking up, I was just in time to see an icicle rapidly forming in midair.

It turns out that these beasts all seem to have some type of "power" that is related to nature. Some had the ability to control wind. Some fire. Some lightning. And some were neutral. I met a flaming fox one day that was particularly tough to kill. In the end, I had managed to win but only after I was dog tired and sporting a deep wound on my chest. Luckily for me, I was able to hide in a hole nearby and apply some medicine to the wound. It allowed it to heal in a week.

This rabbit could control ice, making it a more difficult lunch to catch.

Quickly drawing an X on the hilt of my sword, I dashed toward the rabbit.

The icicle was finally formed and it shot towards me. I slashed through it with my Flame Sword (That's what I decided to call it when it was in this mode.). Not slowing down a beat, I made my way to the rabbit.

Although it looked innocent and harmless, it actually had a set of razor sharp teeth in its mouth that I suspected could eat through iron. It lunged at me using its powerful legs to push off the ground leaving a cloud of dirt behind, its mouth open for a bite .

I dodged it by turning my body to the side, and swung downwards while it was still in the air.

It tried to protect its body with a shield of ice but my Flame Sword cut through it like it wasn't even there. It was dissected into two, but no blood flowed out as the flesh was quickly seared by my sword clotting the blood vessels.

During my time in the forest, I slowly accumulated experience in dealing with these beasts. The reason why I fought for such a long time against the wolf on my first day here was because I lacked experience. If I'd known how to feint or predict the opponent's movements back then, it wouldn't have lasted longer than a few seconds.

"At first I thought I wouldn't be eating the things I cut with this sword. Funny how things turn out."

Talking to no one, I started making preparations to cook the rabbit. The beast meat in this world tasted amazing. It was at least 3 times better than the meat on Earth. Plus, I keep feeling that somehow my body is a little stronger after every meal. It might not be much now, but eat this for awhile and the effects will start to show.

After eating lunch, I quickly headed out before the smell attracted other beasts. Taking to the trees, I moved forward.

2 hours later I once again stopped. It was time for me to check the surrounding area again.

Going to the highest tree nearby, I climbed atop and looked out. I'd come from the north. Looking to my right and left there was nothing. Looking ahead towards the south, there was also n-hmm?

Just at the edge of my vision, I saw what appeared to be…

"A WALL!!!!!"

Although I wasn't 100% sure, I could just tell it was a wall! Quickly scampering down the tree, I dashed in the direction that I spotted the wall.

Roughly an hour of running later, I was close enough to see the structure more clearly. It was indeed a wall! And it was huge! Looking to my right and my left, I couldn't see the end of it. A wall needed people to build it. And judging by the size of it, a lot of people. A lot of people usually meant civilization! Humans!

I could almost cry tears of joy!

Running as fast as I could, I made my way to the wall. As I got closer I noticed that atop the wall were moving figures.


I moved as quickly as I could, soon entering an open field.

As I was nearing and could finally make out the figures as indeed humans, I heard a loud horn blow.




A smoking arrow came flying towards my location which I nimbly dodged. All the guards attop the wall stopped moving and turned towards me, arrows poised to attack.


I heard a shout and watched as a rain of arrows came flying towards me.



Quickly taking out my umbrella, I crouched down and hid my body underneath it. As I felt the arrows beat against the umbrella, I could help but curse to myself.

"Is this how they welcome guests!? No words, just arrows! Damn people! If you don't want guests, put up a no trespassing sign!"


He heard another shout from the voice from earlier and after a bit, the final arrows dropped.

There was dead silence in the area.

I slowly stood and closed the umbrella. But I kept it laid upon my shoulder just in case they decide to "welcome" me again.

Atop the wall stood dozens of men. They all wore bronze chest plate armor that went over black shirts. Tied across their chest were red capes. They wore gray pants that tucked away inside of black combat boots. They all possessed a solemn atmosphere as they looked out from atop the wall.

Standing in the center of the men was an older man dressed in the same clothes, but he didn't have the red cape. Instead, he wore a gray robe that had no hood or collar.

"Why did you not use the correct route when returning home? My men could have killed you by mistaking you for a demon beast! What's your name? I'll make sure your family hears about this."

Hearing the voice, I recognized it as the one who had been shouting earlier. It seemed I went the incorrect route causing them to mistake me for a…. Demon beast?

Pushing the new term aside, I raised my head and asked.(shouting)

"Where is this?"

All of the guards visibly moved, all looking at me as if I'd just asked the most dumbfounding question ever.

The older man once again spoke. This time more hesitantly.

"...dear boy, what do you mean?...This is, of course, Glory City.. The last standing stronghold of the human race….."