
Its been about two days Alonso has been in this new world, he has been wandering the forest hoping to run into someone or find the end of the forest.

No matter how much Alonso ran or walked or even jumped tree to tree moving swiftly like a ninja he was till stuck in the forest he only ran into beasts and animals.

So Alfonso decided to get a birds eye view of the forest to see how large it was he made an ice pillar that was 10,000 feet long while he was standing at the top he saw the entire forest he even saw monster settlements and to the south he could see a town which made Alonso jump for joy in his heart because he has been a long time since, Alonso has been brought to this new world.

Without a second thought Alonso jumps down and glides south to the direction of the town, not worried about the impact he makes an ice ramp to slide down as he gets closer to the town.

After landing on the ground after a few minutes of walking Alonso left the forest Alonso could see a giant gate in the distance and a large wall that seems to encircle the city.

There is also a road that leads from the city gate into the forest, Alonso decides to walk towards the city gate as he arrives the is spotted by two guards.

The two guards where human males one looked about in his twenties while the other one looked in his forties.

They both were wearing chain mail armor and had a bastard sword on their waist and a shield on their back. It would seems this is standard equipment for all guards in the city.

When the younger guard spots Alonso fear grips him and he shouts "oi you there haulth" the other guard looks over and sees the non human monster, he has an expression of fear on his face.

Alonso looks at both guards and stops as he was not gonna walking into the city so carefree, the older guard looks at him frighteningly and says "whats an oni doing so far from home all thou the king has banned the slavery of monsters you, lot have your freedom if you dear come here to cause trouble i will have your head on a stick.

The older guard was just afraid because it is well known oni are A rank monsters they are superior to the average humans in every way the guard did not want to show vulnerability he also had a deep hatred for non human species this is the reason he is treating Alonso like he was crap.

The younger guard looks at the older guard and nods to him he then says to Alonso "state your business why are you here the oni never leave their territory seeing as your young maybe you wanted to see the outside world huhhh" the young guard keeps talking while making a defensive stance.

Alonso been a very sharp individual he has already picked up what was going on by listening to the guards and reading their body language so he says. "i mean no trouble i am on an adventure i only wish to buy a few things and i will be on my way you can search me if you want i mean no harm". The older guard chuckled and said "of course you mean no harm if you do you will not last long here well come to forest hill city this town is very far away from the capital it is, the city with the highest crime rate in the Vita kingdom so take care not to run into a slaver oni although slavery is now illegal it's still legal in other kingdoms so don't get caught" the older guard says this rather sarcastically.

Alonso caught on and he looked over at the both of them while walking through the gate he smiled and said "so does that mean if i cut both your heads off no one will care" as the words entered the two guards ears they felt a shiver run down their spine they both took out their swords but as they looked over the direction of Alonso there was no one there it's like he disappeared the two guards looked at each other like two buffoons and started laughing thankful that their stupidity did not get them killed because they both knew that they did not stand a chance against an oni.

But there pride and hate allmost got them killed.