history lesson for kids

Alonso sat down on the chair and picked up the book from the table, it seems that the book is a children's history book so Alonso opens the book and begins to read it.

He found out some useful information from the book. Alonso found out that he is on the blazing star continent, there are a total of 4 discover continents the black mist continent where the dragon race resides, the demon continent where the demon race resides, the domus continent where all races resides and the blazing star continent where humans resides.

All these continent has many countries, kingdoms and even free independent cities, the blazing star continent has a total of 15 kingdoms and Alonso is currently in the vita kingdom.

The vita kingdom is the second largest kingdom in the continent, Alonso also read about how the vita kingdom came to be created.

5000 years ago in the blazing star continent there was a human man named Zenito he led his people to fight against the barbarians a race of bloodthirsty mutated humans that live and die for war.

Zenito united the five tribes of man and pushed the barbarians away from the blazing star continent. it was then the five tribes of man decided to be one tribe and in that union the Vita kingdom was created, the four leaders of the tribes chose Zenito to be their king and he became the 1st king of Vita also known as Zentio the unstoppable.

Maria was preparing some food while looking at Alonso reading a children's history book she sees how focused he was on it.

It then dawns on her that Alonso must be a country bumpkin and does not no much about the outside world she then asked while cutting slicing a slab of meat in half "Alonso where are you from"

Alonso looks at Maria and says "i come from a country called New England i was on a fishing trip i fell asleep on the boat when i woke up i was already in the middle of the forest i do not know where this place is".

Maria stops her cutting and walks up to Alonso in shock and worry and says " oh dear seems you were spirited away i have never met someone who has been spirited away but here are many stories about incidents just like yours.

Alonso was surprised to hear that, after reading the children's history book he knew that the four continent that exist in the world only accounts to about 40% of the planet.

there were still many undiscovered places that has not been found that was not on the map. He knew this because the book mentioned this.

Alonso knew that if he lied he would be believed because there are still many unknown civilizations in this world.

When Alonso heard the word spirited away he was confused he then asked Maria "what do you mean by spirited away"? Maria then said "some people or creatures find themselves in a different county or somewhere else far from their home these people have usually been blessed by the gods and have unique abilities most heroes where spirited away we call them champions of the gods.

Alonso was not surprise to hear that there are gods he himself created many creatures and Artificial Intelligence and they called him god, so he never ruled out the possibility of there being gods even though he is a man of science.

What made Alonso ponder was the the so called champions, because he was reincarnated from earth to this new world his spirit must have traveled here, he was wondering if that also counts as been spirited away.

Does that mean he is also a champion with a blessing?. Alonso was deep in thought Maria then says "so what do you plan to do then"?.

Alonso looks at her and says "my 1st priority is to get some knowledge so 1st thing tomorrow morning i would like to go to a library and collect some information". "Then i guess after i have to look for way to make money".

Maria nods her head and walks back to the kitchen to continue cooking her food, she starts to slice some vegetables and says. "Not a bad idea you seem like a very smart person it cost 50 bronze to enter the library". Maria starts to explain how currency works in the continent.

100 bronze = 1 silver

100 silver = 1 gold

100 gold = 1 platinum gold

100 platinum gold = 1 gold bar

when Maria was done explaining the currency she asked Alonso knowing he is an oni " can you use magic" ? "a little bit" says Alonso Maria looks happy to hear that she picks up the chunks of meat and vegetables and pours everything together into a boiling pot.

Maria then says "you need to go to the adventurers guild they are always looking for strong people to join if you can hunt monsters and clear dungeons they will pay you although is dangerous work, you can earn money to survive, some high ranking adventurers are even richer than kings and queens you know".