Iaa vs Moby round 1

Iaa and moby are exchanging blows and kicks, bang! bang! bang!, Iaa clearly has the upper hand in hand to hand combat.

But something is wrong, it seems no matter how many attacks Iaa lands on Moby he seems to not be affected.

Moby picks up a large wooden log from the ground and throws it at Iaa, Iaa transforms her left hand into a plasma cannon and shoots the wooden log completely disintegrating it.

Iaa then points her left hand at Moby and shoots a plasma beam at him BANG!.

It is a direct hit the plasma beam hit moby in the stomach and sends him flying through four buildings before finally stopping.

Iaa scanned Moby and she noticed something peculiar about Moby the more damage he takes the stronger he becomes.

Right now Moby is bleeding from his forehead, Moby stands up and wipes the blood from his forehead with his left hand.

Moby says "wow i can't count how long it has been since i have been damaged, guess i will have to exert myself young miss".

Iaa knew something was wrong so Iaa compiles all the data she has collected on Moby and cross references it with all the data in her brain, this will take some time.

Moby dashed towards Iaa so fast that he caused a sonic boom he even left a trail of destruction on the ground as he ran.

Moby punches Iaa in the gut, sending Iaa flying through the visitors district breaking through multiple buildings.

Iaa crashed outside of slave city she landed in a forest.

Moby is not done with his attack yet.

Moby jumped into the air and lands with great force on Iaa's chest the impact of Moby's landing causes a crater to form on the ground.

Iaa screams in pain its appears that she is in agony.

All over Iaa's body is bruised, all though Iaa is an android her body is more similar to organic creatures.

Iaa is injured on her stomach and she has a strange blue liquid bleeding from her mouth.

Meanwhile the nanobots in Iaa's body is repairing Iaa, but this takes time.

Moby says to Iaa while standing on her "ha ha ha you look confused let me explain before i kill you, i have a super rare job called energy absorption i can absorb all kinds of energy and turn it into kinetic energy increasing my power significantly.

Iaa says to Moby "telling your opponent your abilities how stupid of you". Moby frowned he put his fat hands together preparing to smash Iaa's head.

Iaa says in a mechanical voice "preparing counter measures", before Moby's hands hit Iaa, Iaa's two hand caught Moby's arms.

Moby is shocked he looked over at Iaa her silver skin had glowing vertical blue lines all over her body.

Iaa pressed on Moby's arms and a massive shockwave was sent into moby's arms.

Moby's arms began to Vibrate he felt so much pain that he used all his strength to pull his arm away from Iaa's grip and jump back away from Iaa.

The second Moby was free from Iaa's grip, Moby was feeling much better, Moby is confused on what just happened.

Iaa says "you should no people with the energy absorption job absorb energy through their skin, so it is simple all i have to do is use an attack that bypasses your skin and goes straight for your muscles, organs and bones". You will find nothing is better for internal attacks than vibrations".

Iaa controls the mechanisms built inside her hands then suddenly on her palms two holes appear on each palm.

Iaa points boths hands and pew! pew! an invisible shockwave was shot out of Iaa's palms.

Moby could not see the shockwave but he could feel it, he stood firm believing he could absorb the incoming attack.

Suddenly the shock wave hits Moby, the force of the shock wave lifts moby up into the air as well as making his body do a 360 degree spin in the air before hitting a tree and crashing into the ground.

Moby is in shock his whole body feels like he is been stabbed by millions of needles, Moby tries to stand up but is on able to he stands only to stagger and fall back down.

The shockwave that Iaa hit Moby with is an internal attack all of Moby's organs was hit even his brain.

Right now Moby's brain is in disarray it will take a few seconds for Moby to come back to his senses.

Moby finally stands but cannot walk straight he is wobbling around like a drunkard trying to make head from toe.

Iaa says "i better use this opportunity to finish him off now, Iaa runs towards Moby and leaps into the air points her plam at Moby intending to shoot another shock wave blast but.

Moby been a well experienced fighter even without his full senses sensed a looming danger coming from Iaa, so he quickly took out a magic tool from his space ring and rubbed his blood on it.

Iaa in mid air shoots a shock wave out of her left palm, the shock wave travels and hits Moby right in the chest but nothing happened to him instead the magic tool in Moby's hands breaks in half.

That magic tool is a doll called scapegoat one can transfer all the damage they have to the doll and negate any damage done to them.

The only downside is that its, a one time use, after all the damage has been transferred the doll will be destroyed and can never be used again.

Iaa looks at Moby in surprise, it seems that Moby has been completely healed. Moby smiles and dashes towards Iaa he lifts his left leg and kicks Iaa in her face, he follows up with a head butt and an uppercut to Iaa's chin.

Iaa staggers back a bit in pain she wipes the blue liquid bleeding from her lips and smiles, Iaa seems to have a determined expression on her face it seems she is enjoying the battle.

Iaa examines her body looking at all the damage she has accumulated.

Iaa is an android she has the ability to scan for her opponents for weakness.

when her opponents weakness has being revealed to her, Iaa's body will adapt and create countermeasures to defeat her opponents.

she calls this ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY!!

let me explain when Iaa found out that Moby can absorb energy through his skin the nanobots in Iaa's body rebuilt her body to create vibrations to counter Moby's ability this is the reason that blue vertical lines appear all over Iaa's body.

The downside is that when Iaa has activated this mode she cannot use any other of her abilities for one hour she has to wait for the mode to wear off.

the reason is the nanobots in Iaa's body has to revert her body back to its original form and it takes time.

Iaa also has a core that generates energy, this is her heart.

the core is in the middle of Iaa's chest and it is the size of a golf ball.

Iaa's core spins around constantly and the faster it spins the more power Iaa has, right now most of Iaa's energy that she uses to create her shock waves has been depleted.

So right now Iaa is spinning the core in her chest, the core is spinning so fast that even Moby can hear it, the noise sounds like a turbo jet engine.

Moby hearing the noise coming from Iaa becomes cautious he takes two steps back away from Iaa to assess the situation.

Moby is not sure what's going on but his instinct told him something is about to happen.

All the vertical lines on Iaa's body starts glowing bright very bright then in a split second Iaa claps her hands and BOOM! a massive shock wave was released from Iaa's body.

This attack is like an invisible bomb the whole aera about 40 meters wide, all around Iaa is blown to bits.

The shock wave rips the trees, rocks, grass and even the earth out of the ground, it sent them all flying into the distance and of course even Moby.

After Iaa's attack all that is left is Iaa standing in the middle her surrounding, changed into a perfectly circular crater, it looked like a natural disaster just hit.

Moby was sent flying his body smashed through countless trees before finally being smashed against a rock, the impact of Moby crashing against the rock caused the rock to have a few cracks.

Moby is terribly injured he is bleeding from his mouth, nose and even ears and has many wounds all over his body.

Moby is very frustrated he did not think that he will be having such a tough fight, Moby lifts up his hand and from his space ring he takes out a bead.

Iaa sees the bead and she believes Moby wants to heal himself so Iaa dashes towards Moby to stop him from healing himself.

But suddenly Moby crushes the bead in his hand and suddenly there was a large explosion so large that it was even larger than Iaa's shockwave.

Iaa was not in the center of the explosion but the force of the explosion pushed her back a few meters but Iaa lands on her feet.

Iaa looks over towards Mobys waiting for the dust to clear her intelligent mind already understood what Moby has just done.

Because Moby can absorb every energy he carries an explosion bead for emergencies so he can absorb the energy from the explosion.

As the dust clears Moby is standing firm looking serious his physique has changed all the fat in his body is gone he is very muscular, Moby looks like a bodybuilder.

Iaa thinks to herself "seems like i will have to use vibrations shame i cannot change my tactics right now, i am sure he has a new weakness by looking at him". "It seems like he has reached his limit on how much energy he can absorb normal attacks should work on him now".

Moby says to "Iaa i would like to commend you for pushing me this far but now your chances of victory is, how should i say?, miniscule. Moby smiles mischievously.

Over at the members district Nightowl and Alonso are fighting exchanging blows so far they are even suddenly Nightowl and Alonso hears Moby's explosion.

Nightowl says "oh dear is your companion fighting Moby"? i am sorry to tell you but he is as good as dead no one ever survives Moby when he uses the bead.

Alonso just says who said "he is a he".