Chapter 21: Pangs of Conscience

"W-what? What do you mean by me?" Audrey asked analyzing Aiden's facial expression.

She knows that this must be one of his tricks. But whenever he looks at her like this it makes it so hard to just look away. His gaze is so dangerous when he looks this seriously for when you get absorbed by it you might feel like you're almost being dragged to ecstasy, a trance where you'll end up wanting more from it.

He just kept on making people commit sin without any intention on doing so. It's as if he has a power on corrupting people's minds with silly thoughts over him! It's crazy.

"I mean, you."

"Please, your tricks won't work on me." Well, it actually somehow did! She just kept on denying the fact that she's still disturbed on how Aiden kept on attacking her, as if teasing her on purpose.

"I'm into girls with mermaid colored hair." He smiled.

"You're crazy. Geez!" Audrey was almost convinced for she almost thought that he's really going to say that he's interested in girls like her. She then thought that he's purposely teasing her.

"I also like girls who likes to disguises themselves into someone else." He said with a small laugh. He really like teasing Audrey a lot for her reaction are always very interesting and cute at the same time.

"Come on be serious. If you don't want to tell me you don't need to go around the bush." She pouted, surrendering to his intentional teasing.

"Why are that interested in knowing about what I like anyway?"

"Err! I…uhh. It's uhh. Because…"

Audrey knows that she is really not a good liar. She can't tell him that Tiffany asked for her help. She tends to end tongue-tied whenever she tried to lie most of the time. She really hopes now that this guy besides her won't be suspicious of her. She's really starting to feel her regret as it sinks in on her.

Amused with how Audrey is handling the situation, Aiden sit down his chin on the palm of his hand as he stares at her. He decided to ask one last question for the moment. He asked, "You don't perhaps want to know it like me?"

"WHAT?!" She blushed.

"Sshhh!" Audrey were shushed by some of the people around. It seemed that teasing her inside the library is a bad idea. She just kept on reacting like an open book.

She covered her mouth with her left hand realizing that she was really loud. It made her more embarrassed about the situation. She then placed a hand on her forehead with an elbow on the table looking frustrated and said, "Aiden…I really hate you."

"Haha. I know." He laughed silently as he pat Audrey's head as if saying sorry.

She found it comforting enough that she just kept silent. She still knows that she's blushing really hard right now so she tries to cover her face up with her hair.

Aiden felt really guilty so he decided to answer her question straight. He said, "I like someone who is kind, humble, down-to-earth. I also like someone who is clumsy at times. And I really like someone who is understanding."

"Ow." Audrey turned her gaze bashfully back to Aiden and asked, "How about physical appearance?"

"I haven't really thought about that. But…I'm into girls with a beautiful pair of eyes. "

Audrey suddenly crossed to mind about the girl that Aiden was looking for. She must be someone whom he described as. She must certainly have a pair of oh so beautiful eyes. The thought of her somehow added to her frustrations. Wondering, she then asked, "The girl whom you've been looking for, what's her name?"

"If I tell you her name will stop looking at me so sad?"

"What?" Surprised, she looked away and decided to give a faint laugh and added, "I'm just trying to get back at you for teasing me earlier."

For a moment, she questioned herself why would she even want to know her name. She thought that knowing what she looks like won't even help her think straight. Thinking about her indeed saddens her for some reason.

She then reminded to herself to drop off this unnecessary state of confusion and head back to what she should be doing now and that is to make Aiden fall in love with Tiffany.

"By the way, I saw Tiffany's new commercial. It was great. I'm actually a fan."

"Really? Should I get a photograph with a signature of her for you?"

Err…fail! Audrey attempted to say something again that might hook up Aiden's attention to Tiffany. She then said, "Sure? Anyways…I don't think she's really a bad person. Why were you avoiding her anyway?"

"She's so persistent on getting my attention towards her. I just…don't know how to deal with girls like her."

"Girls, tend to be really pushy when it comes to chasing someone they really like. She's actually really pretty you know. Plus, she has a very gorgeous body! I can't see why you're not interested in dating her."

"You think so?"

"Yes. She's drop dead gorgeous. I think the two of you will really look good together."

Those almost over the top compliment made Aiden really suspicious about what's going on. Since Audrey's getting so worked up about this, he told himself that he'll go and play the role that she wanted him to do.

He pretended that he didn't figure out what's happening. He gave her a grin and said, "She's a model but I guess you're right. I guess I have been too harsh on her."

"Exactly. I saw on the internet that she's leaving the country after a week. Don't you think that you should try going after her since she's just around the corner?

"Like go on a date with her?"

The thought of Aiden asking Tiffany on a date bizarrely irritated Audrey. Thinking that she was the one who planned on making him ask her to go on a date on the first place is ridiculous enough already. What more should she be surprised about when she already expected something like this to happen?

Audrey went home looking stressed out. She kept on thinking that she should have minded her own business. She wanted to help Tiffany but acting as her match maker is too much for her.

Her phone then started ringing like crazy. She saw that it was Tiffany. Great! Just as she was just expecting.

"Hi Tiffany."

"OMG Audrey!" Tiffany said excitedly.

"Woah, hold your horses."

"I'm so really happy right now."

Hearing her say that makes Audrey nervous. "Isn't that nice?"

"It really is. Thank you really. Thank you!"

"Thank you for what?"

"Aiden finally asked me to go on a date!"