Chapter 22: What Overthinking Does

Regret is something more than just a feeling of sadness. It's like a disease that will slowly eat you while you're trying to live your life as normally as you can. It will haunt you till it makes you crazy. It won't stop even if you surrender.

When it's done, it's done. There's no taking it back. But it doesn't mean that there is nothing that you can do about it. You may not be able to erase or deny what has already happened but you can turn the event out and make something better out of it.

It's as if something really bad had happened. Audrey wasn't late like she used to be. She's actually starting to wake up early everyday but this day is really different from all her other days. She went to school looking almost lifeless.

Kylie was even surprised that Audrey was earlier than she was. But looking at how she is slumped down on her desk with her head faced down on the table is worrisome.

"Oh my gosh my Jelly Bean! What happened to you?"

"Kylie? I'm just…not really feeling well." Audrey replied as she remained slumped down.

"Are you sick?! Did you perhaps have a flu? Do you need a medicine? A doctor?! What do you need? Oh gosh I'm panicking!!! Someone explain to me what is happening?!"

"She really doesn't look well when she arrived earlier." A classmate said.

"I asked her what's up but she didn't reply which is unusual. And it's a miracle that she arrived real early today." A concerned classmate said.

"Oh gosh. Something must really be wrong." Kylie replied.

"Good morning Kylie. Is Audrey okay?" It was Aiden, he just arrived.

Hearing Aiden's voice makes Audrey just really want to go home and sleep all day. It's just that Tiffany said that she and him will go on a date somewhere today. She should be happy that her plan worked but her mind and body seemed to be so not reacting like the way it's supposed to be.

"Morning. I don't know. When I arrived she's already like this." Kylie replied.

"Does she have a fever?"

"I don't know. Wait. Let me check." Kylie put her hand on Audrey's forehead and said in surprise, "Oh my gosh! Her temperature is high."

"What??" Aiden moved quickly and touched Audrey's forehead and figured that her temperature is truly high. He then called out her name and said, "Audrey, hey. Talk to me."

"…Aiden?" She uttered his name silently as she slowly lifted her head up. She looked up at him but it seems that her vision was blurry so she squinted her eyes to see who it was.

"How are you feeling?" He asked worryingly.

"My head…aches so bad right now. And my throat feels sore. And I…feel so tired." Audrey said as she leaned on the wall besides her.

"Hey Kylie. Take Audrey's things and…here." He said as he took out his car keys and tossed it towards her.

"Woah. I don't know how to drive your car!"

"I'm not asking you to drive it. I just need you to open up the door for I'm going to carry Audrey." If this situation is any different, Aiden would have laughed off with how Kylie reacted earlier.

"Ahh. Okay that makes sense."

"Audrey, I'm taking you to the hospital."

"…what? No…I don't need a hospital. I just need some…sleep."

Aiden didn't mind Audrey's protest and lifted her out and carried her like a princess. If her fever is not that high, he would have just taken her out at the school clinic. He doesn't want to take any risks, so taking her straight to the hospital is a priority.

As expected, they gained some attention.

Aiden drove fast towards the hospital. He thanked his car for having serve its purpose at emergencies like this. When he arrived at the hospital, he urgently asked for medical assistance. Without delay, Audrey received immediate attention for when they checked her temperature it was really high.

After all the examinations and treatment had been prepared, Audrey was transferred to a private room as per Aiden's request. Audrey is currently asleep now. She just needed to finish her IV Drip and can be discharged afterwards.

Aiden was so relieved that it wasn't anything severe. He sat besides Audrey's bed and touched her cheek with his right hand and said, "You really like making me worry, don't you?"

Startled, he heard his phone ringing. He saw Tiffany's name reflected on the screen. It was only then when he remembered that he asked her for a date today. He then answered her call and said, "Tiffany."

"Hi Aiden. Uhm…about the date later…I would like to ask…"

"About that." He interrupted and added, "I'm really sorry, I can't go today. There has been an emergency."

"Oh. Is that so." Tiffany replied disappointed. She then asked, "Is everything okay? Are you okay?"

"Yes. Nothing to worry about me. It's just that something really unexpected happened. Sorry I can't make it."

"No worries. It's okay."

"Let's just re-schedule, will Thursday be okay?"

"Thursday? Sure! Yes, definitely!"

"Okay, see you then." He then hanged up.

He looked back at how peaceful Audrey's sleeping right now. He had always wanted to see her sleeping face but not in this way. He wonders what she's dreaming right now. He hopes that it was happy one.

After a couple of hours, Audrey started waking up. She slowly flicked her fingers. Aiden touched her hand with his as he looks at her anxiously. He saw her slowly opening her eyes.

Audrey felt weird as if there's something implanted on her left hand. She first looked at what it was and was confused to see a Dextrose hanging on an IV pole. She lifted her left hand and saw that the tube is indeed going on to her veins. She figured that she might be inside a hospital.

She then looked on her right for she felt that someone is holding her hand. She saw Aiden looking uneasy. She then said, "Hey, what's with that long face?"

"I was really worried you know."

"Sorry about that. You must have carried me here."

"Yes. How are you feeling?"

"Still sluggish." She said weakly.

"The doctor advised for a couple more days of bed rest for you."

"What time is it?"

"It's already past noon now. You must be hungry. I'll go get something good for you to eat."

"Wait. Are you not supposed to be readying for your date now?"

Aiden can't recall telling Audrey or anyone about his supposed date with Tiffany. So, he asked, "How did you know about it?"