Chapter 28: Responding To His Teasing

Audrey was in a state of shock. She felt so stupid pressing the "send" button instead of pressing the "delete" button. That's what you call "traitor fingers".

Yes, she admits that she felt strange having to miss him after parting last time but when she re-read what she sent again, it was as if she's telling him that she has some special feelings for him which she strongly denies to herself.

In her defense, she then replied immediately and said, "That's not what I was supposed to say! What I want to say is that I was just guilty of not explaining myself properly last time. I typed wrongly."

Nervous, Audrey walked towards Tiffany who is currently choosing some clothes at the left aisle. She diverted her attention on helping her since she is still not receiving any reply from Aiden. Tiffany chose a couple of dresses, tops and skirts. She then told her to try them one by one.

She then sat at the nearby lounge near the dressing room. She looked at her phone anxious about what Aiden's reply would be. She then re-read again the message that she sent earlier. She then scratched her head thinking how clumsy she could instantly get.

Her phone beeped and she immediately saw Aiden's reply that popped up. It says, "Is that how you say how much you miss me? I wouldn't call it sweet but if that's how you normally do it, I think I'll get used to how creative your words can be."

"You're crazy! Geez. Just focus on your date later!" Audrey said while feeling offensive.

Tiffany then came out of the dressing room with her first set of clothes. It was a plain black skimpy dress with a side slit. The skirt was kind of too long though. Audrey thought that it might be too tacky for the slit was very high to begin with.

"If you're going to a red carpet or a party, I might recommend this but no."

"Hmm, I guess you're right. This might be too sexy." She walked and turned around in front of the mirror and added, "I'll go change." Tiffany returned to the dressing room.

Audrey's phone suddenly beeped again. As expected it was Aiden. She read his reply and her heart began to beat fast as if she's chasing a thief who had stolen something very important to her. She was dumbfounded.

"Aren't you worried that your boyfriend might be taken away by somebody else? I heard that this "Tiffany" is willing to do anything just to get me."

The word "boyfriend" made her blush. She knows that Aiden must be joking but the thought of him being her boyfriend was lingering on her mind like some sweet candy with a bursting caramel filling on the inside, almost intoxicating.

There's already a long list of reasons why any girl would want to date an Aiden Wang. Thinking that if she might have a boyfriend like him must be good and dangerous at the same time. It is already given that there were perks of dating a guy like him. He is the kind of person who may seem to be playing around but when he's serious, everything around him won't matter except you. Any girl who Aiden would have as a girlfriend will truly be lucky.

But then again, it might be dangerous because dating him means that you are ready to beat everything against all odds. He's not just any guy from around the corner. His strong background hinders Audrey of thinking that she might even have a chance to date a guy like him. Besides, Aiden is just a friend to her. And so is she to him. Well, that's what at least she thinks.

"Honey, even if you have a thousand pending dates to begin with I know that you'll only have me in your heart and mind so there's no need for me to worry." She replied.

"Really? Well, I don't know about that. You've been so cold to me these past few days. I may astray for you're not taking good care of me. Instead of trying to keep me for yourself you even encouraged me to go see someone else."

Guilty, Audrey ended up feeling bad again after being reminded about how she agreed on helping Tiffany up. So she said, "Have fun with your date later!"

"Haha. You're so fun to tease."

"Yeah, yeah. Your day won't be complete if you're not going to me. I already said sorry."

"I know. Haha. You're just really interesting to talk to."

"Yeah sure. Have fun teasing me. Bye!"

"Aw, wait. Don't go. I'm still not done…teasing you. Haha."

Audrey closed her phone and put it inside her pocket and decided to help Tiffany chose what to wear instead. There were lots that seemed really good but the occasion just doesn't seem to fit the concept.

Her phone kept on beeping but she decided to ignore it. She knew that it's just Aiden because her brother is still on the middle of his class so she's sure that he won't text her.

Finally, Tiffany found the perfect clothes for later. Audrey saw how beautiful she looks. Beautiful clothes really make someone more beautiful than they already are. She looked at the tag price and as expected it was expensive as it looks.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you. I wouldn't have found such clothes without your help."

"Oh please, even if you wear a garbage bag I'm sure that you'll still look pretty on it. I mean, look at yourself." She gently hold Tiffany arms and have her see herself in front on the mirror and added, "Look at yourself. I actually envy you for having such a beautiful face and long legs."

Tiffany chuckled and shakes her head side to side and said, "Silly, no matter how beautiful I may look but if the person who I like the most won't like me back then it won't be any use."

"Don't be like that. Just be confident, okay?"

Tiffany smiled and went to the counter to pay for the clothes. She even asked if she can leave her old clothes for awhile because she needed to meet someone up and they agreed.

Audrey decided to look at her phone to see what Aiden's messages were. As expected, she was flooded by his messages. She just scrolled down reading them one by one but his last messages really surprised her.

"You must be resting now. Take good care of yourself. Message me if you needed anything."

"Don't forget that I know your address. Well I actually memorized it when I saw the letter you dropped last time. Haha."

"Anyways, I'll go meet Tiffany later. That's what you want right? For me to give her a chance?"

"But what should I do? I'm troubled."

"I'm so madly in love with you."