Chapter 29: How It Feels To Lose Something Precious

Surprised, tensed, nervous, speechless, Audrey was caught again under his trance. It was merely seven words but it was enough to immobilize her. She was stunned and completely frozen shock. Being told by such words was something that she didn't expect him to tell her.

She stared on her phone stuttered as if she's being taken inside a void where there time and space didn't matter for there's only her and Aiden. It seemed to be another world, but it almost looked like a blank slate.

There she saw herself standing in front of a mirror. She looked then walked and touched the mirror and closed her eyes thinking that when she opens them she'll be back to reality but she was surprised with what happened next.

She felt someone embraced her from her back. When she opened her eyes, she saw Aiden reflected on the mirror embracing her. He then spoke whispering seven words, "I'm so madly in love with you."

She looked at his expression in the mirror and it made her sad for he looked so sad. It almost looked like he's about to cry. She then closed her eyes hoping to see a smile on his face but this time it's someone else's smile she saw.

"Audrey, thank you really." It was Tiffany.

"Oh uhh. Don't mention it. I'm glad to help." She was back to reality.

"Are you okay? You somehow looked feverish. Did I perhaps push you too hard on helping me? Oh gosh, you should still be resting shouldn't you?"

"Huh? Oh I uhh." She felt like she was hallucinating earlier for when she thought she heard Aiden whispered such words to her, it almost felt real.

Tiffany touched her forehead to check her temperature and said, "Oh dear, I was right. I want to send you home myself but I don't think I may be able to meet Aiden on time. Would it be okay if I call for a cab instead?"

"What? No. I…I can take good care of myself. Don't worry. I can get home on my own."

"Are you sure?" Tiffany looked at her worried. She knows that she's pushy at times but she doesn't want anything bad to happen to Audrey. She's been a good friend to her. In fact she brought her a special something to commemorate their friendship before she head back abroad.

"I'm pretty sure. Now, it's almost time before you meet you dream date. Message me later?"

"Sure thing!"

Audrey left Tiffany and had planned to go home instead for it's almost time for her to drink her medicine. She was walking towards the train station when she suddenly stopped and realized that she shouldn't just go home like this.

She's really curious about what will happen to Aiden and Tiffany later. She don't want to ask Tiffany herself for an update though she knows that she might really tell her everything but she wanted something more. She wanted to know what really is exactly happening. The thought of Aiden going on a date made her feel uneasy.

Thinking about this thoroughly for a moment, Audrey has decided to spy them. She has already experienced being a spy before during her brother's date with Kylie and it was a success. It was another story but the important thing is that Levi and Kylie didn't suspect that they were being followed by her before.

Since she knew where they will meet up, she hid at a nearby corner store to see if Aiden is already there. As expected, he is really early. And as also expected he really looked freaking handsome. He's really eye-catching. From Audrey's position she can see a lot of girls and even guys ogling at him.

He was just standing laid back at a corner with a stem of rose on his hand but he looked really good. Since it is cold right now, he's wearing a slim fit navy blue blazer that seemed to have a logo on the left. He's wearing a black polo shirt on the inside. His black pants and black loafer suit his top. His usual unkempt hair was now even tidied up. He really looked hot with his brushed up hair.

Audrey can almost hear what some of the girls were saying near her. Some of them were appreciating how good he looks. Some were wondering who he might be waiting for. Some speculates that it must be his girlfriend that he's waiting for.

She then looked around to look where Tiffany might be. She then found her walking nervously towards him. Looking at the two of them together really looked so good. Some even recognized Tiffany for she also stands out too much. Somehow Audrey doesn't feel good watching the two of them. It's as if something inside her is slowly breaking.

The way Tiffany looked shyly towards Aiden was slowly making her quench. She really looked happy though. Thinking that your dream date is finally happening might really put anyone to joy with just the thought of it. But making it happen for real is something happier.

When Aiden smiled back at her and handed her the rose that he's been holding, it's as if her heart broke into two. She's now like watching a movie where she's supposed to feel happy but instead she's tearing over it.

She saw Tiffany took it with such pure surprise and adoration on her face. They really looked so wonderful together. People around are even enjoying how the two of them looked right now.

She then recalled the time when she pretended to be Aiden's girlfriend. Somehow it made her wonder what Tiffany could have felt when she saw the two of them together. Did she feel angry? Did she feel mad? Or could it be something like what she currently feels right now?

It almost feels as if she's lost something precious to her. It feels really messed up not even knowing what that something is. Sometimes you won't be able to know that you've already lost something till you've already lost that something. It's unfair but, but that's how life goes. It goes without warning.