Chapter 30: Operation Spy!

Before Audrey was swallowed by her worries, she decided to follow them secretly like she should do. She felt like a ninja hiding under their shadows. Though they are a little far from where she's currently at, she can clearly see everything that is happening without them suspecting a thing.

Aiden and Tiffany's first stop was inside the mall. Audrey was glad that there were a lot of people walking around for it makes it easier for her to blend in. She was about to go inside the boutique where her targets went but when she looked on her left she saw her favorite clothing brand having a flash sale!

Audrey didn't hesitate to run inside the store. There were already a lot of people inside rummaging some clothes. Since its a little cold right now, she thought that maybe its best if she should buy a jacket or a coat. When she saw this black slim trench coat that had six golden buttons in front that even have the store logo that she's been wanting to have is just hanging at a nearby rack, she immediately grabbed it. But when Audrey pulled it towards her, someone else was trying to take it away from her.

"Excuse me, I got it first." Audrey said composed.

"I saw it first." A girl said with such an attitude.

Audrey looked at her and looked at the coat on her hands and decided that she won't hand it over. Besides, it's on sale. It was even marked as less 70% off. She even prayed for this coat to be on sale and it did!

"Sorry miss but since I grabbed it first it's mine." She said as she remained calm and collected.

The girl in front of her seemed that she won't give up just easily because she pulled the coat closer to her and said, "I saw it first so it's mine!"

"How are you even sure that you saw it first?" She replied trying to be undisturbed with how her competitor started to sound annoyed.

"Let go you freak!"

She was starting to get on to Audrey's nerves but still she chooses not to lose her cool. She then thought of saying something that will distract the girl then will run away after. She then saw Tiffany walking outside with Aiden and said, "Oh my Gosh, isn't that the famous Tiffany Miller? Who is that guy with her is that her boyfriend?"

The girl then looked at where she was referring to and she took the bait and said, "Oh gosh she really is! I should ask for a photo of her! And OMG! That guy is handsome!" She then let go of the coat and walked towards Tiffany.

Audrey took the opportunity and immediately paid for the coat. She then wore it and decided to hide nearby again as she follow the two. She saw the girl earlier indeed asked for a photo of Tiffany. Tiffany was nice enough to take a selfie with her.

Aiden and Audrey went next to a Japanese restaurant. Audrey looked at the menu first at the board outside and saw that she's almost broke for she bought a coat earlier. She's happy enough to finally have bought this coat that she's always wanted to have. She then decided to order lemonade at a kiosk in front of the restaurant for that's all that she can afford now.

She can still see Aiden and Tiffany from her prospect. They seemed to be happily chatting about something. She would want to hear what they are talking about but since she can't even afford to buy a sushi inside she's all settled with a healthy lemonade drink instead.

When she saw Aiden wiped off a sauce off of Tiffany's face with a tissue, she almost choked on her drink. She felt for a moment that she'll choke to death that very moment. When she looked back at the two of them, she saw how delighted Tiffany reacted.

The two were now about to leave the restaurant when Audrey's phone started ringing. She was surprised to know that it was her brother. She looked at the time, and it was indeed time for her to drink her medicine.

"Hmm? Brother what is it? I'm sleeping." She said with a sheepish voice pretending to be asleep.

"Did you drink your medicine?"

"Yes." She said lying, hoping that it will convince him.

"Are you sure?"

"Geez. Don't you trust your little sister?"

"What medicine did you drink?"

"The color white tablet."

"Ah good."

Audrey was relieved that Levi believed her. She wasn't even sure what that color of the medicine she should be drinking right now for she left her list that was taped on her room. She sighed deeply with relief.

"By the way, I won't be able to go home early today for I needed to finish our project later at a classmate's house. I'll just go and buy your favorite food later." Levi added.


"Yes, Garfield. Lasagna."

"Thank you! I really am so glad that you're my brother."

"Yeah I know that you only appreciate me at times like this."

"Aw, don't be like that. Don't make it sound that I'm such a bad sister. *cough* *cough*"

"Tss, rest now. I'll call you later okay?"


Levi then hanged up. Audrey then immediately looked for Aiden and Tiffany who were now walking outside of the restaurant. She followed them and saw that that Tiffany went to the restroom. She then remained her stealth mode on.

She saw Aiden took his phone from his pocket and seemed to be calling someone. She was then surprised when her phone started ringing. She immediately answered it, afraid that Aiden might see where she is right now.

"Aiden?" She said surprised. She wasn't expecting him to be the one who he's going to call.

"You answered fast. Were you perhaps waiting for my call?"

"W-what? No! I was just ugh…playing with a game at my phone."

"How are you feeling right now? Are you feeling better?"

"Yes, I'm resting well."

"You sure?"

"Yeah *coughs*"

"It's a little cold today. Don't forget to keep warm."

"Thanks. By the way how was your date? Weren't you supposed to be with Tiffany right now?"

"Yes, but she excused herself for a moment."

"Don't go calling other girls when you're on a date."

"But you're not just any girl."

Audrey felt as if her heart skipped a beat from that very moment. She held her left hand on her chest as if telling her heart not to beat again like that and said, "That makes it sound that you're two timing right now, such a player. After his date excused herself, there he goes calling another girl."

"I'm no player. You're the one who wanted me to date Tiffany, not me."

"Are you not having fun?"

"Should I say yes if you're the one whom I wanted to be with right now?"

Audrey felt her heart beating fast now that it usually does. She then quenched her chest with her hand and said, "I won't fall for your tricks again. Geez."

"Haha. It seems I should try harder next time then."

"If you ever get a girlfriend, she should put a leash on you."

"You don't need to put a leash on me. I'm loyal."

"There you go again. Let me make it clear. I'm a girl space friend (girl friend). Not a girlfriend."

"Haha. So defensive."

"Be serious." Audrey looked intently again at him to see his expression and if she were to judge, he looked real serious from afar. She can't even deny that he looked so handsome right now. Up till now there are still lots who are ogling at him but it seems that he's used to this kind of attention. He's just completely ignoring all of them.

"I'm serious about you. You're just the one who's not taking me seriously."

"Sometimes I don't know if you are telling the truth or not."

"If I tell you the truth you'll end up hating me."

"What do you mean?"