Chapter 33: Self-consciousness

Startled of what he's doing, he suddenly moved back realizing that he's getting too caught up with what he should have not started. He bashfully covered half of his face with the back of his right hand and avoided her gaze. He can't seem to afford to look at her in the eye for he felt so guilty.

Audrey on the other hand was as surprised as he was. It was as if all her energy level were being drained in such an instant. But she can't deny the fact that she was also taken away by such moment.

She knew that he just wanted to make her drink her medicine for she really hates drinking them. But with all the confusion that her mind is trying to sink in, she was then again left tongue-tied. She was just thinking that Tiffany might have kissed him earlier but now she was the one who did it!

"I uh…" Aiden said trying to gather the words on his head that seemed to be currently missing. He bit his lip feeling frustrated for he can't figure what he wanted to say. Right now he wanted to run away for the four corners of Audrey's room are currently making him feel so hot.

Audrey also felt like her room is getting smaller every second making her think of thoughts that she should not be thinking. The atmosphere was getting heavy that it's almost making her want to gasp for air. She saw Aiden's reaction and he was also surprised for he was also carried away with the situation.

He looked guilty enough that he's even blushing. Audrey thought that he actually looked cute right now. But she knows herself that she too might even be blushing after what had just happened.

"I think I should go downstairs and clean the kitchen first." Aiden said breaking the silence between the two of them.

"Y-yeah. I guess you should."

The moment Audrey saw Aiden left her room hastily, she felt as if her breath was taken away. She was feeling sleepy earlier but now, her senses appeared to have been all awakened. She stood up and went towards the bathroom to look at her reflection on the mirror.

She guessed right, she was blushing. Her cheeks was reddened, her face felt hot and her expression looked like she was anticipating more from it. She then looked at her lip and saw that it's a little reddish. Recalling about what happened earlier, she unconsciously touched her lip with her right hand. She was provoked and had kissed him before when they were pretending to be a couple but this was way different than what she did.

Aiden went downstairs and had vented all his frustrations by cleaning the kitchen spotless. He felt very stupid for a moment but was left grinning all by himself realizing that he did something so unmistakably good.

He admits that he might have really taken advantage of the situation but he just couldn't help himself. He now thinks that he should practice more self control from now on for he's afraid that he might do something like that again in the future and lose control.

Now that the girl that he's always wanted to be with is just besides him, he can't let a single mistake destroy everything he planned just for her. He's terrified now that it may involve a part where his existence from her should be erased but he doesn't want to think about that now. He'll just take the time now to savor the moment that is currently occurring.

Aiden sat at the sofa and decided to write Audrey some notes from class before he leaves. Though she's just been gone for a couple of days, he knows how studious she is that he knows that she might panic after knowing that there was already a lot of studying to do. He remained downstairs trying to calm himself down while trying to be focused on what he is writing.

Suddenly he heard the lock of the front door opened. He wasn't surprised of the person whom he saw. On the contrary, the person who saw him was the one who was staggered enough.

"Why are you here?" Levi asked. He doesn't looked pleased.

"Don't I have the right to?" He replied with a smile.

Levi placed his bag on the dining table together with his take-out for Audrey and noticed that there was a pot on the top of the stove. He then said, "So, you know how to cook?"

"Apparently, yes. I learned to."

"Now that I'm here, shouldn't you leave?"

Aiden smiled and stood up. He walked towards Levi who looked tensed. "You really don't like me do you?"

"Isn't it obvious? I hate the likes of you."

"I can seem to understand why you hate me but don't forget that you lived because of me."

Levi gritted his teeth while trying his hardest not to completely burst out for he's afraid that Audrey might wake up if she heard a ruckus. He then smiled sarcastically and said, "I'm aware. There's no need to remind me."

"Good. By the way, I've already had Audrey drink her medicine."

"Wait what? By medicine do you mean the tablet even the syrup?"

"Yeah. Don't ask me how I did it."

"What do you mean?!"

"Calm down. I didn't hurt her if you're worried about that. You know exactly what she means to me. In fact I guess we both know what she means to the both of us. Don't worry, you won't betray her. She's too precious to you that you're afraid that you'll end up losing her."

Levi tightly clenched his fist not knowing what to say. He is aware of his feelings for Audrey and he knows that she only see's him as a brother. He felt powerless knowing how Aiden can rampantly tell him such things without even trying too hard to provoke him.

"By the way," Aiden added. "Give Audrey these notes. She might need it for school." He put the notebook on the table. He looked at Levi and saw how irritated he looked.

Aiden was about to leave when Levi suddenly asked, "Why did you suddenly appear after all this years?"

He gives him a smile and a pat on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry. I don't want any trouble. Rest assured I don't have any plan on betraying her. I love her more than anything in this world. And when I mean anything, I'll do everything just for her even if it means going against the whole world."