Chapter 34: Crazy Confession

It's just Friday morning but it felt like Audrey have slept for days now. She thought that she might wake up later than expected because of what happened yesterday but what happened was the opposite. She woke up way too early.

She reached for her phone on her side table and saw that it was just 5:30 AM. There were couple of messages but she decided to read them all later.

Audrey stood up and prepared early for school. She's feeling better now. She guessed that drinking her medicine really worked. Thanks to Aiden's efforts. Suddenly thinking about him early in the morning reminded her again about yesterday.

That scene actually kept on repeating on her mind like a broken record since yesterday till she fell asleep. She's now worried that she might be awkward towards him when they meet at school.

"You are early." Levi greeted, while still cooking their breakfast.


"Did you perhaps wake up at the wrong side of the bed?"

"I guess."

"Breakfast will be ready soon. Can you go and prepare the table?"


Levi prepared the bacon and eggs at the table and gave it to Audrey. He then looked intently at her for she's acting a bit strange. The fact that she woke up really early is bothering him enough. It seems that she's somehow acting strange. He then saw how uninterested Audrey is with the food in front of her for she just kept on staring blankly at them.

Worried that she might still be sick he asked, "Are you still okay going to school today? I can go to your department and tell them that you still needed to rest."

"I'm okay." She frugally said.

"Are you sure? You don't seem okay to me."

"I'm sorry. I just don't feel like eating."

"You need to eat. Do you want me to cook something else for you?"

"Can you make this into a sandwich instead? I wanted to go to school early today if you don't mind?"


Levi keenly observed Audrey's actions and she really seemed to be acting real strange. He put the sandwich onto Audrey's bag and saw how that somehow looked really down. He's really so bothered that she might still be sick.

"Audrey wait." Levi said stopping her from opening the front door of the house. He then put his hand on to Audrey's forehead and said, "You're not feverish anymore. Are you really okay?"

"Yes. No need to look so worried. I guess the medicine just worked too well on me."

Audrey arrived early for school. Kylie still wasn't there. She wanted to talk to her and ask her something though. She then sat on her seat and leaned on the wall besides her. She gazed outside the window while getting herself engrossed with the beautiful flowers and trees that were neatly arranged outside.

Kylie came minutes later and was surprised to see how early Audrey was. She was afraid that she might be sick again for she looked like she's not with herself right now. She then rushed towards her and asked, "Why are you so early? Don't tell me, are you still sick???"

"No, I'm just waiting for you." Audrey said as she looked back at her and gave her a smile.

"No wait. Stop! That's really creepy! I was the one who is always waiting for you early in the morning. It was not supposed to be you. And that smile! That's way so creepy too!"

"I feel really weird Kylie."

"How so? Are you hurting anywhere?"

"Not exactly but. I feel strange. It's as if something inside of me was trying to burst out. I feel excited but I feel nervous at the same time. I also feel terrified for no reason."

"You really do need a doctor. I'm definitely bringing you to the school clinic!"

"No. I'm not sick. I just feel really…strange." She said while she put a hand on to her chest.

"Oh gosh this is bad."

"Kylie, am I seeing Audrey right now?" It's Aiden.

"Yes. She's really early right now. It doesn't really give me the right vibes about it. She really seemed off today."

"Are you still sick?" Aiden asked as she put a hand on to her forehead.

"No, I uhh." She suddenly waved away Aiden's hand in surprise and added, "I'm sorry." She stood up and ran away.

Aiden knows that this might happen. He then sighed deeply in agony. Kylie saw how embarrassed Audrey looked for a moment so she decided to ask Aiden what really happened.

"Something happened right? Tell me."

Aiden looked back at her looking irritated. Kylie was terrified for a moment with his stare. She then rephrased her question and said, "What I mean to ask is, did something happen?"

"I'm sorry. I was just. *sighed*" He said as he descended on to his seat avoiding Kylie's gaze as he brush his hair up looking a bit frustrated.

"Is it that bad?"

"I guess. I was actually afraid that this might happen and it did."

"Please, can you just tell me what happened? This is making me restless."

"Long story short, Audrey followed me and Tiffany yesterday. She thought that we kissed so she ran away. I chased after her and she fainted in front of me. I then took her home and took care of her and made her drink her medicine."

"Woah wait, did you just say that you made her drink her medicine? Did you perhaps have her drink a syrup?"


"How did you do it? I can't even make her take it without using force, or did you?"

"Oh please you're the second person who told me that. Geez. For like a thousandth time I will never use such force on her if you're thinking that had hurt her. Wait what? Did you just say that you're using force on her just to make her drink it?"

"Err I…the last time I did it was when I ugh. Please can we talk about that later? I didn't really have any ill intentions." Aiden suspiciously looked at her so she added, "I understand that Audrey may be mad at you after what had happened but I don't understand why she reacted embarrassed about it."

"You were asking me how I made her drink her syrup right?"

"Yes. What sorcery did you use? So how did you actually do it?"

"There's no magic behind it. I just drank the syrup myself and passed it on to her."

"Wait hold on!" Kylie asked as she tried to internalize if what she heard was correct. Doubtful of what she's thinking so she asked, "Am I understanding this right? Did you just pass her the medicine mouth to mouth?"

"Yes, I did. And it was surprisingly…good."