Chapter 43: Be Careful of The Dark

Audrey wore a short red laced round neck dress tiered with a bowknot on the back. The short-layered bubble skirt makes her look taller which she likes. She looked at the mirror and was astonished. She doesn't dress like this everyday and does not really like vanity and all but embracing it from time to time is not that bad.

"You're beautiful. You just need to express yourself more and be confident." Kylie said as she put a hand on her arm as she looks at the mirror too.

"You're just like a fairy godmother."

"If I'm a fairy godmother then what are you? Cinderella? Hahaha." She laughed.

"I don't know who Cinderella is but I guess my name is Cinder-Audrey. Hahaha." She laughed too.

If this is a fairytale then Audrey thought that she'd rather write her own than follow someone else's story. She doesn't want a prince charming who will only appear at the start and at the end of her story and will take all the credit at the end for making it appear that he saved a damsel in distress.

A knight in shining armor could do but it would be too good to be true if he would just appear just like in the books and movies. There's no Superman nor Spiderman in real life but there will always be that someone who will be there for you. You just don't know what their sacrifices for you because what's matters is that you're doing okay.

The two arrived at the party and as expected it was full of people. There seemed to be some celebrities around too. There was also a live band playing near the pool area. Everyone is dressed nicely but the person who stands out among them is none other than Audrey.

She felt insecure at first because she can feel the eyes of some people ogling at her but she told herself that she should learn to be confident to outcast her fears one by one. Slowly she adapted to the environment.

They saw some of their classmates and some were surprised on how beautiful Audrey looked right now.

"Wow Audrey I almost didn't recognize you. You should dress up like this every day at school."

"Haha. We have a uniform." Audrey replied with a laugh.

"Well if I were you, I wouldn't mind wearing that uniform every day."

She was continuously being teased about how pretty she looks that she should try and hook up some celebrities around. She was starting to have fun teasing them back by asking who should she go for first.

It was all starting to get better when her eyes were suddenly averted and was attached at a certain direction. What her eyes saw was something that surprised her so much that time slowed down till she was able to process what she saw.

Her dumbfounded stare attracted her classmates to look at the direction where she is looking. She couldn't say a word. She just stared blankly for a couple of seconds till somebody finally spoke and woke her up from a nightmare she thought that she was dreaming but no.

"Isn't that Aiden?"

"Oh…damn." Kylie said. She looked surprised and looked immediately at Audrey who appeared to be stuttered. She was afraid that they'll stumble up on to him but it seems inevitable.

"That's Angel right? The one clinging on to him like he's her boyfriend? Wow she became more gorgeous than the last time I saw her."

"They look good together."

"Wait, I thought that Audrey and Aiden were going out?" A classmate looked and asked Audrey.

"Huh? Uhh…no. We're not…" Audrey's fixed gaze on Aiden startled her when Aiden caught her glance and looked back at her bewildered. She saw how surprised he look at her that he even took Angela's arms around him. "Uhm I…uhh Kylie."

"Yes?" She saw that Aiden saw Audrey and is now about to go towards them.

"I'll call you later. I need to go somewhere." She slowly stepped back as she asses how Aiden would react. But when she saw him running towards her, she started running at the opposite direction.

That was so much to process for her absorbed mind right now. It was clear as a day, he saw Aiden and he's with a girl, another girl. Her thoughts began to get tangled with one another as she ran fast. She thought that the reason why she can't contact him was because of the girl, Angela. They looked so good together earlier that she was convinced enough that something was going on between the two of them.

She was reminded about what Tiffany told her that he went abroad to meet a girl. It was not just a coincidence that this Angela came back from abroad right? Could it be that he went there to fetch her back and be together here? Did he perhaps get tired and this was his way of rejection?

Audrey's thoughts started to turn into pointless questions. When she reached a dead end, she looked around for a place to hide and found a small storage locker that can fit her perfectly. She hastily entered and closed herself up.

She couldn't see a thing so she opened up her phone for a light. There were a couple of mops and broom inside the storage but she doesn't mind. She is afraid of the dark but she can handle it if she could be able to see a light. It makes her think more irrational than she already is right now. Somehow going inside such a dark space like this is making her nervous.

A couple of minutes had passed and it seems that Aiden had passed already. She was now about to go outside but when she pushed the door out, she wasn't able to open it up. It then made her feel anxious. She started slamming and kicking the door but it was still not opening.

She looked at her phone and was about to call Kylie but is afraid that Aiden might be asking her about her whereabouts. Bit by bit the darkness was starting to slowly eat her up. Though there was a light on her phone her battery is running low. Defeated she started panicking.