Chapter 42: The Girl in the Red Dress

Kylie greeted Audrey early in the morning. She knew that Audrey must be upset for something terrible must have happened with her encounter with Mike. But little did she know that it was something else that is bothering her dear Audrey.

"Good morning my Audrey Bear!"

"Uhh…yeah. Morning." Audrey replied timidly as she continued walking inside their classroom like some kind of zombie. She looks lifeless early in the morning.

"I'm really sorry about Mike. I didn't know that he was into you. I heard from the other members about what happened. Do you want some crepe? We can go to the one that you mentioned last time. My treat!" She apologized hoping that her mood will somehow be uplifted.

"I don't know. I'm really not in the mood to eat nor do anything at all."

"Oh my gosh! You rejected my offer. And it's not just any offer. It's crepe! Blueberry crepe! Did Mike perhaps hurt you? We can go to the student affairs and sort this thing out properly."

"No. It's not that. It's not Mike. I already accepted the fact that I may have a stalker now but it's not him." She said as she covered her face with her left hand as she continued to sulk looking dejected.

She felt like she fell underneath his spell. It was beautiful yet scary. Just by looking at his captivating eyes you'll feel the strong urge that will make you want to be grasped by him. Just by listening to his sexy voice will make you feel weak that you might even end up fantasize hearing such words that you'd want to exclusively hear.

Just by thinking that if what Tiffany said is true is slowly breaking her heart. So, this is heartache. A pain that you'd want to stop but will keep on puncturing you till you slowly break.

"Is it Aiden?"

Hearing his name made her heart beat fast making her aware that she has indeed had fallen for him, hard. She looked at Kylie and didn't say a word but gave a downcast glance saying that she was right.

"You know. If you keep on looking like you were being dumped, I'll start being sad too."

"Sorry for worrying you. It's just that my mind is so preoccupied with thought that I think I should get rid of before I start going crazy."

"You're right. Now, that reminds me! You know Angel right?"


"Angel our classmate."

"Ah. You mean Angela? The ghost student?"

"Crazy. She's not a ghost student. She just happened to be too busy with her modeling career."

"Yeah. I think I remember her. She was indeed 'supposed' to be our classmate but she kept on being MIA due to such reasons. So, what's up with her?"

"I heard that she just returned abroad and is going to held a grand welcoming party at her house and we're all invited!"

"I don't like the sound of that. I just had this weird encounter with Mike yesterday and is still worried about what to do when I meet him and now you want us to go to another party?"


Audrey sighed deeply. She's thankful to have such a crazy friend if not she'll end up sulking till, she knows when. She looked at Kylie who looked excited and asked, "Where is her house anyway?"

"Ow you're such a cutie! I know you'll agree. Don't worry. I'll be your body guard later."

"Wait, the party is today?!"

"I know the sound of that. Don't worry about the dress code and all. I have it under control. Let's go to my house later and get beautiful."

"I forgot that you're a party freak."

"Well parties' mean food, right? Since Angel will be hosting this party it won't be just food but good food!"

"I really wonder how you digest all the food that you eat up all at once."

Audrey and Kylie wasted no time and went straight to Kylie's house to primp themselves up. Kylie rummaged her wardrobe to find the most suitable clothes for them. While she's turning her room upside down, Audrey started curling the ends of her hair and styling them. It was fun for her preparing for a party like this with Kylie because she always wanted to have a sister but she's stocked with just a brother.

She suddenly panicked for she remembered that she needed to ask the approval of her brother first. "Oh gosh I haven't asked the approval of my war freak brother!" She exclaimed as she put the hair curler down.

"Oh wait. Hold on. Since I was the one who initiated going, I'll call your brother for you."

"Aw, thanks. You know how worrisome he gets."

"Yes, he might really dispatch a search party for you if you've gone missing out of his sight for just mere 3 hours."

Kylie immediately called Levi and went straight to the point to ask permission.

"So, I'm taking Audrey to Angel's party later."

"Who's Angel?" Levi asked.

"What the? You didn't know her. Come one she's the pretty model from our class who is well…mostly absent. Anyways there were commercials about her and I believe you've seen even one of hers."

"Oh, her. I've heard about her. Just, take good care of Audrey. If anything, bad happens to her, just anything I'll ground my little sister from going out anywhere with you for a whole year."

"Geez. Are you really Audrey's brother or father?"

"Do you want her to go to the party or not?"

"I do! Oh come on. You're really so grumpy. I'll take her home breathing in one piece!"

"Fine." Levi hanged up.

Kylie face Audrey and looked at her anguished as she tries to contemplate her temper down. "Your brother really is something." She shook her head from left to right not agreeing to how strict he is.

"I can't blame him. Our parents were both busy working abroad. He stood up like a father and mother to me and I'm really thankful about it. And we both know that we really can't worry him out. You know how sick he can get."

"I know."

"Now. Wear this red dress that I've been saving up for you for."