Chapter 47: Maybe It’s Complicated Maybe It’s Not

Misunderstanding happens when there is miscommunication. If there is a miscommunication then there is a problem. If the problem is not being solved later on, it will turn into something much more unfathomable. It cannot be avoided but it can be prevented.

"I felt really guilty thinking that it's all my fault. I was…about to apologize. I was about to say how sorry I am. I was about to properly sort this thing out but the very next day you were gone. Do you have any idea how worried I am?" She said as she let her tears fill her up.

Aiden don't know what to say. Seeing her cry pains him. He was guilty about everything. The more tears that fell off her cheek, the more it stings his heart. He tried wiping off Audrey's tears with his fingers but still she continued on crying.

Her tears were like knives stabbing him one by one. There was nothing more painful in this world to him than seeing the girl whom he loved the most tear down because of him. He never thought that being this near is much harder than staying away and looking at her at a distance like he used to do.

This was different, everything is different. The more he decided to stay with her like this, the more he began to want more and that includes the pain. The more he'll stay this close with her the more the pain he'll start to feel.

But he won't give up. He can't give up. He just can't give her up.

"I called, messaged. Nothing seemed to get through. Then I thought that maybe you already had grown tired of me. I was such a fool."

"Don't say that. Please. My phone broke and I couldn't get a spare. I wanted to have it repaired immediately but I couldn't. There was not enough time. I rushed and finished everything ahead of time just to get back as soon as possible."

"I heard that you went abroad to meet some girl. I didn't believe it at first but when I saw how perfect you two were together earlier it made me realize that someone like you is on a very different world compared to mine."

"There is nothing going on between me and her believe me. I needed to accompany her today to show that our families were both in good terms. There was nothing personal."

"Yeah sure. I can see that but I don't know why that's not what my mind is telling me. I'm not even sure why I am acting and thinking like this. Well, maybe I know why but maybe I just don't want to fully acknowledge the reason behind it because I'm so afraid that…that I will start to be selfish. More selfish than I already have."

It has been a long day for the both of them and Audrey thought that the fact that she still wasn't ready to face him is already clouding her judgement. She can't think straight anymore.

"You're not selfish. You are not foolish. If there's anyone here is selfish and foolish that is me and not you."

"I'm sorry. It wasn't supposed to be like this. It wasn't supposed to be complicated like this."

Aiden is having a hard time trying to understand what she's trying to say. In some way it's making him feel nervous. Maybe he had only been thinking about his feelings. Maybe he too is being selfish. Maybe he is also afraid but if he kept on being terrified, he knows that both of them will be stocked up or worse.

He wondered when it all became so complicated. Then he realized that it was when he started wanting to have more. Perhaps wanting more can be good too. Being selfish can also be good and so does being foolish.

Since it seems that Audrey won't listen to anything that he'll tell her, he decided to just express what he really feels right now hoping that it would calm that both of them.

At loss for words, he then pulled her closer to him by wrapping an arm around her waist. He touched and holds her nape as he looks at her in the eye deeply. She didn't struggle but instead she returned the look he gave her. What he did next was what he didn't expect that will end up surprising him back.

He parted her lips with his and kissed her. It was just supposed to be something quick but when he stopped to look at Audrey's face to analyze her expression, he was surprised when Audrey wrapped her arms around his neck and felt her hands touch his cheeks.

She just looked at him passionately There were no words but how they currently exchange looks with each other was already enough to light the torch that have been already igniting.

Audrey pulled him back and kissed him. There was no need to pretend, she wanted this too. The way he responded to her was unimaginably good. It's as if all their worries and troubles were being wiped out.

Terrified that he'd start wanting more from this, Aiden gently pulled himself away from Audrey. He had always wanted to kiss her like this but the kiss was starting to become something more unimaginable to him.

"I'm…sorry." Audrey apologized as she gazed down.

Surprised, Aiden looked at her and saw her looking embarrassed. He couldn't resist himself but embrace her. He missed her so much that he couldn't even calm himself right now. He thought that he might calm down after this but what happened is the exact opposite.


"Stay like this with me for a while." He said in plea as he tries to keep what's left with his composure.

"Okay. I'm really sorry"

"If you won't stop apologizing I'll kiss you."


Aiden gave her a bewildering look as if trying to entice her. He then said, "If you wanted me to do it apologize to me again and I'll gladly do it."

Audrey blushed just by thinking about it. She doesn't even know what to say after hearing those remarks. Her embarrassed look is tempting Aiden to do something crazy, which he did.

He gave her a quick kiss.

"I didn't apologize!" She protested as she sheepishly covered her face with her hands.

He gave her a sweet smile then said, "Sorry. You just looked really cute earlier that I couldn't help myself. My bad."