Chapter 48: The Password

Monday came in such bliss. It looked like it will rain any time soon. It was said that there might be a typhoon today. Judging how cloudy it looked outside proved that weather forecasts can sometimes be correct.

"Audrey. Don't forget to bring your umbrella." Levi said reminding her forgetful sister.

"Oh my, didn't they suspend our classes already? The weather looked really grumpy today." She said as she looks at the situation outside and saw that the wind is turning to be a little violent than the usual.

"Geez. You really like class suspensions."

"Of course! Who doesn't?"

"I don't."

"Oh come on. Are you not glad that you're going to spend some more time with your lovely sister if we both ended up staying at home?"

"Why would I be glad? We see each other every day."

Audrey clanged on to Levi's arm and looked at him with puppy eyes and said, "We haven't been spending that much time lately. You should stop being grumpy like the weather outside. You're too serious."

Levi was surprised on how she was being clanged on to. He knows his limitations and if he let being led by Audrey like this he's afraid that he'll start crossing the line that he shouldn't. They're not related by blood and being this close to her is enough for him, for now.

Audrey was glad to have arrived to school before it started raining hard. She doesn't really like the rain that much. The sound of the raindrops falling right from the sky is eerie to her and it is really weird.

"Kylie bear! Haven't they suspended our classes?" She said greeting Kylie who is currently gazing outside the window.

"Sadly, no. I don't think that they will though. They'll only suspend when it's like 'the end of the world' scenario outside. We need more rain." Kylie said as she crossed her eyebrows looking at how desperate the weather is currently looking right now.

"Can we switch seats for today? I don't really like the rain and…thunder."


After switching seats a sudden thunder jinxed Audrey out that almost made her jump out of her seat. It's starting to make her feel anxious and agitated.

"I forgot that you really don't like such weathers. Are you okay? Our library is sound proof. I'll accompany you there. "

"Don't worry. No need. I'm really…!" A sudden thunder came again together with an almost blinding lightning that made Audrey stood up bumping someone. "Sorry."

She looked at who she bumped on to and she was unprepared to see that it was Aiden. Her heart started racing more than how the thunder surprised her. It reminded her about what happened at Angela's party.

She stared at him and realized how handsome he really looks like everybody says. Audrey wondered why he looked more attractive today and thought that it might be because he's wearing a black hooded jacket today.

"Are you okay Audrey?" He asked looking worried as he removed one of his earphones away.

"Yes. I'm…oh God!" She exclaimed freaking out covering her ears with her hands after hearing another thunder. She almost had forgotten that it was raining hard outside when she saw Aiden but she was bewildered by the loud sound enough to wake her up to bring her back to reality.

Whenever it rains so hard like this, she always put some earphones on and put the volume high so she wouldn't hear how angry the weather is. She then scolded herself thinking that she's such a klutz forgetting to bring hers on a day like this.

"Here." Aiden said as he took his phone out of his pocket and handed it over to Audrey. He then put an earphone on to her ear and added, "I hope you like my choice of music."

"You had your phone fixed already?"


Audrey listened to the music and it was playing her favorite band 'One OK Rock'. "Heartache." She then look at Aiden's phone and was about to open it to browse his playlist but realized that it was locked. So she said looking at him as she sat on her seat, "You have a password, of course."

"Oh that. The password is…" He came closer to her and whispered on to her ear, "i-l-o-v-e-y-o-u"

Audrey typed the password and it indeed opened. She noticed that the wallpaper on Aiden's phone is a silhouette of a girl. She can't really see her facial features clearly. But somehow she looks really familiar. She was so curious who the girl is so she decided to ask, "Is this your girlfriend"

"Do you think so?" He smiled.

"I don't know. You tell me."

"What do you think?"

"Guys don't just randomly put a girl's photo as their wallpaper unless it's their girlfriend, or a celebrity. I don't think that you're the type to put a celebrity's photo on your phone though."

"You're right about the celebrity thing."

"Then…is this your girlfriend?" That question is making her not want to hear the answer if he say 'yes'. She really hoped that he won't say yes right now.

"Do you really want me to tell you?" He smiled at her sweetly as he rested his arm on to Audrey's table and bended down to look at her interesting expressions.

"If you don't want to you don't have to!" She said denying the fact that she's really curious. "Anyways, your password is really suspicious. Why does it seem like it spells like 'I love…" Before she finished her sentence she blushed realizing that his password really does spell like 'I love you'.

"Spells like what?" He asked teasingly. He saw how cute and innocent Audrey reacted right now. He can't help himself not to tease her more.

"It spells like…" She bit her lip.


"Like I…"



"What? Can't say it?"

"Of course I can't say it in public! It's your phone's password silly!" She said try dodging his question.

"Well thank you. Better keep the password yourself because it certainly does spell like…" He came closer and whispered on to her ear and said, "I love you. Audrey." He then slowly walked away and went to his seat.

She blushed hard as she have a hard time ingesting that it's just the password and it's not like he's saying those words to her. But when he added her name after it, she almost felt like she had a mild heart attack.

"Now, I'm really curious what Aiden told you." Kylie told Audrey.

"I-it's just a password. Y-yeah. Just a password." If she's being asked by a judge right now she's going to be immediately judged guilty.



"Why don't you tell me?"

"D-don't ask me!"

"Okay. What's your phone's password Aiden?" Kylie asked straightforward trying to tease Audrey more. She knew that Aiden must have said something that embarrassed her like this so she thought that teasing her might make her forget about the bad weather outside.

"Sorry Kylie it's not for your ears to hear. It's something that I can only tell Audrey."

Audrey abruptly put the other earphone on embarrassed about what she heard. It's as if Aiden just told her that he loves her. She's glad that everything seemed to be back to normal though.

She hopes that everything will go like it used to be but when her gaze was suddenly captured by a forbidding glance from nearby, she almost thought that a spine chilling air had passed by her. It was then that she realized that if she wanted to stay with him she needed to face such difficulties that will come.