How to Avoid A Stalker

"Can this day get any worse?" Audrey whispered to herself as she tried to walk as calmly as she could along the school corridors.

There were still scattered rain showers outside enough to maintain the coolness of the air around. It's not that scary for her anymore because there were no signs of thunder nor lightning coming anytime soon.

She was supposed to meet Kylie at the library but she ended up being stalked again by Mike. She doesn't want him to know her daily routine such as going to the school library after class. She thought that if she walked around the campus trying to go nowhere might help her get rid of her creepy stalker but no.

It's been a while since she's trying to call Kylie to ask for help but she just wouldn't pick up. She tried calling Tiffany but it just kept on ringing. She thought that by having to talk to someone on the phone and by using the same excuse as last time might do her good but it won't be any good if no one is picking up.

There are only two people on her contacts that she can call right now; her brother and, Aiden. If she calls her brother right now, she's afraid that this won't end in a civil manner. If he founds out that she's being followed he'll surely flip and beat the crap out of Mike. She doesn't want anyone going to the guidance so she decided to not call him.

What's left is Aiden. Nervous, she looked for his number on her phone. She hasn't even thanked him this morning for lending him his phone and earphones because he was being called immediately by Angela and all that she can do was just to hand him over his things.

That Angela is really something. The way she looked at her earlier was like she's saying that she's declaring war against her. If it's war that she wanted then it's war that she will get. Audrey understood already that there's no need to run away anymore. Running away would only mean that she's letting Angela win and that's not an option.

Startled, her phone started ringing while on the verge of thinking whether she's going to call Aiden or not. When she saw his name reflected on the screen her heart almost leaped in surprise. Anyways, he's calling at a perfect timing because she obviously needed to be saved right now for she's getting tired walking towards nowhere.

"Hey babe!" She said nervously hoping that Aiden would pick up what she's about to say onwards.

"Babe? Hmm what a greeting. I like the sound of that."

"Ha ha ha. Err…where are you right now?" She said as she tried to fake a laugh as she started walking fast sensing that Mike is just a few meters away from her now.

"I'm here at the parking lot."

"Hmm? What? You wanted us to go on a date today?"

"Do you want to?"

"I have plans but since you are the one asking, I'll cancel everything for the day. I'm heading there right now."

"Are you okay? You sounded pretty exhausted. Are you running? Are you that excited to see me now?"

"Yes, I'm so excited to see you. I just miss you already."


"Yeah. Didn't you miss me too?" Audrey asked as she noticed that she finally arrived at the parking lot. She's now trying to find where Aiden's car is.

"Yeah. I so much miss…you." He said in a very tempting manner as he stresses the word 'you' at the end. It sounded really sweet and sexy though.

"I'm near now. Can you start that car? I really want us to go out...I mean I really wanted to go somewhere with you today." Audrey then told herself to get a grip of herself. The way how he said those words earlier were like music to her ears. She almost fell from her intentional flattery with him.

"Hmm. Getting impatient? Okay. No worries. Your wish is my command."

Audrey hanged up the moment she saw Aiden's car. She immediately went inside. The moment she closed the door frantically, she exhaled deeply trying to calm herself down. She looked at the side mirror and saw Mike standing near them.

Aiden looked at her and knew that something is going on. "Let's go?"

"Yes, please."

"Ahh wait. Your…" He said as he moved closer to her.

Audrey's attention was instantly grasped by the man besides her. The second she looked on her side, she was immediately captured by Aiden's deep hazel greenish-gray pair of eyes. Her mind went blank. He was so close to her that she's starting to feel more nervous than she already is.

When he met her eyes, he somehow felt anxious. It's as if looking at her like this makes him want to just keep her all to himself. But he can't be selfish.

He suddenly felt insecure when he noticed that they've been staring at each other for a while now so he did what he's supposed to do in the first place. He took the seatbelt besides Audrey and put it on her. He moved back and went to his seat and said, "Let's go."

Aiden took Audrey at a famous coffee shop at a nearby mall. He saw how Audrey is silently eating her cake as she tries her hardest avoiding his gaze. Whatever is distressing Audrey is starting to worry him. So, he broke the silence between them and asked what's going on.

"Explain. What's with you earlier? When did you start trying to play dirty with me? Are you purposely trying to get back at me with my continuous teasing to you? Or you finally realized that you love me? Which is it?"

Audrey choked on the cake that she's eating. She sipped a ton from the frappe that Aiden got her earlier before she decided to speak. She was definitely taken by surprise. Well, something did certainly happen earlier. She's not playing dirty though. She's not even trying to get even at him. Her mind wasn't even processing right because she was too focused on getting rid of Mike. Yes, she realized recently that she's in love with him but she can't just say it like that!

She then settled on answering the first question by saying, "I was being stalked."


"I was being followed earlier that's why I said those…weird things to you." She said as she was so guilty of embarrassment that she can't even look at him straight in the eye right now.

"I've only been gone for a few days and this is what happened? What am I gonna do with you?" He worriedly said as he touched and caressed her face with the back of his hand.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. I said, I'm asking you to be my girlfriend."

"W-what did you just say??"