Hidden Intentions

Startled, Audrey asked again if what she heard was right. Did Aiden just ask her to be his girlfriend? She's slowly knowing who he is and for her there is no way that he could be serious. Or is he?

"W-what did you just say??"

"I believe you needed my help." He said as Aiden composed himself as he sat besides Audrey.

"Wait. What? I'm lost."

"Remember how you helped me out with Tiffany? I guess your dear stalker will give up in such a way too."

"Ahh…I get it now." She said almost displeased. She almost thought that he really is asking her out but it seemed that this is what he meant by what he said earlier.

"Hmm? What's with that look?"

"N-nothing." She said as she tried to dismiss the fact that she almost believed for a moment that he is seriously asking he to be his girlfriend for real.

"You really are not good at lying." He said as he stirs the iced tea in front of him with a straw.

"I know. That's why stop trying to see through me!"

"Anyways, if you don't like option number one there will always be option number two."

"Option number two? What is it?" She asked as she took a small piece from her cake. She was really happy to be eating her favorite cake right now that she even unconsciously smiled while having a bite.

Aiden noticed that she's been seriously trying to make her cake last longer for a while now by getting small servings from it. He almost gave a small faint laugh because he finds it too cute for him to handle. Every bite she takes she gave off this sweet radiating smile that looks so genuine.

He then slowly pushed the small plate of his cake towards Audrey. He immediately saw her look back at him wondering.

"Are you giving this to me?"


"Are you sure? Because you're currently giving me a very delicious piece of cake. If you're really giving this to me then there's no getting it back."

"If you want, I can buy you a whole cake."

"Really??" She looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Y-yeah." He averted her gaze and said, "Just eat all of this first before I change my mind."


Aiden saw how delighted Audrey looks right now. She's really easy to please. He almost lost his composure back then. So before he started lose his self control, he continued what he was trying to say earlier.

"Anyways, about what I am referring a moment ago is actually not advisable but it's the fastest way to tell someone to 'keep off' or 'never ever show your face ever again'."

"What is it exactly?"

"By using force."

"Hey! No violence! Geez this is why I haven't told my brother about this. He will surely freak out and use blunt force and knock him down with one blow."

"Well, that's one of the fastest ways of telling...what's his name anyway?"


"That'll be the fastest way to get rid of that Mike. Trust me, after this he will scrawl off with his tail between his legs."

"Ugh. Men."

"That's why I told you that it's not advisable. Do you have a better idea then?"

"Truthfully, I am afraid of talking with him again. I'm actually already afraid knowing that he's just a few meters away from me like earlier. It's my first time encountering a stalker and what's worse is that he's someone from our school!"

"I'll be a good boyfriend." He said teasing Audrey as he gave her a sweet grin.

"We might get busted if he finds out that we're just faking it and he's like our school mate and if anything went wrong, I might drag you down with me. You have a reputation to keep."

"I don't care about reputation and such. I don't need to mind what other people think of me."

"No. This won't do. There must be another way. What we did with Tiffany was actually making me feel guilty up till now because I haven't confessed to her that I was that mermaid haired girl that went on a date with you. Well…I guess she knows already but still that's from a very different scenario than this."

"The only way that you can stop that stalker of yours is to convince him that you already have a boyfriend. Don't worry. I won't do anything you don't like, babe." He smirked.

When he said the word 'babe' Audrey blushed.

Honestly there are tons of ways on how to get rid of a stalker. But being Audrey's boyfriend is something that he really wanted so much that he had his eyes set on by having her convinced. Though he'll be a 'fake' boyfriend it didn't matter to him because to some extent he actually liked how Audrey reacted when they were pretending to be together before.

Though it's a 'fake' and what's needed is just to convince this stalker of Audrey that she is already taken, he wanted to take this opportunity as a once in a life time offer. If he's going to be nearer to her like this then so be it. He might sound desperate but in all honesty he really is.

This is one of the ugly sides of love. Sometimes you'll just wanted to be with that someone even though at the end of the day you'll have your heart broken knowing that all of this is not real that you needed to wake up again the next day to repeat the same suffering all over again.

"I don't know what to think anymore. I'm so confused thinking what to think. There must be an option number three or four. I just need to figure out what it is." She said as she touched her forehead with her hand.

"Actually, you are out of options."

"What?" She looked back at Aiden looking disturbed about with what he just said.

"You used me earlier as your escape. You said that he was following you and had just a few meters away distance from you, right?"

"You're correct. I did say something like that."

"Then, sooner or later he will find out who your getaway car belongs to. And that's me. And all those things that you've said on the phone to me, I'm sure that he might have heard it all."

"Oh shocks."

"It seems that you have chosen option number all from the start then."

Audrey bit her lip and averted her gaze away from Aiden as her eyebrows furrowed. She couldn't believe that she was left with no options at the end.

Actually option number one isn't really that bad. It's not like it'll be hard now to act like she is his girlfriend. Now that she knows that she loves him, there's no need to pretend of act that she does. It'll be just like secretly taking advantage of the situation.

Think about it. The person whom you actually have fallen in love with volunteered to help you to be in a fake relationship with you. Even though that it'll all be a set up, you'll be able to touch and hold that person whenever or however you want. It's like a one in a million opportunity!

What she's terrified is that when this couple game starts, she might find herself wanting more from this. She's afraid that she might lose control of herself.