Chapter 2 - in depth


" Welcome to the future,

In 2040, If you expected flying cars ,floating buildings and alien species living with humans then let me tell you a big fat NO!. Everything is ruined, due to the human greed and selfishness. The leaders have to turned their backs against their people and became more hungry with money and power. Back then no one could had a bone in their body stop them or their minions. Who are their minions? Well they are anything , soldiers, generals, any kind of Rich people... hell! even a cooking chef can join them, it doesn't matter what is the job or the age. What matters to them mostly is only loyalty to the leaders before anything.

The most dangerous kind of minions are the crazy and insane scientists, these are the ones that are more feared than anyone. Even some leaders are so scared of what they can do with their scientific exploding brains. The cause of the world's destruction is because they thought the human population globally is growing way to much and many people can't reach their IQ level so what to ? They decided that one , women are idiots . Two children are also idiots and they take too long to develop and grow . Thus, simply they launched nuclear weapons in the camps that were filled with women and children and old people as most men were sent of to the army.after the destruction of these camps they discovered that oh shit!! we shouldn't have done this because the human cloning to make new human copies is no longer working giving false results. Soo every country collected the survived women and children and put girls and women in a hellhole Called "shelter " it's is supposed to protect women which in their dictionaries means gather the women and girls increase their fertility with hormones and make them a child birth machine which involves rape and force upon women. maybe your wondering scientists , minions, leaders , shelters and life is now ruined . What the hell am I talking about?

Well, I am not in the mood to explain to you dumb brain anyway. " I finished while looking at the blank face of my one and only friend in this hellhole.

"Jaz , I only asked you what do you think should I cut my hair or leave it long. Yet, you come out with the same crazy events that happened years back I mean was it in 203-" I interrupt Ella cause I don't know why but I can't tolerate it when this specific date is said wrong.

"It's 2020 on the same day on the 4th of December , GOD!!! Why do I remember that date only stupid brain stupidbr-"

"ANY WAY, girl you gotta move on , it's not the end of the world"

"It is the end of the world "

"Well technically yeah , but LIVE IN the moment "

"Are you stupid like seriously what kind of drugs are on , WHAT MOMENT DO I LIVE IN THIS HELL YOU DUMBSHIT , WE ARE DYING, NO ANIMMMMBBH" well my words were cut short again cause this idiot decided to choke me her hand on my mouth . STUPID ELLA

"well just enjoy the mommeh -OUCH" this time I smacked her on the back of her head

"I swear if you don't shut up I will pull out your hair till your bald , just like fat Johnson , that you will have to put on a mop on your head to act like you have hair !!!" This time I won and the indication was the horrified expression of Ella while holding her hair like it's the most precious this in the world. HA!Take that.

After a moment of silence which was cut short by the most important question that anyone could ever imagine by the sweet clever Ella.

"So should I cut my hair short or only the split ends ?"

I look at Ella's shiny golden hair and her beautiful baby blue eyes , she is beautiful and kind but I wish she could have a brain instead of the stack of onions in her head.

"Ella honey, do you happen to own a pair of scissors and I don't know ? I asked her and waited for her to process the question then she looked at me with wide eyes " no, I don't have " then I answered with "shut up Ella "

"HEY ! BOTH OF YOU , SHUT UP! AND GET DOWN NOW FOR BREAKFAST" both Elle and I look down form sitting on the high stone shelf's in our shared room to find the unpleasant scary face of my lovely guardian Dorothy .

"Can't you see I am busy ?!! " I said with a bored tone , even though, she has the control of basically ruining my life , I give no care in the world for her.

Maybe it's because it's not you first time to be physically abused by her , I thought in the back of my head.

Ella took my hand in hers to squeeze it telling my to stop but never I would dare to.

"Listen there! Didn't you have enough of that belt, your back haven't even healed yet form the fresh wounds , you are the only girl here that no man took interest in and yet you act like a queen." She fired back with anger.

"Dorothy honey! You know if I am queen, my first demand would be all of your heads on a gold shinning plate with a cherry on the top" I told her, still with no care while examining my bruised hand.

She looked at me with anger and disgust and Said

" 5-minutes " then she left with out a word. Guess I won again , looks like it's gonna be a good day.

Ella looked at me with fearful and tearful eyes and said "Jazzi, you have to slow down , you have been to that dungeon more than anyone here , I am scared that next time , you will come back dead"

Not looking up from my hand I answered her with " every time I go there it reminds me of emotions that shows that I am still a human"

"Like what?" she whispered

I looked up from my hand and gazed her with an emotionless expression and I answered with

" pain ".