As i walk down the dirty empty halls of the shelter with Ella walking beside me, I was lost in my thoughts of an ABC song and a red dress.
"Hey Ella, it's a beautiful morning isn't it ? " my thoughts were cut my the venom coated voice of none other than the doll herself. Well let me introduce first, this is Nina the actual queen here , apparently she is the most beautiful one here,girls are jealous of her beauty and guardians are proud of her work. By that I mean that , men visit the shelter here for the good time there is a party hall in the much cleaner building and when they take an interest in a girl , they just swipe them way for how along they like. The girl who gets pregnant stays in her baby father's house and during her stay she either convinces him to marry her and in that case no shelter for her or sends her back to the shelter.
if the baby is a girls she goes with the mother , if the baby is a boy he is sent to the army with the father.
Our beloved Nina here has been with many men but haven't yet been impregnated. Even though she is the queen of beauty here she hates Ella for being a natural beauty and also because there's is a soldier who took interest in Ella and she will be married to him when she is 18 , the shelter rules I mean really ??
"Oh ! Nina , its is indeed a beautiful day , how are you? " Replied Ella.
As much as I love her as my sister but sometimes she pisses me off with her idea that everything and everyone is a sunshine
"Ella, it's breakfast I am hungry let's go" I said before the conversation could go on . Even though I am not hungry but I just want to leave this evil form of a human.
"Umm... an advise for you jaz , you should probably cut down some meals maybe if you will lose more weight , you will be able to attract maybe an old man for you" Nina said while laughing like it the most funny thing in the world.
"Well Nina I have a better advise for you how about you stop starving your self , cause your face is like bones now and your nose looks longer than your hair, Sooo eat more to keep your nose small . Okay byyeee" as I finished Nina touched her nose subconsciously as if like I have palm faced her nose,Then I went along my way with Ella following behind.
We enter the eating hall and we get in line for our food which is mainly wasted food from the army
Me and Ella pick a far back table and as she starts to gossip with her friends , I stared to drift away about the red dress and the ABC song.
Because I am the most weird , ugly , unwanted and hopeless girl in the shelter my job is always in the behind the scenes . Like cooking in the kitchen with the older women there , or cleaning the party hall after every night mess or the worst of them was getting the girls all dolled up with makeup and hair.
There are only 3 categories of girls first the high standards that are girls and women from 18 till 34 in ages that have the beauty in every form. These girls are supposed to be the treasure were most of them either get married or were at least pregnant once.
The middle category are mostly women that work in the shelters only.
And then, the low standard which means the mostly a group of women' age form 35 to going up but I am the exception as I am supposed to be 22. Due to my unexplained conditions , they put me here as an extra hands till they decide what is going to happen for me.
As , I enter the the kitchen I greet Emily.
"Hey ems "
"Hello dear , how are you today?
"Shitty, you ? "
"Even though I would advise to watch your language .... but it is indeed Shiite in this hellhole"
See that's why I love her. This women is my only source of light here. Why? Simply because she saved my mind and my brain form the lies that they feed here for the girls. When I turned 18 I was causing much trouble back then more than now , and the guardians didn't know what to do with me. So they put me in this category and that's where I met Emily. I was and still and angry child for everything in this world some how she managed to make my anger as a motivation to think more. Basically Emily is the one who told me everything that happened back then and how the shelter started.
My thoughts were interrupted by Emily hugging me then she whispered" happy birthday day dear"
" how do u even know it's my birthday Emily ? I have no file to prove this. "
"I can just feel it dear"
" thank you " I whispered
Emily let go for me and then told me what we have for today.
At the end of the day, we went to our bedrooms and I drifted into a deep sleep once I place my head on the pillow.
Sleepy I hear Ella whisper
"I hope that I she can get a peaceful sleep with out any nightmares"
I hope too Ella , I hope