
"So our next stop will be Coober Pedy, get comfy, it'll be a really long trip, especially since we'll have to take it slow even on the straight roads," Chloe said as she looked towards the mess in front of her. just like before, the corpses of beasts are scattered across the road.

Everyone nodded before getting out a few things, they took some pillows and blankets from Marla Traveller's Rest, of course with Dylan's permission. they made sure to get real comfortable, at least that way the trip would be slightly more enjoyable.

However, the trip was still as gruesome and boring as they expected. The beast corpses have probably had a day or two since they died, causing the stench to be unbearable, not to mention the scene it caused. Half ate corpses, some torn to bits and others with little bite marks.

No matter how much of it they see it's still disturbing.

Grabbing the phone Adam quickly checked how long it had been. Looking at the time he noticed it's been 2 – 3 hours and looking at the maps they were only halfway there. He laid his head back and closed his eyes, maybe he could take a nap and when he wakes up they're there.


They all jumped from their seats and stared through the window. Looking outside the window everyone could see a massive bird flying above them, one they hadn't seen before, one that looked dangerous. It was mainly blue, with the tips of the feathers coloured white. They couldn't see exactly how large the bird was, unsure how far it from them.

The bird spotted them before they could prepare their beasts the bird pierced through the air, breaking the sound barrier in an instant and appearing before them in an instant. Taking a closer look the bird appeared to have the wingspan of 10 metres, while its body was roughly 2 metres wide. From the beak to tail feathers was about 5 metres, it had large razor-sharp black talons.

Putting its talons first the bird ripped into the roof of the car, it quickly sounded as if someone had scratched their nails on a blackboard, giving everyone a quick shiver. The birds light brownish talons were in front of them.

"Summon Fa- "

"Stop!" Before Dylan could summon his beast, Alfredo had already stopped him from finishing his incantation.

Dylan looked a bit annoyed and frustrated at being stopped, but before he could complain Alfredo explained his actions, "You could have almost killed us Dylan! Look out your window".

Everyone looked outside and reeled back, they had realised they were probably 30 – 40 metres in the air and the height was still rising. Seeing that everyone realised what's happening Alfredo continued explaining, "We aren't sure exactly how the bird will react to being attacked. Will it drop us? Causing us to plummet to our deaths. Or will it slowly descend as the poison slowly kills it? Not sure and I don't want to take any risk, so, be patient and we'll deal with it when it does put us back down".

Although no one wanted to get carried away, there wasn't much else they could do. They all laid back and tried to calm their nerves, but that was difficult as they saw the road fading into the distance. Where ever the bird was taking them, it was far away.

Looking at the massive bird outside Lachlan quickly analysed it.


Name: Blue Lightning Eagle

Age: Adult

Attribute: Wind/Lightning

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 4th Grade

Level: 5

STR: 49(+5), AGI: 61(+10), VIT: 45(+7)

INT: 30(+5), PER: 29(+2), WIL: 25(+1)

Weakness: Weak Wing Joints

Strengths: Lightning Speeds, Crushing Grip, Lightning Control (Dormant)


Looking at the level Lachlan quickly realised it wasn't as high as he thought. But, while its level wasn't extremely high its natural stats were incredibly high, especially since it didn't have a master, well at least that's what they think.

But there was something else that attracted his attention and that was the lightning control. Lightning was a rather destructive element, but the fact that is was dormant was what really intrigued him.

Since the eagle was an adult then the only stage left would be elder. But that seemed a little long before getting an element to control, of course, when something learnt to control an element wasn't up to Lachlan to decide so it very well could gain the ability to control lightning once it reached elder age.

Thinking that it doesn't have a master Lachlan touched the talon and tried taming it, "You want to join me, travelling the world and fighting against the strong?"

Seeing what Lachlan was doing caused Alfredo's and Jack's expression to turn sour. Jack reached out to take Lachlan's hands away from the talon, "Lachlan, wait!" Alfredo shouted.

There was nothing, Lachlan was surrounded by complete darkness, nothing in sight, no sound, no smells, and nothing to grab a hold of. Though, he couldn't feel what was happening to his body. Was he falling? Or was he going up? Either way, Lachlan wasn't sure how long he would be here for.

He remembered what happened last time such a situation happened, during the evolution.

He quickly got scared and thought his eyes were about to evolve again, he curled up into a ball and grabbed onto his head. After a few seconds, Lachlan realised nothing happened, so he uncurled his body and looked around.


Looking behind him Lachlan realised it was the massive bird, except up close. Lachlan looked minuscule compared to the massive bird. Surrounding the bird was what seemed to be a blue aura, completely enveloping it. The bird's eyes were white as it stared at him, or in Lachlan's perspective, as it stared through him.

Looking at the human in front of it the Eagle began to size him up, see if he was qualified to tame it. Looking at him and how weak he was the bird decided it wouldn't be worth it. The eagle spread its wings and flapped hard.


The bird quickly gave off an ear-piercing screech which only Lachlan could hear, causing him to feel sick. It was almost like the bird just attacked his soul, which very well could be what it just did.


The bird began flapping its wings at an extremely fast speed, causing Lachlan to be flung out of where ever he was.

Lachlan jumped forwards like he was just in one of those dreams where you fall and just before you hit the ground you wake up. Lachlan didn't notice it but his breathing was rather heavy and his back was drenched in sweat.

Looking around him Lachlan noticed everyone staring at him, it seemed the bird was grabbing hold of the car, and Lachlan hasn't experienced any pain yet. Inspecting his body Lachlan couldn't see any tattoos, which probably meant he didn't succeed.

Sarah, who was in Lachlan's arms was now in Jack's. It seems he knew what might happen and made sure Sarah didn't get hurt. Lachlan was glad that nothing bad happened.

Alfredo looked a bit apologetic before he began explaining to Lachlan what he experienced, "What you just experienced is something everyone here with a tamed beast has experienced. However, from what I've seen it seems that you have to have a friendly connection to tame a beast. Franklin was my pet, Rocky was Jack's pet, and Shadow sees Adam as its parent".

"What about Dylan's Fast and Slow?" Lachlan Asked.

"Fast and Slow were my two pet snakes before this whole incident," Dylan explained. He had got the two snakes when they were rather young, so maybe they see Dylan as their parent. No one questioned it as everyone had their hobbies.

"Okay, as shown, everyone has something that connects them to their tamed beast, so I would suggest you don't suddenly try and tame something you have no connection with," Alfredo said. He wasn't sure what the consequences could be and he'd rather not find out yet.

"Okay," Lachlan said while nodding. He laid back down and he felt rather exhausted both physically and mentally.

They continued their journey in the air for half an hour before the bird began to descend. Looking down and out the window, they could see a cluster of large trees, with a nest, created using five of those trees to support it.

The nest seemed to be made of tree branches, whole tree saplings, and large bushes. It seemed to be about 50 metres long and wide. Certainly the nest of such a large bird, which likely meant the bird's babies would be just as large.


It started to slow down its descent, reaching the nest before it dropped them off, only half a metre above the ground so nothing got damaged and no one was hurt. It dropped us near the tree supporting the centre of the nest.

Looking inside they could see that the tree was partially hollowed out, with a few eggs laid there.


Looking in front of them the bird had landed on a few tree branches, snapping them in half with its weight. The bird was now staring at them with its large beady eyes, it seemed to be looking down on them as if it just caught a delicious snack.
