
When Lachlan reached the tent he noticed everyone was gathered there. Almost everyone, the group from Coober Pedy decided to would be best to separate here, they don't want to get in the way or anything.

Not to mention there wasn't a need for them to actually go to the Adelaide Hills considering that they don't have any family there.

Everyone quickly noticed Lachlan had finally appeared, Alfredo explained what they were doing, "We're currently planning what to do, I'm a bit impatient and want to see my wife and I believe you guys want to see your father. As such, I believe we could try and travel with the military if we could convince them".

Chloe perked up at that, "Couldn't you convince them with your strength, not to mention the boys all have tamed beasts of their own, it should be valid proof of our strength".

"It should be, but I don't think they want unpredictable people coming along with their soldiers. They might think we would get in the way or cause some damage".

"Couldn't we use Lachy's birds to get there?" Chloe asked, she was just like Alfredo and was impatient to see her husband, especially considering that they were so close now.

"Possibly, but we are now going through thick vegetation, we can't see anything. Yes, Lachlan's birds are strong, however, if we get knocked off the birds some of us might not survive," Alfredo explained.

His last sentence caused Chloe to freeze up, as she knew he was talking about her. However, she didn't disagree with him, she was the only one without a tamed beast yet and could only accept that.

Alfredo continued, "In addition, we don't know what type of beasts are lurking in the forest. Since we're in Australia, it's bound to be overflowing with spiders and snakes. Sure, we could try and fly high but there could also be tons of birds that might get in our way".

Lachlan decided to join in, "What if I had two of the birds protect us while one carries us?"

"Oh, and how are we going to do that? Although they're big it'll be a bit dangerous for all of us to try and fit on one bird," Alfredo questioned. Indeed the birds were big but safely keeping everyone on would be difficult.

"Vehicles!" Lachlan shouted happily as if he just discovered something new and groundbreaking.

Alfredo thought for a bit before understanding what Lachlan meant, "So you mean one bird carries everyone that'll be inside a car while the other two protect".

Lachlan was happy Alfredo understood what he meant and nodded. It was similar to how they got to the nest. Although they would be slow since Lachlan felt he would be able to keep the Rocs summoned for longer he thought there shouldn't be a problem.

"That'll also be a problem. If you guys haven't noticed yet the only vehicles around us are military, they moved all cars and buses out of the area to create more room for everyone and create a wall," Alfredo dumped cold water on Lachlan's plan. He was right though, when they came through the wall they noticed cars and buses had been used to create it.

"So all we need to do is get out of this area. Right?" Chloe said without a thought, she didn't think there should be any challenges in that.

Alfredo explained the complexities of the mission, "Not quite. As I'm sure everyone remembers, they have beasts with detection abilities scattered around the walls, the moment they detect us we'll probably be in a bit of trouble. As such, I do believe we can mix both plans".

"How are we going to do that?" Chloe asked.

"Well, if we prove that we're strong enough to protect ourselves we may be able to get their trust, allowing us to get outside the city. Now that's the hard part, getting their trust".

"Fight their strongest fighter!" Jack shouted in a similar fashion to Lachlan.

"Indeed that'll work, but who do you think has the highest chance of winning against the militaries strongest," Alfredo said.

"Can't you fight them, Alfredo?" Chloe asked. SHe didn't want her children to fight against the military, something just didn't feel right.

"I could, but I'm not confident in my ability to beat them".

Dylan thought about it for a while before interrupting them, "What about me? Although I don't have the same experience as Alfredo I believe I'm stronger, especially with my two tamed beasts".

"Alright boy, since you seem confident let's do this," Alfredo said while patting Dylan's back.

"I could also fight," Lachlan said in a low voice.

"And why would we do that?" Alfredo asked. He knew Lachlan's strength but also wanted it to be kept a secret unless it's needed.

"Just like Dylan, I may not be as experienced as Alfredo, but I'm certain I'm currently stronger," Lachlan explained.

Dylan was a bit confused as this was new information to him, "What do you mean?"

"Well, last night I had decided to go for a bit more training and further improved the Rocs' strength, which means I'm stronger," Lachlan said with a cocky tone. He didn't mean to but that's just how it is.

"So that's why your Rocs felt stronger than usual. Although they tried to hide it I could feel that they had a lot of strength flowing through their bodies this morning

Lachlan was surprised Dylan was able to sense that, he thought he told Catastrophe to hide it completely. Suppose that it was just too difficult and it'll probably remain that way until he figures out a way to evolve Catastrophe.

"Indeed, as such, I could do it instead. Not to mention that having more beasts would seem better," Lachlan did think about it a bit and while having Dylan go up to fight was smart, having someone with more beasts would be beneficial as well.

"I suppose you're right. Alright, but make sure to not show off your special abilities, just try to make the air electrifying, that should be enough," Dylan severely underestimated the strength of a high ranking soldier.

"If that's all it takes then that would be great, unfortunately, it'll probably require a bit of fighting to prove who's boss," Lachlan said confidently. Although he wasn't too confident in beating the boss in a one on one, with the help of the Rocs he should be able to prove himself.

Lachlan decided to keep Dylan in the dark, just for a bit longer since he could go either way. And if he joins the military and word of my ability goes around they'll probably go after him, some with crazy intentions.

"So how do we find the boss?" Chloe asked. Since Lachlan was so determined the fight there wasn't much she could do but make things easier.

"We can go to Hayley, the soldier that led us here. She should be able to lead us to her boss," Lachlan said.

"So that's where you were huh," Chloe suddenly appeared behind Lachlan and pinched his cheeks, "You're only 16 yet you're going after a mature woman," she jokingly said.

"It's not that, we were just discussing beasts," Lachlan hurriedly explained himself.

Adam was nor next to Lachlan tapping him with his elbow, "Beasts? Don't you mean breasts?" Adam also began to tease Lachlan, however, his tease wasn't met with the same reaction.

"And what do you mean by that," Chloe grabbed Adam's arm and pinched his cheeks hard.

Alfredo, Jack and Dylan were on the side watching this, "Suppose you're the smart one amongst your brothers," Alfredo said to Jack.

"Of course, I've seen and learnt from my brother's mistakes," Jack happily accepted the praise, it was well deserved.

"Anyway, Let's get going we could make it to Mount Barker today if we hurry," Alfredo said in an attempt to break up the little feud.

Chloe heard it and stopped, "Okay, let's go". She walked to the side and picked up Sarah, she was happily watching and laughing at the little skirmish. Chloe then walked outside the tent, followed by the rest of the group.