Meeting New People

On the final day Lachlan was emotional. He was on the hockey oval, Calamity right behind him, his family and friends in front of him, all saying their goodbyes.

"Make sure you take good care of yourself," Chloe told Lachlan that many times during the final day. It was her worried side coming through, needing to constantly remind Lachlan of something he has heard 20 times.

"Make sure you show them who's the boss," Jack said, Chloe shook her head next to him. Lachlan did slightly agree though, he needed to make sure they at least have some form of trust and respect in him.

"When you get there make sure you kick someone's ass, show them your stuff okay?" Adam joined in.

"Haha alright, I'll kick someone's ass just for you," Lachlan found the last few moments with his family fun, they were relaxed. Now it was time for him to spread his wings and fly. Adam and Jack had already done it when they got into Uni and moved out. Not it was his turn, even if it was slightly earlier then he had hoped.

Dylan and Alfredo gave Lachlan a thumbs up. They respected him, not only for his strength but for his quick wits and funny comments every now and then. They really connect with each other over the 5 days. Then there was finally one more person Lachlan felt the need to say goodbye to.

"Okay now Sarah, I'll be gone for a while so you'll need to take care of everyone alright," Lachlan jokingly said to Sarah as he lifted her up.

"Of course I will, I'll show them who's boss," Sarah said cheekily while flexing her arms with no muscles.

"You do you boo, just make sure you don't miss me too much while I'm gone," Lachlan said as he kissed her on the forehead. She quickly wiped it off and Lachlan put her back down.

Lachlan turned towards Adam(J) on the side, "I'll be leaving now, make sure my family stays safe".

"That's my duty after all, and you make sure to do your part," Adam(J) replied back. Lachlan knew he was talking about the materials. Adam(J) wanted Lachlan to get the most materials out of all the explorers, that way he could flex a bit whenever he meets with other Major Generals.

"Don't worry I will," Lachlan jumped onto Calamity and shot through the air. As he flew away Lachlan began to tear up, seeing his family disappear into the distance.

'You seem sad' Calamity felt Lachlan's tears hit his back, he also felt Lachlan's emotions through the contract.

'If I were to suddenly leave you would you be sad?' Lachlan pulled a fast one on him, making him think about it profusely.

'Of course I would be sad, but I'll probably get over it eventually. The only one amongst us three that'll really be sad would be Disaster, he's a bit shy and wouldn't want to suddenly be left in the world' Lachlan enjoyed Calamity's insight. Calamity really didn't seem as young as it was, although Lachlan knew its was showed Adolescence, it was only born days ago.

'I may not be summoned but I can still hear you jackass, I'll be perfectly fine if dad were to suddenly leave me' The peace was quickly broken by Disaster's remark. Lachlan never knew they could communicate even when unsummoned, that certainly surprised him.

It took a while for Lachlan to make his way to Sydney, he had to constantly stop because he was getting a headache, but during this time Lachlan felt peaceful. His worries about his family eventually settled down after having conversations with his Rocs, each giving some rather unique perspectives.

Once he got further away from the cities and roads the surroundings seemed to calm down, he saw many new creatures, familiar ones too. It did make sense though, although some animals of the same species might evolve differently they were too few.

Lachlan noticed that corpses began filling the grounds again, there was a lot of houses and in the distance, he could see skyscrapers. Some of which were badly damaged, some which Lachlan could see were being protected.

He flew a bit higher, making sure to escape the attack range of any spiders while scouting for an open area.

A bright light flashed him in the eyes, he felt temporarily blinded for a moment.

Looking at the source he noticed a group of soldiers surrounding a massive light, probably from a lighthouse. They were facing it towards him and turning it off and on, sending a signal. Unfortunately, Lachlan never studied morse so he had no idea what it said. He just decided it might mean something about an open space or come here.

He flew close and saw them pointing in a specific direction, looking over he saw where the main base was. There were military vehicles everywhere, and from what he can see there seem to be submarines underneath the water next to the shore.

He saw a soldier hold light sticks in an open area, he quickly shot over and began descending. Looking around he noticed a group of 4 people walking to the landing spot, and from their badges, he knew they were the leaders here.

He quickly analysed them and was pleasantly surprised, one person in particular intrigues him.


Name: James Ryan (Human)

Age: 52 (Adult)

Soul Contracts: 2/5

Compatibility: Sharks (Perfect), Fish (Moderate)

STR: 31(+1), AGI: 32(+1), VIT: 20(+1)

INT: 24, PER: 30, WIL: 27

Weakness: Injured Arm & Ankle, Prideful

Strengths: Water Control (Level 4), Darkness Control (Level 2), Fast Swimming, Strong Bite, Control of 5 Loyal Sharks


Lachlan gave the guy a good look. He had a rather cool insignia on his shoulder. It looked as though it had a crown on the top, beneath that was a sword and what seems to either be a barrel or sheath all on a golden background. Beneath all that were either three stars or flowers. Then just below that was another piece, black background. It had one thick golden line at the bottom, above it was two thinner golden lines followed by what seems to be the sun.

James was 6'4, he stood proudly with a straight back and puffed chest. He had the right too as well, Lachlan thought his stats were insane. He could content against come beasts in a one on one. He could already tell James was incredibly strong. He had a few scars on his face, nothing too serious. His hair was short and black, accompanied by a recently shaven beard.

Lachlan looked to the rest but was disappointed when all of them were average. Not the kind of average that would get beat by a civilian, but wouldn't stand a chance against beasts.

Lachlan landed his Rocs in the open space and hopped off, he then turned towards the group walking to him.

"Welcome, Lachlan! don't get too comfortable, you might not be here for long," James said.

Lachlan quickly noted that, he knew he wouldn't be here for long because their mission will begin soon.

"Hello, thanks for having me," Lachlan replied.

"You can call me James," he said as he stretched out his right hand, Lachlan did the same and gave a firm handshake.

Then it was a competition of grip strength. Lachlan easily lost but managed to gain the admiration of James. James knew when he saw talent and determination, Lachlan showed it.

'This kid is more than capable' James thought. The rest of the soldiers stayed silent, they didn't need to introduce themselves since they won't be with each other for long. They did, however, give a friendly wave.

"Follow me," James said while gesturing.

They began walking towards what seemed to be a large building, it wasn't a military building but rather some random business building.

Once Lachlan walked in he was amazed by the sight. There were a few military vehicles parked there, soldiers running around.

They walked through a door and entered a massive room, filled with computers, all of which had people stationed at them.

The four lead Lachlan into a small side room and inside was a massive television in front of a large table. There were already six people seated, four girls and two guys. Once they entered the soldiers stayed outside.

Lachlan determined they were his teammates, he decided to analyse them. He had to give it to them, they were definitely worthy of the mission.


Name: Joe Bell (Human)

Age: 21 (Adult)

Soul Contracts: 1/5

Compatibility: Dogs (Perfect), Wolfs (Low)

STR: 16(+1), AGI: 15(+1), VIT: 11

INT: 16(+1), PER: 20, WIL: 17

Weakness: Inexperienced, Sensitive Nose

Strengths: Fire Control (Level 6), Earth Control (Level 6), Strong Bite, Strong Legs, Fast Speeds


Name: Chloe Wart (Human)

Age: 29 (Adult)

Soul Contracts: 4/5

Compatibility: Crocodiles (Perfect), Reptiles (low)

STR: 18(+1), AGI: 15, VIT: 18(+1)

INT: 21, PER: 17, WIL: 18

Weakness: Inexperienced, Overthinker

Strengths: Water Control (Level 2), Iron Body, Crushing Bite, Natural Camouflage, Extreme Swimming Speeds


Name: Georgia Perry (Human)

Age: 27 (Adult)

Soul Contracts: 1(1)/5

Compatibility: Eagles (Perfect), Birds (Low)

STR: 16, AGI: 14(+1), VIT: 14

INT: 17(+1), PER: 14, WIL: 18

Weakness: Inexperienced, Emotional, Overthinker

Strengths: Darkness Control (Level 6), Extreme Speeds, Crushing Grip.


Name: Simon Warrens (Human)

Age: 34 (Adult)

Soul Contracts: 3/5

Compatibility: Birds (High)

STR: 16, AGI: 18, VIT: 16

INT: 17, PER: 18, WIL: 17

Weakness: Inexperienced, Arrogant, Underthinker

Strengths: Water Control (Level 4), Wind Control (Level 4), Lightning Control (Leve 3), Earth Control (Level 4), Crushing Grip


Name: Zoe Bell (Human)

Age: 24 (Adult)

Soul Contracts: 3/5

Compatibility: Frogs (Perfect), Amphibians (Low)

STR: 15, AGI: 17, VIT: 13

INT: 14, PER: 18, WIL: 13

Weakness: Inexperienced, Naive

Strengths: Water Control (Level 2), Strong Jumping Power, Dangerous Poison, Complete Camouflage within Water


Name: Phoebe Brown (Human)

Age: 15 (Teenager)

Soul Contracts: 2/5

Compatibility: Turtles (Perfect)

STR: 15, AGI: 13, VIT: 14

INT: 17, PER: 13, WIL: 12

Weakness: Inexperienced, Emotional, Naive, Easily Distracted

Strengths: Water Control (Level 5), Unbreakable Bones, Powerful Skin, Extremely Strong bite


Among the group, there were two that intrigued Lachlan the most. They were Georgia and Joe, as not only do they only have one beast currently, they have the bonus stats. Meaning their beast's bonus stats reached above 20, that was impressive on its own.

Then Lachlan came to a sudden realisation as he looked through all these screens. He had no idea what the strengths actually do, how much do they affect a fight. If something has 30 agility but fast speed while its opponent has 20 agility but lightning speed, would there be a difference?

'Analyse strengths & weakness'


Strengths: The strengths that something has will directly affect how the stats work in certain areas of a body part. E.g. If something has 50 strength, should they have Tough Body their defence will be doubled across the whole body, coming to 100 strength as a defence.


Weakness: The weaknesses can be acquired through any means. Losing limbs will create a weakness, so will having an arrogant personality, some may be born with weaknesses. Within the weaknesses are both mental and physical weaknesses that the individual as acquired.


That really helped Lachlan out. That meant that although he may have lower agility and strength than someone, due to his lightning speeds he should be faster. There was also his crushing grip, which likely affects the strength put into gripping attacks. The increase will do much more damage.

He now felt a lot more confident in his abilities.