First Day Done

Although the gravity increase they did notice something. Their beasts were able to continue, their strength allowed them to do so. Joe was also able to continue but this is where he would start to struggle, not by much, he could easily go a bit longer but if there's another increase that's when he'll be done for.

'Listen you three, I can't continue from this point on, I'll have to get you guys to continue and tell me what you find' Lachlan told his Rocs.

'Don't worry this will be a piece of cake, this gravity doesn't scare me' Catastrophe proudly said as it continued to walk through the shrubbery.

'Alright, we'll bring back anything new that we find for you' Calamity informed him before follow along with Catastrophe.

'Yes' Was all Disaster said before running to catch up to them. It made him giggle seeing Disaster waddle so fast.

Chloe did the same. Although the crocodiles didn't have anything that could properly grab something they did have their large mouths. Should they find anything that unique that could fit then that'll be great.

"Joe, you go on ahead, we'll go back since we've reached out limit,' Lachlan told Joe.

"Alright, make sure to get a good rest before starting some training, don't want to over exhaust your muscles,' Joe said before walking further.

"Well, we should leave a mark here, something so we know this is where the gravity increase,' Lachlan suggested. He tried digging into the ground but it was a lot harder then he expected. Although it was possible to mark wouldn't be too visible.

Georgia walked up to a tree and placed the hand on it, the tree was many times wider Georgia so it didn't look right. Her muscles suddenly tensed, she was using her crushing grip to do exactly that. Crush a bit of the bark with her grip.

"Ah!" She shouted and the bark was crushed. Although the mark wasn't big compared to the tree it would still be noticeable for them. Lachlan decided he would help out as well and make use of his ability.

He did exactly what Georgia did and used his full strength to crush some bark, he did it a few times on a tree to make a much more visible line. Georgia did the same. Chloe also helped a bit by using her water control to make a blade, putting some small cuts on the tree.

Although she could have done something else they didn't expect her to start biting the trees to leave a mark, that would just be odd.

After believing they've made it obvious they went back following the path they've already created. They felt a bit nervous considering anything could attack them right now, they aren't protected. But considering they haven't run into anything yet they were fairly certain there weren't any beasts on this island.

Breaking through the shrubbery and onto the shore they saw the other training alongside their beasts. Lachlan found it the perfect opportunity to found out more about his companions.



Name: Tempest (Storm Eagle)

Age: Elder

Attribute: Wind/Water/lightning

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 2nd Grade

Level: 5

STR: 67(+15), AGI: 74(+5), VIT: 60(+5)

INT: 37(+10), PER: 39(+5), WIL: 38

Weakness: Weak Wing Joints, Sensitive Eyes

Strengths: Wind Control (Level 4), Water Control (Level 4), Lightning Control (Level 4), Crushing Grip


Name: Dusty (Sandstorm Owl)

Age: Elder

Attribute: Wind/Earth

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 3rd Grade

Level: 4

STR: 69(+8), AGI: 82(+10), VIT: 60(+5)

INT: 37(+5), PER: 42, WIL: 34

Weakness: Weak Wing Joints, Sensitive Eyes

Strengths: Wind Control (Level 5), Earth Control (Level 5), Crushing Grip


Name: Cyclone (Hurricane Eagle)

Age: Elder

Attribute: Wind/Water

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 2nd Grade

Level: 6

STR: 41(+10), AGI: 71(+10), VIT: 60(+8)

INT: 40(+10), PER: 43(+5), WIL: 38(+5)

Weakness: Weak Wing Joints, Sensitive Eyes

Strengths: Water Control (Level 5), Wind Control (Level 5), Crushing Grip


Lachlan had to give it to Simon. Although he was cocky and wasn't strong himself, his beasts were plenty strong. They were also all Elders as well, which Lachlan was beginning to get annoyed how he was the only one with Adolescence.

The three birds were fairly similar in height. All of them reaching 6 metres, slightly under Georgia's Dark Eagle King but still taller then Lachlan's Rocs. Cyclone had Blue feathers with white tips, it was patterned in a way that made it seem it was getting blown by the wind.

Dusty's feathers were entirely lightly brown, they also seemed to have a rough texture instead of the soft smooth texture that bird feathers have. Because it was an owl its head was massive, it looked like a radar dish.

Then there was Tempest whose feathers were mainly dark blue with black tips. Its talons were also a different colour, they were entirely black with yellow-white strikes through it.

He also began to notice a bit of a trend. Everyone's beasts had elemental control.

It was probably the reason they've been able to get such high levels. Elemental control gives beasts the ability to do attacks with a large AoE. Which also meant they might not have learnt that all their elder beasts have special abilities.


Name: Venom (Poison-Foot frog)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Water

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 4th Grade

Level: 5

STR: 44(+10), AGI: 45(+10), VIT: 35(+5)

INT: 26(+5), PER: 37, WIL: 31

Weakness: Slow Reaction, Lazy, Easily Provoked

Strengths: Water Control (Level 2), Strong Jumping Power, Dangerous Poison


Name: Rob (Poison-body frog)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Water

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 5th Grade

Level: 6

STR: 42(+10), AGI: 43(+10), VIT: 35(+5)

INT: 27(+1), PER: 41(+4), WIL: 30

Weakness: Slow Reaction, Lazy

Strengths: Water Control (Level 2), Strong Jumping Power, Dangerous Poison


Aside from Bag, Zoe had two other frogs, both being extremely similar to each other. Which likely meant one of them experienced a slight mutation even though they were the same before the evolution.

Rob was a frog at was three metres tall, 4 metres wide and long. Its body was mostly green but there were a few purple spots, likely where the poison was. Venom was similar, however, instead of having purple sports across its entire body it only has purple feet.

They weren't fighting at all. They were just sitting there bathing in the sunlight which Lachlan found quite comical. 'They really stick to their weakness' Lachlan thought.


Name: Joy (Shielded Turtle)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Water

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 4th Grade

Level: 4

STR: 46(+10), AGI: 47(+5), VIT: 50(+2)

INT: 37(+5), PER: 30(+2), WIL: 27

Weakness: Prideful, Lazy, Slow Reaction

Strengths: Water Control (Level 2), Absolute Protection from all Angles, Tough Skin, Strong Bite


Phoebe only had one other turtle. Lachlan finally understood what Phoebe was going for, she named it Joy. Either Joy was named first or Faith, either way, they're similar names.

She was sitting on Faith in the water while Joy was on the beach getting attacked by Simon's birds. She probably said Joy's shell is invincible, Simon being the arrogant being he was wanted to prove her wrong. He was failing.

Joy looked like a normal sea turtle just slightly larger. Being 3 metres long and 2 metres wide. It wasn't nearly as big as Faith but that was understandable.

'Father we found something and we're bringing it back!' He heard Disaster excitedly shout telepathically. he seemed excited.

Lachlan turned around and heard a bit of rumbling, the grass was quickly spread apart as his Rocs came on through quickly. Lachlan almost burst out laughing when he saw them wadding at such a speed.

The Rocs quickly came over and stopped dead in their tracks. Tied to their talon was a water bottle, it was Joe's which he found odd.

'What happened to Joe?' Lachlan quickly got concerned. This island might not be as safe as it seems.

'He wanted to explore a bit more, he gave us the water bottle to bring back' Calamity calmly informed him. Lachlan sighed of relief, he got nervous for a second.

'So what did you find?' All Lachlan could see them bring back was the water bottle. Aside from that, they weren't holding anything else.

'It's the water, Joe tipped his water out to fill it with this unique water from the river nearby, try it' Disaster said as it lifted its talon to Lachlan.

Lachlan untied it and took a swig, his expression immediately changed for the worse. He felt as though his whole body was freezing over. He got concerned and thought for a moment his beasts had just poisoned him.

But seconds later that freezing feeling disappeared and was instead replaced by warmth. His whole body felt relaxed and rejuvenated. He felt as though he could continue searching with this water, he could train forever as well.

"Lachlan, what you got there?" Georgia was right next to Lachlan was saw the whole thing. She was curious as to what's in the bottle.

"Try it, Joe found it," Lachlan passed the bottle over to Georgia and she took a swig as well. She experienced everything Lachlan did and was shocked. She felt energised as if she just went a whole day getting messaged, then got 10 hours of sleep.

Back at the base inside the room, all the superiors were discussing important matters.

"As you all know, a large amount of beast have been gathering within the forest, and if we don't do something soon they could easily overwhelm us," an old woman said.

"Yes, but right now we don't have the necessary fighting power to defeat so many beasts. Not to mention the fact that there are very likely some intelligent beasts leading them," James explained.

"How long do you think we have?" the old woman asked, staring daggers at James.

"Roughly 6 – 7 days," James gave an estimate.

"By then the operation should have been completed and they'll all be back, hopefully with some useful information of materials," James explained.

"You better hope they have something useful, or you'll have screwed everyone here!" the woman shouted angrily, spit flying across the table.

Back on the island, Joe had come back from investigating. He didn't find anything else aside from the water. Everyone's had a try of the water and were just as shocked.

They were currently having dinner, Zoe took how Bag and grabbed the containers from it. They were filled with different EMRs. Everyone began scavaging around for things they might line. Lachlan grabbed some Spaghetti.

Simon and Georgia had Chicken and Vegetables, while the others had curry. They thoroughly enjoyed it, eating the hot food really warmed their insides.

They decided that they will sleep on the island. Although it might be safer to sleep on Faith Phoebe would eventually reach a limit, she couldn't keep Faith summoned the entire night.

Zoe took out everyone's bags and they got set up, placing the swags on the ground and a few blankets. Although they felt weird sleeping on the beach it might help them adapt to the increase gravity.

They all went to sleep peacefully to the sound of the ocean waves and the shuffling leaves. Aside from that there was no other noise, they couldn't hear any steps so they were able to go to sleep peacefully.