1 Year


The sound of objects smashing into each other could be heard from the distance. Just through the frequency and volume, one would think someone's smashing their body against a tree. Which is exactly what was happening.

In the middle of the forest, Lachlan was punching a large tree with all his might. In an attempt to strengthen to skin and bones on his hands and increase the ferocity of his punches. There was only one goal in Lachlan's mind and that was breaking the coconut with his bare hands.

His shirts had long since been destroyed and taken off. His shredded figure shone in the sunlight as his body was covered in sweat. His knuckles were bright red and Lachlan's teeth were clenched from the pain.

Behind him were his three Rocs, unfortunately, Lachlan still hasn't figured out how to evolve the three. All he could do was get them to train as well, increasing their natural strength rather than their bonus stats.

They were currently in the middle of a fight against Simon's three birds. In which case the Rocs were managing to beat them constantly through their lightning speed. But Simon's birds didn't make it easy by using their elemental control to create barriers.

'Ah, these damn barriers are annoying!" Catastrophe complained. Every time he went in for an attack it was quickly blocked by a barrier.


In another part of the forest were the others sparring against each other. After training on the island for so long they felt as though they had the strength to fight against beasts by themselves. Obviously, that was only the case with an unevolved beast.

Their training was difficult but rewarding. The most rewarding part was being able to get into a higher stage in gravity, as it meant more land to explore. They would also wait for there to at least be 3 people in a new stage before sending them to explore.

So far, Joe has been the only one that's been on every exploration, even going by himself due to his impatience. They all also came close to reaching the cave which was 500 metres away from the beach.

The group also quickly realised how the island's gravity worked. Every hundred metres the gravity increased by 1, meaning the gravity at the cave would be 5 - 6 times Earth's usual gravity. Joe was the only person that had been up to the cave where they were informed of some bad news.

The gravity inside the cave is at an entirely different level that none of them would be able to do. Joe had been pushed to the ground immediately once he set foot in. The gravity was said to be 10 times Earth's gravity.

Although they were slightly disappointed there wasn't much they could do besides going beyond the cave to slowly but surely get to a gravity similar to the cave.


Once nighttime came everyone went back to the beach where they all rested. They've slowly begun to make it feel more like home. Although they weren't very good, they managed to make a cabin out of the thinner tree branches and leaves.

Although it wasn't much it at least protected them from the elements. The cold weather could also be a type of training to them, adapting to the changes in the weather.

Outside was a small fire with fish parts hovering above it. During their entire time on the island, fish had been their main meal. There also wasn't much vegetables or fruits but the group discovered that the water could easily replace them.

The water could replace their entire meals, but it just doesn't feel right now eating something. Sure the water's wonderful but eating delicious juice food was just as great.

Everyone has also begun a new type of training which needs plenty of time. Slowly but surely they have summoned their beasts and would keep them out for as long as possible. Increasing the time limit that their beasts can fight for.

After a year of doing it, they've managed to increase the usual 2 - 3-hour limit to 12 hours. Overall they've got much stronger. The only thing that kept annoying Lachlan was the fact he still had no idea how to evolve his beasts.

There's also the fact that everyone's beasts were in the same situation. After being together with them for so long he's told them about the special abilities, however, he still hasn't mentioned his eyes yet.

The group was shocked when Lachlan told them, then immediately looked towards Chloe and Phoebe because they also knew and didn't tell anyone. Simon very quickly summoned his beasts and attacked aquatic beasts.

The rest took it slowly. Joe especially because Sandy's flames wouldn't be the most effective against the water. Zoe had some problems with levelling up Bag, but using her other two frogs she's slowly managed to level it up.

She informed everyone of some good news. The higher the level the more space there was. Which made Lachlan immediately think about how big the space would be if they managed to evolve it.

Also during this year of training, everyone's got a lot closer to one another. Although Simon would still be arrogant he knew when to stop around them. Phoebe has also become a lot more open and feels a lot more confident around them.

"So now that a year has gone by, should we go back?" Georgia asked.

"How about another year, since we've made it this far we should at least learn about what's in the cave," Joe said. While Lachlan had the goal of opening the coconut, Joe had the goal of reaching the end of the cave.

Once he realised the cave had a much more intense gravity he's been increasing the intensity of his training. A few others in the group have aswell, Lachlan included. His goal remains the same but increasing the intensity is beneficial for both goals.

"Alright, but after that, we're leaving. I can't deal with these ragged clothes much longer," Georgia complained. They've been wearing the same clothes they brought over a year ago. Although it was still in an alright condition, after not washing it with proper soap it looks dirty.

"I mean you don't have to wear those clothes," Joe cheekily said on the side. He had his head quickly smacked by his sister next to him.

"Keep trying and I might give you a chance," Georgia seductively said. Joe was immediately joyful, his been trying to get with Georgia through the year they've been here but was constantly rejected.

Lachlan, Simon and Chloe were unaffected. Simon was entirely unaffected due to a reason they were shocked about. He actually had a fiance, someone actually liked his arrogant personality.

Lachlan wasn't affected due to another reason, during this year he realised he liked Phoebe quite a bit. He felt that she was cute and wanted to protect her with all his strength. But of course, Lachlan has absolutely no idea how to deal with girls.

As for Chloe, turns out she is married and already has a child. Her husband promised to protect the child while she trains to get stronger. She trusts her husband deeply and knew he wasn't lying and would certainly be able to take care of the child. She just hoped nothing unexpected would happen while she was away.

During school days he would always hang out with his guy friends, never really interacting with girls. And although there were times where he liked a girl he didn't know how to convey his emotions without appearing cringe or desperate.

So Lachlan always just avoided relationships in general during his high school days. Which left him heavily unprepared for when he does want to step into the relationship life.

On the other hand was Phoebe. She felt exactly the same as Lachlan and was in a similar situation. During her school life, due to her shy personality, she never managed to get close enough to a guy.

Lachlan and Phoebe admired people like Joe and Georgia that could flirt with each other so comfortably. It was like they didn't notice anyone else in the room when they were doing it.

After all of this, they went to sleep and their training continued the next day. Lachlan has thoroughly analysed everyone and knew they were all getting stronger. To the point where they would be able to fight much stronger beasts.