One More Member

Lachlan and the group enjoyed a nice meal at a café, where they had egg and bacon muffins and a cold iced tea. However, there was also not a lot of talking. Lachlan was especially quiet as he was thinking about everything, the past and the future.

They then got back to the open area and Dylan asked Lachlan something he should have asked a little while ago, "Are there any more of those bananas? I felt bad since those bananas seem like life-saving tools and didn't want you to waste any on me."

Lachlan knew Dylan was still slightly blaming himself for the death of his family. But Lachlan knew it wasn't Dylan's fault, but rather a majority of the fault lays on him. If only he was slightly faster he could have saved everyone.

"Yes, there are," Lachlan took out another banana from his bag and tossed it over to Dylan. Who was suddenly very excited as he summoned Fast. Fast's condition was similar to Dylans, not very good. It had punctures across its whole body, narrowly missing vital points but causing a lot of pain.

Dylan fed Fast the banana, Fast began to wriggle around on the ground. The overwhelming burning sensation caused its wounds to hurt. But once it stopped Fast realised the wounds were mainly healed.



Name: Fast (Green-Tip Snake)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Earth/Water

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 4th Grade

Level: 10

STR: 16(+5), AGI: 67(+20), VIT: 18(+15)

INT: 32(+10), PER: 34(+5), WIL: 29(+5)

Weakness: Damage to Fangs, Weak Body, Lightly Injured, Light Internal Wounds

Strengths: Extreme speeds, Extreme poison, Razor-Sharp Teeth


Lachlan was glad when he saw Dylan's smile. But at the same time, Dylan confirmed in his heart that he would follow Lachlan along this journey through and through. His main goal though was the safety of his sister. Lachlan was bound to come across enemies that'll do anything to bring him down, including attack or kidnapping his sister.

Dylan summoned Fast back while Lachlan summoned Aaron and they were now ready to go. Shooting off through the sky Lachlan decided to speed things up, which meant the children couldn't fully enjoy the ride but had to hold on for dear life. Dylan was out the other end making sure none of the children falls off by holding onto them.

It took hours to get back to Brisbane and when they finally arrived the kids were amazed by how much Brisbane was flourishing, there was a slight difference between Adelaide and Brisbane and that was the buildings. The kids could see people walking around everywhere, enjoying their day without a care in the world, similar to what they were doing before the attack.

Their mood dropped a few notches when they remembered it.

At the port, all the Warships were still there. It looked rather intimidating, just a row of Warships and carriers across the port, some being highly advanced, others being slightly outdated. But no matter what, it showed the strength of the Sea Guardians, giving the people some hope.

Lachlan flew over and landed Aaron at the Helicopter landing pad. There were a few soldiers there that had already seen the Griffin fly over to the warship before, making it much easier to convince them that they weren't enemies.

"Where's Fleet Admiral James?" Lachlan asked a nearby soldier. He wanted to discuss some important matters, specifically about the children.

"Over there," The soldier said, pointing towards a rather large building near the port.

They walked over, passing by many soldiers that stared at them in confusing, as there was Lachlan who still looked rather young leading a group of younger kids around a military base. But they were more curious about a few of the children following him.

When they entered the building Lachlan saw it was bustling with people. There were computers everywhere, each monitoring a part of the city or surrounding area. And that's why they're flourishing and have rather carefree people. There's nothing to fear if no beasts can even get to them.

Lachlan thought that mentality was bad, but he couldn't blame them. Being on edge for the past 2 years certainly would make anything slightly less stressful feel like a vacation.

Lachlan made his way through the halls, the children and Dylan following closely behind. It didn't take long before they reached a door. It didn't have any names on it, but that was because James wasn't exactly stationed at Brisbane.


"Come in"

Opening the door Lachlan was greeted by a room filled with different people. It was a conference room, they were all sitting down at the table.

"Lachlan, I thought you went to go be with your family," James said. He was setting at the end of the table.

"Not much family left to see," Lachlan said coldly. He knew James has always kept a close tab on his family, considering he sprung from there it wouldn't be a surprise if his brothers could get just as strong.

The atmosphere in the room changed, it went rather silent.

"I'm sorry for your loss, there isn't much we can do about," James sighed.

"Yeah, I already know you knew about the attack, no need to hide it," Lachlan said.

James stiffened, then sat up straight, "I felt it would be improper for me to be the one to tell you, in addition, you still would have gone anyway, in desperation to find anything. And look, you found something."

"Suppose so, anyway, where are the others?" Lachlan asked while trying to get off the topic of his family.

"All of them went to check on their families if there were any left anyway. I do believe most of them are still in town, checking everything out, after all, you isolated yourselves from the world for two years," James said to which Lachlan couldn't argue against. A lot has changed in the world, as just like always, they've adapted to a world filled with beasts.

"What are your thoughts on the unique children?" Lachlan thought it would be a good idea to just get it out of the way. It would certainly make it easier to decide whether or not James could be relied on.

"While I think of them similar to children the leaders of the other two forces think differently," James said coldly. Even amongst the top of authority, everyone had different opinions about the children. Some wanted to experiment on them, others wanted to enslave them and force them into labour, while there was a small group that wanted to protect them.

"Sigh, so the military can't be fully trusted with protecting these children then," Lachlan said disappointingly. Although he knew it would be the answer it was still frustrating to know that some people just couldn't accept it.

"So why do you think of them as children?" Lachlan found it odd that aside from James the rest of the leaders thought differently.

"Because I've seen the children change myself. It always seems to happen at the age of 5, their bodies begin to mutate and change. The most frustrating thing is that I showed evidence to the others but they didn't care. They only cared about the practical use the children could serve in the present," James responded coldly. Lachlan realised James had a rather large hatred targeted towards the other leaders.

Meaning their personalities are probably something Lachlan wouldn't be able to handle either. But feeling satisfied with James' answer.

Lachlan walked back out, everyone followed right behind him. They didn't like that room, especially some of the people. They were staring them down, they were especially staring at Sarah, Jackson, and Bradley which slightly ticked Lachlan off. Which is why he left in such a hurry.

They walked through and out the base, entering the city. Lachlan's sense has long since been heightened along with his perception. And although he couldn't fully determine where the rest of the group was he certainly had another way.

He gestured for Jayden to walk towards him, "Can you summon your beast for me?" Although confused as to how Lachlan would know he still did it. There wasn't anything unusual by asking for it.

Lachlan pulled out pieces of cloth which belonged to different people in the group. The idea was proposed by Joe as he was the only one that had a dog, but they thought there wasn't anything wrong with giving everyone a piece. In case of emergencies and Joe did lose his pieces of cloth, they could easily replace them at that moment, especially if they needed to find a person in the group.

Jayden summoned the dog and Lachlan quickly analysed it. The dog was one metre tall, it was a rather nice mixing of brown, blue and white fur. It was fairly relaxed a certainly didn't see Lachlan as an enemy.


Name: Milkshake (Nature's Dog)

Age: Elder

Attribute: Earth/Wind/Water

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 2nd Grade

Level: 3

STR: 52(+4), AGI: 67(+10), VIT: 50(+10)

INT: 24, PER: 49, WIL: 24

Weakness: Foul Smells, Easily Agitated/Provoked, Limited Combat Experience

Strengths: Earth Control (Level 4), Wind Control (Level 4), Water Control (Level 4), Excellent Sense of Smell, Combat Prowess Increased by 40% when in nature, Powerful Bite


Lachlan quickly placed the cloth in front of the dog. It constantly shook its head which likely meant they weren't in the city. Finally, it came to Chloe's cloth and the dog nodded its head.

Lachlan weaved his way through the crowded city following the dog, the children were covered by a cloak, helping them hide. Although the people still found it odd that there would be two teenagers leading a group of children through the city.

As they continued walking they made their way to an enormous apartment complex, it was rather fancy. The walls were painted white and were nice and clean, surrounding the complex was a garden filled with flowers.

Lachlan walked in through the automatic doors and made his way to the front desk, where he asked for some keys to use the elevator. Security shot through the roof, now almost everything needed a key.

"Who are you searching for?" The people didn't suspect other humans at all right now. Which wasn't something Lachlan could get around since there are always bound to be horrible people. Granted they probably won't be searching for their friend in a small but nice apartment complex.

"I'm searching for Chloe Wilson, wondering if she has dropped by any chance," Lachlan said.

"Ah, yes, Chloe Wilson just checked in for room 264 on floor 22. Just go to the elevator and we'll open it up for you," The receptionist explained.

Lachlan and the group walked up to the elevator and waited a few seconds before it opened. Lachlan turned around a nodded towards the receptionist who nodded back. Walking in he pressed on floor 22. It didn't take long to get to the floor and there weren't any interruptions.

Walking down the long hall they eventually reached room 264. Lachlan held out his arm and reached out for the door.


The door opened quickly, and it was Chloe who was standing there.

"Oh, Lachlan, what can I do for you?" Chloe asked as she was rather shocked by the small crowd behind him. She opened the door completely and gestured for them to go in. Everyone walked into the room in a straight line.

Lachlan was rather surprised at how large the room was. Thinking this was the city it wasn't unusual for rooms to be rather small and cramped.

Mummy," A small child ran through the hall and hugged Chloe. She only managed to reach Chloe's thighs, had blonde hair and green eyes.

Lachlan very quickly noticed it, the child was a hybrid. Although Chloe seemed to have tried her best covering it up, the child had gills on the side of her neck.



Name: Sophie Wart (human Hybrid)

Age: 6 (Child)

Soul Contracts: 0/5

Compatibility: Shark (Perfect)

STR: 7, AGI: 9, VIT: 20

INT: 4, PER: 4, WIL: 2

Weakness: Everything

Strengths: Breathing Underwater, Fast Swimmer, Heightened Senses in Water


'Just as I suspected' Lachlan gestured for Chloe to come over to him.

When she did Lachlan stood on his toes and whispered in her ear, "I know the child is different, she isn't the only one."

Chloe froze, but the second part slightly relieved her as she looked towards the group of children, noticing a few among them were in the same situation as her daughter. Although they could hide their features with the cloaks; If someone spends a long enough time looking they'll notice the differences with their bodies.

"Since it doesn't seem like I really need to explain much, I'm just going to ask, will you join me?" Lachlan asked as he sat down.

Chloe quickly connected the dots. Since Lachlan came in with so many children, some of which were different like her daughter, there's only one thing he should be asking. If she wants to join him as they go help out the children.

"Sure," Chloe answered. She agreed because she liked the idea of protecting children in a similar situation to her. She felt like it was her duty as a mother to protect all children, whether or not they were different.

"Great, is your husband here?" Lachlan asked. He was still slightly surprised about Chloe already being married. Especially considering she decided to leave her family to get stronger. She was in a similar situation as him and chose similar to him as well.

"Not currently, but he should be here in an hour, and yes he'll probably want to join as well," Chloe said. She noticed Lachlan's mood dropped a bit when he asked about the husband. But she was smart enough to connect the dots, with everyone that was here there were no adults which could only mean one thing.

"That's even better, the more people I have helping the easier it'll be to take care of all of them," Lachlan said trying to hide his sadness.

"Right, so you don't care who joins, as long as they're willing to help?" Chloe asked. She decided to not mention anything, it would certainly be a difficult time for Lachlan right now.

"Yup," Lachlan replied.

"Anyway, as we wait for my husband do any of you want something to drink?" Chloe asked as she made her way to her kitchen.

The children all said they wanted fruit juice. Chloe lined up the options, apple, orange and mango. Most of them chose apple, Dylan chose orange and Lachlan got himself a class of mango. They all sat down and turned on the television and changed to the news channel.