A Dark Truth

They flew on the Griffin for a bit, Lachlan used his strong perception to try and see something, it didn't take long for him to spot something unusual. He saw some bloodstains on the ground, red blood which usually meant human.

Lachlan decided to descend slowly, observing the surroundings for any movement. As he was coming down he saw two children by a tree, they were shaking from fear. It seems as though they want to come up to them but also didn't

Lachlan saw some wounds on their shoulders and hips, as though a nasty beast got to them. As there was a decent size of flesh missing.



Name: Danial Peel (Human Hybrid)

Age: 7 (Child)

Soul Contracts: 1/5

Compatibility: Spiders (Perfect)

STR: 11, AGI: 12, VIT: 20

INT: 8, PER: 12, WIL: 13

Weakness: Inexperienced, Sensitive Eyes, Weak Fangs, Weak Leg Joints, Traumatised, Lightly Wounded

Strengths: Sticky Feet & Hands, Fast Attack Speeds, Strong Poison, Good Vision


Name: Faith St Clair (Human Hybrid)

Age: 6 (Child)

Soul Contracts: 2/5

Compatibility: Kangaroos (Perfect)

STR: 13, AGI: 14, VIT: 20

INT: 9, PER: 9, WIL: 13

Weakness: Inexperienced, Traumatised, Emotional, Sensitive Tail, Lightly Wounded

Strengths: Strong Leg Strength, Punching Strength, Balance, Hard Fists


Lachlan wasn't sure whether or not they should use the bananas. Considering that it's only light wounds it's likely to heal itself. The group will just need to take care of them while they are recovering.

Lachlan held out his hand and gestured for the two to come over. The two children hesitated, still shaking in fear. Seeing that, Lachlan thought they were still traumatised from their parents abandoning them.

"Come over here, don't worry, we won't abandon you or hurt you," Lachlan calmly said as he walked closer. He took out two strength berries since they look rather delicious. He was trying to tempt the two children to come over, that way he could talk to them.

The children still hesitated before they began to walk slowly towards the group. Lachlan and the others didn't react, just put on a friendly smile and waited. It didn't take long for the children to come sprinting over, tear pouring out their eyes.

Lachlan squatted down held out his arms, the two ran into Lachlan and grabbed him. Their eyes still bawling out their eyes. Lachlan gently placed his hands on their heads and hugged them tightly.

"It's alright, here, have some fruit," Lachlan quickly let go and held the fruit out in front of them. They gladly accepted it and ate it. Their bodies slightly warmed up but aside from that nothing happened. Lachlan felt as though it was likely they didn't get a huge powerup but analysed them anyway.


Name: Danial Peel (Human Hybrid)

Age: 7 (Child)

Soul Contracts: 1/5

Compatibility: Spiders (Perfect)

STR: 23, AGI: 13, VIT: 20

INT: 8, PER: 12, WIL: 13

Weakness: Inexperienced, Sensitive Eyes, Weak Fangs, Weak Leg Joints, Traumatised, Lightly Wounded

Strengths: Sticky Feet & Hands, Fast Attack Speeds, Strong Poison, Good Vision


Name: Faith St Clair (Human Hybrid)

Age: 6 (Child)

Soul Contracts: 2/5

Compatibility: Kangaroos (Perfect)

STR: 28, AGI: 14, VIT: 20

INT: 9, PER: 9, WIL: 13

Weakness: Inexperienced, Traumatised, Emotional, Sensitive Tail, Lightly Wounded

Strengths: Strong Leg Strength, Punching Strength, Balance, Hard Fists


Lachlan found it odd that they didn't have a large reaction like Flynn. With such a massive increase their bodies should have been overwhelming with a burning sensation. Lachlan could only think that Hybrids can just deal with the fruits better.

"Hey there, do you know where the others are?" Lachlan asked with a friendly voice as he brought them closer again, they had stopped crying but were still scared. Their faces were a mess but that didn't stop them from answering.

They pointed right, where there was a small cave hidden behind some shrubbery. It was just large enough for an adult to walk through, granted the tall ones would have to lean over. Flynn had to really lean over to properly walk in the cave. Chloe and Dylan waited outside along with Aaron protecting the children.

As Lachlan and Flynn continued to walk they realised the ceiling was getting higher. It didn't take long until Flynn was able to walk normally.

They walked for only 1-minute max before they entire a large cavern. Lachlan could just make out some bodies outline by the edge of it, they were all laying down motionless. He could smell blood and got worried that a child was injured.


There was nothing.

'That's strange' Lachlan found it odd that he couldn't analyse them. Unless of course, it was another ability that some hybrids had.

"Flynn can you get out a flashlight," Lachlan said, he was beginning to have a bad feeling in his stomach. The kind that you get when something really bad happens.

Flynn took out his phone and turned on the torch. He shone it over the cave and realised it was extremely large. As for the shadowy silhouettes on the other end of the cave. They were something Lachlan didn't wish to see.

A large pile of children corpses were in the cave, stacked fairly high and spread relatively wide. They had bullet wounds in the head, which now made sense as to why Faith and Danial had wounds on their shoulder. They managed to escape, but in the process were shot at. Fortunately, the bullets didn't hit anywhere vital.

Lachlan rage hit the roof. He immediately imagined all the children in this situation, but the one that snapped him was imagining Sarah, laying amongst a pile of corpses with a bullet through the head. Before Flynn could react or say anything Lachlan already disappeared from where he was and was outside the cave.

"Chloe and Dylan, you two take care everything here, I'm going to go have a little chat with someone," Lachlan said, his voice itself emitted bloodlust. Chloe and Dylan immediately felt the rage that was emitting from Lachlan's body.

'Aaron, make sure you protect everyone here'

'That's my duty' Aaron and all the Rocs felt the rage and hatred coming from Lachlan this time. It was slightly affecting their own mental state, making them feel angry.

"Come Calamity!" He shouted.

Calamity appeared, and he jumped on, before getting it to shoot up and fly towards the base. Not slow either, using its lightning speed they appeared there instantly.

He appeared by the base almost instantly. The base was enveloped with a wave of bloodlust. They were all trained soldiers that have felt it before, they weren't new with this feeling but found it strange that someone could release so much.

"James!" Lachlan shouted at the top of his lungs. Through all the training he did on the island the sheer capacity at which his voice can shout was reached that of a battleship horn. His voice quickly travelled over the base, causing the soldiers to stop what they were doing and look towards the sky.

"Hey isn't that Lachlan"

"Yeah, what's got him so angry"

"I have a bad feeling about this"


"What do you want?" James took out a megaphone and shouted into it. He wasn't fazed by the bloodlust but rather confused as to why Lachlan was giving off so much of it.

"Where's Land Guardian leader of this base that you spoke of?" Lachlan knew James was innocent considering he spent most of his time, saving everyone across the world. Not to mention James already told him that the Sky Guardians and the Land Guardians both had rather strong opinions about the hybrids.

"I'm right here you brat," An old man walked through the crowd with a megaphone in his hands. He sounded extremely cocky and conceited. He was a skinhead, roughly 5'0 making him smaller then Lachlan but the man was extremely fat. Lachlan found it a joke that he could ever reach a level similar to James.


Name: Josh Blunsdon (Human)

Age: 56 (Adult)

Soul Contracts: 1/5

Compatibility: Snakes (Low)

STR: 17, AGI: 12, VIT: 10

INT: 16, PER: 18, WIL: 15

Weakness: Arrogant, Overall Weak

Strengths: Slightly Flexible, Weak Poison, Tough Skin


His stats almost confused Lachlan when he saw them. There was absolutely no way this little ball of fat could be strong. Although it still didn't come close to his strength, or the strength of almost every soldier on those ships.

Lachlan got Calamity to go down, rage still burning in his eyes. James immediately got a bad feeling, he knew something had happened. Considering Lachlan was usually a relatively joyful outgoing guy, there shouldn't be much that could piss him off.

"Why'd you kill the children?" Lachlan asked. James immediately realised how serious it had got. Although he knew Josh had a rather strong hatred towards those unique children he didn't know he would go to the extent of killing them.

"Those things can't be considered children," The moment Josh finished his answer he felt a strong force wrap around his neck. Unlike James, Josh had no idea who Lachlan was. He just thought of him as some type of justice warrior.

"What are you doing?" Josh struggled to ask, he felt the air he could breath slowly decreasing. He felt Lachlan's hands around his neck tighten.

"Lachlan you shouldn't do that," James tried to reason with the angered Lachlan but all he received was a look. Lachlan cold eyes filled with hatred. Lachlan's already gone beyond to point of where he could help.

"You don't deserve to be a leader," Lachlan coldly said. Josh's eyes constricted when he heard it, he felt the hands tighten instantly, the force was too much for his strength to handle.

"Lachlan wait!" James shouted as he reached out to stop him.
