New Breed

Lachlan and Dylan reached the address instantly, they looked down and noticed the military surrounding it. Although they were still a fair distance away from the house, Lachlan and Simon could both see they were setting up a perimeter, trapping anyone inside.

Bullets shot past them, some of them hit both Catastrophe and Storm. Fortunately, due to their high defence, it just felt like someone punched them. But after a few seconds, it began to hurt them. Lachlan and Dylan made sure to hide behind the wings, they couldn't take on bullets by themselves, although they would be able to heal them later it would hurt like hell.

They rushed down and landed in the front yard and got their beasts to screech to get the girls attention. Calamity screech was the same electrifying one that sent shivers down everyone's spine, it spread across the area and got a few people to poke their heads out their doors and curtains.

Inside the house the girls were waiting in the front room, staring outside the window waiting for Dylan and Simon to get here.


A door was slammed open from the back of the house, Tamika rushed to be the front of the group. Unfortunately, the house didn't have enough room for her beast, so the only thing she could do was ready herself.

A man rushed around the corner, Tamika punched out, her fist slamming into the guy's guts. She used her full force and didn't hesitate to get through with the punch, sending the guy flying towards the wall.


He flew back into the wall, he fell down and laid on the ground struggling to breathe. Tamika's punch had winded him. It was only for a few seconds before Michelle jumped up.

"Ah! Brian!" Michelle rushed over to him, helping him up. Placing his arm around her shoulder and moving him over towards the couch.


The punch really shocked him, not only him though, but it also shocked Michelle. They couldn't have expected this old lady to have such strength. However, this also made her trust in Tamika grow. If people that strong were helping they might be able to create a peaceful future.

"Qui-Quickly run, get Marcus and get out of here, the military have the neighbourhood surrounded," Brian struggled to speak and gasped for air every few words. After a few seconds, the winded effect stopped, and he was able to breathe properly again.

Michelle was momentarily stunned before she dashed around the corner and down the hallway.

After a quick minute, she came around the corner carrying a small baby. He was crying at the sudden commotion, he was previously taking a nap before being rudely awakened by his mother.


The girls were familiar with those sounds a looked towards each other before nodding. Tamika walked over to Michelle, "Our rides are here, we need to get out soon or we'll be trapped."

"Alright, can we wait just a bit though, all the others are rushing over especially now that the military involved itself," Michelle explained. She knew the people that were coming over, they helped each other over the time she was here and didn't want to abandon them.

"Sure, but we can only wait for so long, message them to hurry," Tamika said before running out the front door. The other girls following along.

Michelle quickly whipped out her phone and messaged the others, before she went over and helped Brian out the door.

They were shocked by the appearance of two beasts in their front yard, their strong splendour left them in awe as well.

Lachlan stared at the three, the one that caught his attention immediately was the child in the woman's arms. It had already developed unique features despite being so young, the child looked almost reptilian, with rough skin and already sharp teeth.

Lachlan knew the only way to find out more was to analyse it.


Name: Marcus Scott (Half-Human, Half-Sobek)

Age: 1 (Infant)

Soul Contracts: 0/5

Compatibility: Crocodiles (Perfect)

STR: 5, AGI: 5, VIT: 100

INT: 1, PER: 3, WIL: 1

Weakness: Extremely Weak

Strengths: Fast Swimming, Strong bite


'What! People can breed with those things!' Lachlan shouted internally. He was shocked by the information, this brought upon a whole new discovery. There is a possibility of coexisting with the intelligent beasts, though this would be an even further future plan.

'Wait a minute' Lachlan thought back to more information. Why were the groups of intelligent beasts near the cities not attacking, they could have easily decimated it? However, if those intelligent beasts are beginning to like humans, then it makes complete sense as to why they haven't attack yet.

It was almost as though the intelligent beasts were treating the cities like breeding grounds. Humans produce others that might gain the intelligent beasts' attention, maybe even affection as seen by the baby.

"Hurry up! We don't have much time!" Lachlan shouted at them. He snapped back from his thought and would resume it once they get back to the island.

"Wait just a little bit longer, others are going to join!" Michelle shouted back.

Lachlan was surprised they managed to get more so quickly. This certainly made things easier. It meant they didn't need to come back for a while.

A bunch of people carrying their children ran around the corners and up the street, it looked almost comical if Lachlan didn't know that the military was surrounding them with the intention to kill.

The people started to increase, and Lachlan soon realised that Calamity and Storm won't be enough to carry them all. He looked towards Simon and shouted, "We need to summon the rest of our beasts!"

"Alright!" Simon shouted back.

"Make room!" Simon and Lachlan both shouted to the people surrounding them.

The surrounding people were confused for a few seconds before they made room, moving to the outskirts of the yard and road.

Simon and Lachlan summoned the rest, people recoiled back in fear. This was the first time some of them had ever seen such a strong beast, let alone 7 of them. Some of the beasts were in awkward positions as there still wasn't enough room. Lachlan and Simon got them to spread across the road.

They got them to use their wings as ramps for the people and shouted at them to get on. They people rushed forward, trying to make sure they got a comfortable and safe spot first. When they got on they quickly curled their bodies over their children protecting them.

After a few minutes, everyone was finally on and they shot off. Unfortunately, due to there being so many people the beasts couldn't fly off to fast otherwise they might fall off. They reached a comfortable height and were about to fly off before an explosion went off next to them. Fortunately, it didn't hit anyone, but it was still a shock to the system.

Looking down Lachlan saw soldiers with rocket launchers aiming straight for them.

They fired, Lachlan froze for a second before deciding to try it out. He has strong elemental powers due to Aaron, he shouldn't let them go to waste.

He waved his hand, a burst of wind appeared from him smashing into the rocket, causing it to explode. The soldiers saw that but didn't fear it, rather they fired more because of it. They were trying to make openings in the barrier.

A few people riding the beasts got hit, nowhere vital, either in and arms or legs. Lachlan and Simon were thinking rapidly to create a solution, one that would protect them.

"I have an idea!" Simon shouted from Storm. He didn't wait for even a second for Lachlan to understand what he meant before Storm turned around and faced the military. It spreads its wings wide and rapidly flapped as it screeched loudly.

The clouds above them began to swirl down, Lachlan already knew what it was, it was a tornado and a rather strong one at that. It came crashing down into the soldiers, but it seemed they had enough time to prepare.

They either grabbed or attached themselves onto their own beasts or vehicles. Simon didn't want to kill anyone, so he made sure Storm held back a bit. Fortunately, it was enough as some of the soldiers couldn't keep hold of their weapons.

As for the ones that could, their bullets' trajectory would get distorted by the wind and shoot of somewhere else.

Lachlan and Simon saw this worked and got their beasts to pick up the pace. Swiftly getting out of the city and leaving it behind. They flew for a while before finally looking back, they could bare see the cities silhouette before they felt exhaustion overwhelm them.

They collapsed and fell asleep; their bodies being kept on the birds through the help of others on there. They all flew off into the distance, some of the people that were hit got some help mid-air. Although they couldn't do much they could at least stop the bleeding.