Wonderful News

Looking outside the staircase the group saw that they were hundreds of metres in the air. Looking around they could even see Melbourne from where they were, granted that it shouldn't be too difficult being hundreds of metres in the air.

'Didn't think I let us go up for that long' Lachlan thought. He thought he had managed to control the situation pretty good, expecting them to only be roughly 10 - 50 metres in the air. Didn't think he errored for roughly 200 metres.

"Damn, this is amazing!" Chloe exclaimed. Although she's flown on birds plenty of times now, there was something unique and special about the situation they were in right now. She was on a floating island, that itself wasn't something she'd ever thought would happen.

Anne to the side was shaking with excitement, 'If these stones are this powerful the number of things I could create is immeasurable, so many possibilities.' She couldn't wait to get started with her research on the stone.

However, after the initial shock and awe, Lachlan finally realised something was slightly wrong. The machinery wasn't here, even though he clearly remembered where it should be it doesn't seem to be where it was.

'Look up father' Calamity suggested.

That when Lachlan saw all the machinery floating in the sky. They were at the very edges of the stone's area of effect. Of course, Lachlan kept the area small so he didn't surprisingly affect the other areas and give them all a shock.

But when he looked down he saw the group of five staring at them with their eyes and mouths wide open from shock. Georgia quickly hopped onto Kyle and shot up towards them, it didn't take long for her to reach them.

"What the hell is going on here?!" She asked without hiding her shock.

"I decided to use the stones for a bit more experimentation, I think it worked out pretty well," Lachlan explained as he placed his hand on his head.

"I suppose it did, so who's she?" Georgia asked as she pointed towards Anne.

"Well Georgia, I'd like to introduce you to our very own researcher, her name's Anne," Lachlan happily introduced her.

"Hello there, that bird is very beautiful," Anne complimented. She sounded like an old grandma complimenting her grandchildren for either having good looks or being taller than her.

"Hey there, the name's Georgia, I hope you accepted Lachlan's invitation before he dragged you up into the air," Georgia cheekily said as a quick joke.

"Don't worry about it, I did accept it but I just didn't think he'd really be able to bring along my entire laboratory with me so easily," Anne said.

"Indeed, his a man with many talents that bring surprise to our group," Georgia said. She was obviously hinting towards the eyes but Anne wouldn't think of that.

"So do tell me, why is your organisation here?" Anne asked as she looked around. She noticed a few others on the ground and could see the cement truck in the distance driving towards them.

"We came to get the machinery and tools here since it's been abandoned we didn't think anyone would mind. Never expected to find you here, which is exactly why I said that it was an accident," Chloe explained.

"Can't you just buy or hire everything from the stores? you seem like you would be a strong organisation and if you're strong you usually have a lot of money to back you up," Anne said.

"Well we would if we could, but our organisation is very much hated by the military because of our beliefs," Chloe explained as her fists were clenched hard.

"What beliefs are those?" Anne asked curiously. Unless this group of people were seeking the destruction of humanity Anne didn't think they could possibly have beliefs that pit them against the military.

"We believe the mutated children are still human, but the military classifies them as intelligent beasts. Granted it's only two-thirds of the military force, but that's still a majority," Chloe explained.

"Hm, so what are intelligent beasts and mutated children?" Anne didn't really have any contact with anyone in the past two years. And she had no connection to the internet in the laboratory, so she was in the dark about all of what was just said.

"Intelligent beasts are the leaders of the beasts, the ones that possess great strength and leadership skills. Mutated children are children that have undergone a mutation that gives them beast-like characteristics, which can make them look like intelligent beasts considering most intelligent beasts have a human-shaped body," Chloe explained.

"Oh, so do you have research backing that up?" Anne asked. She only believes in research results, anything that hasn't been proven through research is up in the air about whether or not it's true or false.

"Nope, but considering my daughter and Lachlan's younger sister were human before and now they're mutated children I believe that's enough. Of course, with you here now we can research into it," Chloe suddenly realised how much more useful Anne just suddenly became. If they were able to provide the world with enough evidence backed by a genius researcher then they'll have to believe it.

Of course, there'll still be others that don't believe it. However, this should be the final snap for people that were already on edge about the matter. As now they have the evidence to back their beliefs, while the military on the other side doesn't.

"Indeed, I'll research into it a bit, it shouldn't take too long to look into it as long as I have all the equipment in the lab," Anne responded as she nodded.

"Really?! That's great!" Chloe exclaimed excitedly as he ran over and grabbed onto Anne's shoulders. Her daughter could finally be accepted, although she didn't portray it often; But she was always worried. Worried about her daughter, whether or not their organisation could create a future where she was accepted. But now with the help of Anne that was possible.

To the side, Lachlan was also shaking inside from excitement. 'So Sarah could be accepted into society again, although it would still be a struggle to get accepted by everyone.'

Lachlan knew how people thought and worked. Although they might be able to convince everyone that they're now beasts, after being told constantly for the past two years that they were it'll be difficult to just suddenly change.

And even if the discrimination wasn't obvious, there would still be some. Some of which could just be accidental. Especially since children can be the harshest, as they always say what's on their mind without hesitation.

They would also blatantly show their disgust towards people different than them. That's just how a child's mind works, of course, the way a parent raised their kids will contribute greatly towards how they treat others, it's not all the kid's fault, they just don't know any better.

"Ahm, so are we going to leave now?" Georgia asked from above on Kyle.

Lachlan quickly looked down and saw everyone had gathered everything and the cement truck was next to them as well, "I suppose we're done already, we should find some rope to tie it to all the machinery," Lachlan suggested as he pointed upwards.

Georgia finally noticed the machinery above them, "Alright, we'll bring the rest of the group up along with some rope and we'll go back to base."

Georgia got Kyle to quickly dive down towards the group. When she reached the ground she went back into the office and brought out a lengthy bit of rope. She tied the cement truck first before nullifying gravity and flying up towards the rest of the machinery.

When she finished tying them up she gave a thumbs up to the rest of the group.

Simon carried everyone on his birds up towards the floating lab. Everyone briefly introduced themselves to Anne and expressed their thanks for the fact that she could help them so much.

Anne introduced herself and expressed her thanks for the group giving her a chance to show her abilities. Not to mention giving her protection and materials to research.

The group then began their journey back to the island. Lachlan's birds carefully tugging the laboratory with them while Kyle brought along all the machinery. It wasn't all that difficult with no gravity, they just had to make sure nothing smashes into each other.

Anne was very joyful throughout the entire journey as she looked and analysed everything they went past. Including a lot of beasts on the ground and the towns, but she also couldn't help but show her concerns when she saw the towns.

When they began crossing the ocean Anne looked towards the group, "Do tell, where exactly is your base?"

"Don't worry you'll see soon enough, just be patient, you'll really enjoy the sight," Lachlan said mysteriously.

Anne sat down on the ground while dangling her legs off the edge. Chloe stood right behind her in case she fell off, Anne was their trump care that'll really make their ideas a possibility, they can't have her die now.

Of course, because there was no gravity there wasn't much that would actually happen. Chloe was just extremely paranoid that something could happen. So she was basically a guard or guardian for Anne.

When the island came into sight from the distance Anne really couldn't hide her shock. Lachlan enjoyed seeing Anne so happy and shocked at the same time. He enjoyed it every time someone new was brought to the island, their shocked expression was always great.

"So this is your base?" Anne asked for confirmation.

"Indeed, this entire island is our grand base," Lachlan said with his arms wide open.

The group quickly reached the construction site and Georgia brought all the machinery down with her. A few people went down carrying the rest of the tools. There was no need to wait for them since Simon was one of those people, the rest of the group on the laboratory continued until they reached the centre.

The world tree really stunned Anne, she couldn't hide back her shock and exclaimed, "How can a tree grow so big?!"

"Because this island is unique, we'll explain that in detail later, for now, we should get you set up. Where should we put your laboratory?" Lachlan asked.

"Can we connect it to the tree? Or tie to the tree?" Anne wanted the quickly begin researching. Not just the stone and children but now everything on this island, the world tree especially.

"I suppose we can," Lachlan didn't mind, he got Disaster to quickly go down and search for a high ranked gravity stone to keep the island up. Although he wasn't sure, he just felt as though Anne wanted it to placed up high.

"Oh yeah, connect it to that branch up there," Anne said as she pointed towards the branch 300 metres high.

'Thought so' Lachlan thought. Disaster quickly came back with the stone in its mouth. Lachlan briefly explained the stone and gave it to Anne who happily cut a small wound on her finger.

When she felt the rush of information she felt so excited. As long with that information came ideas, ideas for new things, weapons included.

"So I just have to keep this at the island at all times and everything will be good?" Anne asked. Although stone gave a lot of information, it didn't give any details about the limits and restrictions. Fortunately, the group's done plenty of experiments into that.

"Yup, we'll bring over another stone for you to experiment on, we'll also bring one of the children up. Do remember though, they are children so don't scare them," Lachlan felt that Anne's excitement for knowledge would lead her to go to extremes.

"Don't worry I'm not barbaric, I just need a small blood sample. Every mutation can be found within the genes," Anne said.