Intense Battle (1/2)

On another battlefield was Catastrophe, he was facing Arachne. Her legs spreading outwards, attaching themselves to the pillars surrounding it. She looked up towards Catastrophe arrogantly, looking down on him.

After two years of no one being able to fight against her, she has built up a level of arrogance even Catastrophe couldn't match. But what Catastrophe could match, was her physical abilities. Hell, he could overpower her physical abilities.

Catastrophe spread his wings and talons, he slightly hovered around Arachne before shooting towards her. He aimed his talons towards her two front legs, although it would put himself in a slightly dangerous position it would also greatly weaken her.

But he quickly noticed something as he was diving down. There was something in the air that was reflecting the sunlight, it was so thin it almost appeared invisible. Catastrophe slowed down to a halt and grabbed onto whatever it was.

While in the air he gave it a big tug, it completely resisted him, even slightly cutting into his talons. It was a trap set up by Arachne, a web created with thin, sharp, and durable webs. Although she wasn't cunning or anything of the like, she did possess a great deal of strength when it comes to setting up traps.

It seems she wanted to take advantage of that.

Catastrophe quickly let go of the web and flew back. It looked back towards Arachne who was grinning towards him. Even though she had the physical capabilities to give him a good fight that wasn't what she wanted, she just wanted to survive.

She had long since noticed that her minions were being burnt to a crisp, but there wasn't anything she could do about it. Although she could give Aaron a good fight, Aaron's fire control concerned her a lot. He could possibly burn her webs as well, leaving her defenceless.

Looking towards both Aaron and Catastrophe left her hesitant. She didn't know what to do. She could possibly flee but that would mean leaving her defences. However, if she chooses to stay behind her defences long enough Aaron will eventually finish up her soldiers and come to finish her off. Both situations involved losing, but there was one that gave her the possibility of living.

Turning around she quickly went into a full sprint. Her eights legs attaching onto the pillars then trees as she used them to push herself away from the battle. Using her full strength she attempted to leave.

Unfortunately, speed was one of the Rocs' strengths. Catastrophe had already noticed that Arachne was fleeing, he decided he would enjoy the battle and payback. So he decided to relax for a bit, give Arachne 30 seconds before going after her.

'That'll be enough time for her to either hide or get far away' Catastrophe thought arrogantly. He was peacefully hovering in the skies, watching Arachne flee for her life.

'30, 29, 28... 3, 2, 1' Catastrophe's eyes opened widely with excitement. He flew into the air and scanned the area, searching for where Arachne was. He saw her fleeing roughly 1.5 kilometres away from him.

'Should have hidden instead' He shook his head in disappointment. At least if she hid there was a chance he wouldn't be able to find her. Unfortunately, she chose to continue running instead, speed was the one thing Catastrophe didn't lack.

Opening his wings he moved them downwards and shot off, he quickly reached the speed of sounds, creating a sonic boom. It ruffled the surrounding vegetation but most importantly, got Arachne's attention.

Looking around she noticed Calamity flying towards her at a fast speed, he was easily catching up to her without a problem. It only took 4 seconds for him to reach her, with that came his opened talons.

They smashed into her back legs, crushing them into the ground. Arachne screamed in pain, but the pain didn't stop her from twisting her body around and smashed her fists against Catastrophe's head.

Catastrophe wasn't expecting her to attack him back so quickly, sent a bit of a shock to the system. Fortunately, he snapped out in the blink of an eye and continued his attack. He lifted his head high before smashing downwards, jabbing the main body of the spider part.

The pain assaulted all of Arachne's senses, she went well into survival mode, using any means at her disposal to survive. She quickly opened her mouth and a web shot out, it was made of the same web that was used to create the trap, only this was sticky, really sticky.

The web had wrapped itself around the left side of Catastrophe's body, quickly getting rid of his flying abilities. He had tried to rip it off with his strength but to no avail. He quickly let go of the back legs and jumped back.

Now they're both fighting for survival. Catastrophe was fighting to survive this battle and make it back to Lachlan while Arachne was just fighting to survive. It had long since given up on escaping now that two of its legs and the main part of its spider body was crushed into the ground.

Catastrophe began hopping around, keeping itself constantly on the move so it would be harder for Arachne to hit it again. What Catastrophe didn't know was that the web Arachne used again him was special, she could only create a certain amount during a long time and could only store a limited amount.

She had used her entire storage on that one attack. Fortunately for her, it had put Catastrophe in a dangerous position. He had got so used to fighting with the ability to fly he didn't realise how much he relied on it.

Whenever Catastrophe wanted to change direction mid-hop it attempted to use its wings. And although its right wing was still available, its left wing has been completely immobilised. So whenever he didn't change direction it gave him another shock, as it felt as though his body wasn't listening to him.

'Tsk, if only this piece of shit didn't surprise me' Catastrophe started to get really annoyed at his immobilised wing. He began to blame Arachne instead of himself, as though it was Arachne's fault for surprising him in the middle of a battle.

*Screech!* Catastrophe shouted intimidatingly. He stood tall and puffed out his chest, he wanted to try and create an opening to attack. Anything that could give him the upper hand was well needed.

Arachne was indeed confused by Catastrophe, she was confused as to why he was busy making sounds instead of fighting her. But that brief moment of confusion was exactly what Catastrophe was looking for.

He quickly leapt towards Arachne, and although he couldn't break the sound barrier with his leaping strength he could at least surprise Arachne. And Arachne was indeed shocked by the sudden development in the battle.

Catastrophe landed on Arachne's left leg, that didn't crush or it anything but with its overwhelming gripping strength he crushed it apart. The pain assaulted Arachne and brought her back to reality. She lifted her right leg and swung it towards Catastrophe.

It managed to hit, leaving a deep wound across Catastrophe's chest. Catastrophe fell backwards from the sudden attack and pain. Arachne took advantage of this and using her other legs, pinned Catastrophe to the ground.

Her legs and pierced through Catastrophe's right wing, sticking it to the ground. Catastrophe quickly opened its mouth and bit one of her legs, before pulling his head back, ripping the leg off with it.

Arachne quickly threw a punch towards Catastrophe's eyes, nailing them with her full strength. It sent Catastrophe's head back into the ground, Arachne followed along and leapt towards his head, punching it again.

This time Catastrophe was prepared, he had opened his mouth and bit onto Arachne's right arm. He quickly tugged with his full strength, slightly loosening her grip on his wings. As soon as he felt the leverage he began to flap hard, smashing his wing against her body.

She was quickly sent flying a few metres away.

Catastrophe quickly got up and prepared itself to continue the battle. Its wounds were heavily bleeding but it didn't care about that as adrenaline was pumping through his veins. The only thing on his mind now was winning.

It had finally found a worthy opponent to fight to the death with. Although Catastrophe has had plenty of battles with the other Rocs, Aaron, and a few of the other beasts. They had always held back, they didn't want to injure each other.

But with his battle with Arachne he could do anything he wanted, he had to be resourceful to survive, to win.

Catastrophe swiftly hopped back into a medium sized tree, he had wrapped his right talon around it and began to squeeze. The force quickly snapped the tree in half, causing it to fall to the ground.

Reaching down with his talons he slightly lifted it off the ground. He began grinning widely in his mind, he had never tried this since the trees on the island were far to thick, sturdy, and heavy. But with this, he could do it.

Catastrophe suddenly leapt up and swum its body furiously. When his right talon was just about to face Arachne he had let go of the log, flinging it at Arachne, who was not prepared at all for this odd way of attacking.

She lifted up two of her legs and stomped downwards, her legs quickly pierced the log and smashed it against the ground. The force that was used to throw the log travelled through her body and sent her a metre backwards, sliding across the ground.

She had quenched her face when she felt it. But when she opened her eyes widely again she couldn't see Catastrophe anywhere. That's when a sudden force hit her from behind again.

This time Catastrophe used his talons to pin down two more of Arachne's legs. He opened his mouth and his head lunged forward, his beak quickly wrapping around Arachne's arm as she held it out to defend herself.

Catastrophe bit down with its full strength and yanked its head back. Since its body was pinned to the ground by Catastrophe her arm was ripped off. Drenching the surrounds with blood.

Catastrophe quickly went to finish off the job. His head lunged forward again, but this time it twisted. His beak quickly pincered Arachne's neck.

He bit down without hesitation, crushing Arachne's neck within its mouth. He then yanked his head back again. Arachne's head fell backwards, it was dangling down by her spine. Blood burst outwards, showering Catastrophe and surrounding area with its dark red blood.

Catastrophe then hopped off Arachne's corpse and held his head high. It had felt accomplished, as this was his most tiring and gruesome battle yet. This was also one of the first times he ever fought without the assistance of his brothers, adding on to the accomplishment.

He then began his slow journey hopping back towards the city, 'Maybe I shouldn't have let her get so far away' Catastrophe never expected for his flying abilities to be disabled, it certainly brought a whole other layer of difficulty.