Emperors Aura

After watching Disaster finish off Serqet Lachlan focused back on what Aaron was doing. Although Aaron had long since reached level 10 he continued to slaughter, the only difference being that now some of the beasts were running off.

With their leaders dead they now had free will, and with that, they began to scatter around. In an attempt to survive, some of them went underground or in the buildings and hid.

'Alright, Aaron that's enough' Lachlan gently patted Aaron's side.

'But I can still go' Aaron said confidently. Lachlan didn't doubt that for a second, but the thing is, there is no need for him to continue.

'There's no need, you've already reached your growth limit. Fly to the top of the building, there's something I want to test out' Lachlan said. Aaron, although struggled, finally agreed to the command and flew up the building.

Once they reached the top Lachlan saw a few beasts, but the moment they noticed him they all scattered. Some of them even straight up jumping off the building. Anything would give them a greater chance of living then facing Aaron.

Aaron calmly landed on the roof and Lachlan hopped off. He looked off the side and noticed that any of the beasts that were originally on the sides were now gone. They were either in the building or had run away.

'So what did you want me to do?' Aaron asked impatiently. It was enjoying himself, proving to himself that he was the strongest. He found it satisfying since he was always cooped up in that cave since he could ever remember. There had never been anyone to fight him, and when there finally was, using their sheer numbers and great strength he was naturally defeated.

'I want you to release your aura' Lachlan said.

'My aura? I'm pretty sure I'm always using it' Aaron was confused by what Lachlan said. He was certain he had always been releasing his aura.

'You might be, but I believe that to only be a fraction of its actual strength' Lachlan said. Aaron looked at Lachlan and tilted his head in confusion. Lachlan then continued, 'When you first came across me the aura you released was one that even sent a slight shiver down the Roc's spine. But those beasts you were fighting today didn't even seem to notice it, as though it wasn't there. Which means either the aura has weakened or your not using all of it.'

'But I swear I am using all of it' Aaron replied back, 'Tell me how to use all of it; since you brought me up here then you have an idea don't you.'

'Well I have an idea but it won't be all that nice. Do you trust me?' Lachlan turned around and walked back to Aaron as he held out an open palm and asked.

'Of course I do master' Aaron placed the side of his head against Lachlan's palm.

'Alright, now close your eyes and imagine. Imagine me getting captured and turned into some genie pig, to be experimented on for all eternity until I'm finally no longer useful and killed' Lachlan felt a slight shake go through Aaron's body at the thought, so he continued. 'Imagine Sarah, getting shot through the head by that Land Guardian leader. Imagine the three Rocs being killed one by one. Imagine, imagine all of this was caused by your failure.'

Aaron's body began convulsing heavily at the thought, Aaron's breathing quickened as a torrent of emotions rushed through his body like a tsunami. He was feeling a myriad of emotions, sadness, distress, concern. But among all those emotions, one was raging around the most violently.


Aaron was angry at himself for letting all of that happen, but the thing he was most angry about was that it was his fault. He felt angry that he wasn't strong enough, even though he believed himself to be the strongest. He felt angry that he had let both his master and master's younger sister get captured, then let one get killed and the other tortured. He felt angry that he failed to protect his comrades, the ones he would fight side by side with as they protect their master.

But most importantly, he was angry at himself for failing.

'That couldn't happen, that won't happen, I won't let it happen. I'll get stronger, strong enough to frighten my enemies at just the sight of me, strong enough to split apart the oceans and break mountains' Aaron had begun talking to himself.

What he didn't notice was that he was releasing an aura that did just that. The concrete beneath Aaron was beginning to crack under the aura he was releasing. All beasts in a 10 kilometres radius felt their strength leave their bodies, their legs or wings turning to noodles as they collapsed.

Even the three Rocs felt this insane level of pressure. They felt as though their bodies were being crushed against the ground. It was at a level well beyond the gravity they were used to training it. Let alone anything else.

On top of the building, Lachlan watched the concrete beneath him crack apart, the cracks quickly spread to the edges and downwards. Unlike everything else, he wasn't being affected by Aaron's aura, but he could certainly see everything it was doing.

Lachlan quickly hopped onto Aaron's back and held onto Aaron's sides, 'Alright Aaron, you've done enough, it was a success.'

Aaron quickly snapped out of its own imaginary world and realised what was happening. His eyes widened in shock as he stared at the building beneath him, the cracks that were spreading away from him.

'What happened?' Aaron asked in confusion, 'Did I really do this?'

'Yup, make sure you remember everything you felt just before, as that's your trigger for all of this. It'll take a while and a lot of training but you'll eventually be able to release your aura instinctively' Lachlan explained.

'Alright, I'll do that when we get back' Aaron said. Since he had already reached max level for his grade there wasn't anything else he could do. He might as well learn to control this new ability, maybe even learn to make it stronger.


On the mountain was Calamity. He had just felt that crushing pressure disappear, he knew that it was Aaron and was really impressed this time. Aaron had really shown him and the other two his strength.

But without a moments notice Calamity twisted his body and shot towards Athena. Who was still staring at the city with a dumbfounded expression. She didn't even realise Calamity was attacking her until his beak was right at her face.

Calamity smashed his beak against her before slamming her head against the pillar behind her. Swiftly turning her head into a meat paste. She couldn't even react before she died, the last thing she remembered would be a giant beak smash against her face.

And with her being killed her entire temple was almost powered down. The pillars weren't shooting out spears or anything, it was safe for now. Fortunately Aaron stunned Athena for a brief moment, he doesn't know how he would beat her otherwise.

Calamity then reached his talon down and grabbed onto her arm. He quickly gave a powerful yank and ripped Athena's arm off her cold corpse. The whole reason they were actually here was to bring back a blood sample, he still remembered.


In the forest was Catastrophe who was waddling his way through. Although that burst of pressure surprised him and even crushed him to the ground, he knew that the source was Aaron, who held no hostility against them.

But as he continued to waddle through the trees he suddenly remembered the entire reason they actually came to the island. He felt like facepalming but also felt too exhausted to really do that.

Catastrophe quickly turned around and waddled back towards Arachne's corpses. He was looking at it wondering what to bring back. Should he bring back a human body part or spider body part?

He decided not to think about it too much and just ripped off a bit of both. He then turned around a started his waddle back again.


Back on the mountain, surrounded by a few towering spikes made of dirt, standing on the bloody meat past of a corpse was Disaster.

He had been affected by that aura and crushed into the ground. Unfortunately, the only thing on the ground was Serqet's meat pasted corpse. He pretty much smashed into her again, causing blood to splatter around again.

But that suddenly reminded him that he needed to bring back a sample. The only problem was there wasn't really anything solid to bring back. Serqet's corpse had turned completely into a meat paste, finely crushed. There wasn't anything to actually grab onto properly.

'This should do' Disaster waddled over to a hand and through it was Serqet's stinger. It seems it was some of the only things to make it out in one piece. Grant it was still slightly flattened, but it was in a much better condition than the rest of her corpse.


Back in the city, Lachlan was waiting patiently in a park. Aaron was by his side, releasing an aura. That although wasn't as strong as the one it released previously, it was strong enough to deter weaker beasts from making a move against them.

The first ones to come back were Calamity and Disaster, both of which had the samples dangling from their mouths. It would be a lie to say that they weren't tempted to just open their mouths widely and swallow the sample whole, but they knew that it was important.

10 minutes later Catastrophe finally came into the park. His body was a mess after the fight, his wing still webbed up and there were still heavy wounds all across his body. Even Disaster was surprised, he had thought he had a tough fight. What type of fight would leave Catastrophe in such a condition?

'Huh, did you use more brawn than brain power in your fight' Calamity cheerfully mocked from the side. Due to him taking advantage of Aaron's abrupt aura release he didn't have a single wound on him and seeing how his samples appeared to be in perfect condition as well made them assume he finished it quickly and efficiently.

Of course, Calamity would never actually admit that. He would lose his edge against Catastrophe.

'Oh shut it, can you just take care of this' Catastrophe said angrily.

Just as Calamity was going to say more Aaron walked over and breathed out fire, burning the webs up completely. Catastrophe joyfully stretched out his wing, he heard the bones within it slightly popping.

'Alright, when we get back to the island both you and Disaster will begin resting, I want you to be in peak condition for when I release the news' Lachlan said with a bright grin on his face.

"Lachlan! I finally caught up to you! You little piece of shit!" Simon had finally made his way over the ocean. When he looked around he quickly noticed the burnt corpses, all tens of thousands of them, scattered across the streets.

"Shit I'm too late!" Simon already knew the battle had ended. Especially when he saw Lachlan relaxing on a park bench without a care in the world.