Moving the Island

"What do you mean by that Flynn?" Joe asked as he tilted his head.

"Don't you remember that the island isn't actually connected to the land? This means we could move it," Flynn explained happily with a grin stretched across his face. "To be honest, I'm surprised the island has managed to actually stay in one spot the entire time."

"Okay, but how do you suggest we move the island and how far did you say the island was?" Lachlan asked.

"Well, we obviously use the stones to push the island. We should be able to get enough high-grade gravity stones to push the island in an easterly direction. As for how far? Well, I said the island was actually 200 kilometres outwards from Sydney," Flynn explained.

The group already knew what Flynn was planning when he mentioned high-grade gravity stones. He wasn't wrong though, it could actually work. Whatever is causing the island's gravity to be so unique isn't keeping the island where it is as it pulls everything surrounding it towards it.

Not to mention with the use of a couple dozen high-grade gravity stones, they should be able to push almost anything, anywhere. As the radius of the high-grade gravity stone was 200 metres, anything within that area will help push the island whether it be the actual island itself or the ocean water surrounding it.

"Alright, I'll go around the centre and grab around 4 dozen or so high-grade gravity stones you all need to separate yourselves across the beach with a gap around 200 metres between you all," Lachlan quickly explained as he ran off.

The rest of the group quickly went over to the beach at the west side of the island and began moving themselves around. They made sure they were roughly 200 metres apart before waiting for Lachlan to return.

Most of the group was rather surprised by the massive wall behind them. They know it certainly wasn't there when they left the island.

"So what's with the wall?" Flynn asked Chloe. He knew she was apart of the team that excavated the training areas. So it was obvious that it was that groups doing.

"Well, there was a lot of trees so we decided to create a wall with them all," Chloe explained as she scratched her head. The rest of the group felt slightly embarrassed as well with everyone looking at their work.

"So how large of a training area did you create?" Flynn asked the question that Chloe slightly dreaded. As they hadn't explained it to the rest of the group, only those that were excavating.

"Well, we decided to create multiple training areas, all that would have a more intense gravity. And the test to determine whether someone is suited for the next training area is simply their travel to the next area," Brianna explained proudly.

"I suppose it isn't too bad of an idea," Flynn said.

But before he could finish Brianna interrupted him, "And we'll create special rooms inside the mountain that'll only be for the strongest of students. But once they adapt to that gravity they'll be able to graduate, the only way they can continue to train is by signing a contract so they will work for us."

"Alright, I suppose that settles that. But how are we supposed to handle those that have adapted to the cave rooms? They'll have the strength that is equal to the strongest within the group not to mention they'll have the strength that'll allow them to go in and out of the farmland freely," Flynn explained his concerns.

The group that thought of the idea was left flabbergasted as they didn't know how to answer Flynn's concerns. They hadn't thought about it that far, they just used it as a means to justify their action of ripping out more trees.

"We could create a defence type of system couldn't we?" Simon asked.

"If the defence isn't enough to stop people that have the strength of someone like Lachlan then there's no point," Flynn responded with a sigh.

"Well if we use the high-grade gravity stones to create a defensive barrier that'll be fine right?" Simon asked.

Flynn thought about it and turned towards Simon in shock, he hadn't expected Simon to say something actually intelligent. "I suppose we could create a barrier using the stones, the only problem is whether or not they'll just dig around."

"We could reinforce the cave walls using the stones. Anything can become extremely durable if you force 200 times Earth's gravity onto it. Not to mention we can place medium grade gravity stones along the main cave wall that'll force everyone away from the main cave. As they'll only have trained to the level of 10 times Earth's gravity they'll be crushed under 20 times," Simon explained.

"That's actually a really good idea, we could also get all of you to begin training again. Not for the whole day like before but just part of the day or any day that you're completely free," Simon suggested.

"Does that mean I can train to the level of these people?" Zhang asked with a wide smile. He hadn't forgotten the time he was completely crushed under their strength, he would love to get to that level of strength.

"Sure, just remember though, all these people spent every day for two years training on this island to get to where they are now. It'll be a long journey for you to reach a similar level," Flynn explained.

"And I'll gladly go along that journey," Zhang said proudly.


It took a little while for Lachlan to find all the gravity stones they needed before coming to the beach. There was 8 of them there, the rest were either with the children or in the farmland. Lachlan gave 6 stones to everyone.

"Alright, don't drop them all at the same time but make sure there's a decent amount of time between the dropped stones. Also, made sure they're actually hitting the island and not the ground. So you'll have to control the stones efficiently to navigate the stones to where you want it," Lachlan explained from behind.

The group nodded and began. Holding out their stones they quickly took possession over them through their blood. When that was done their first command was for the stones to go forward, away from them and above the water.

The next command was for the stone's gravity to be downwards, they counted as they waited before they felt as though it was the right time and commanded the stones' gravity to push it against the island.

They couldn't actually see or feel anything so they just had to make guesses. They repeated what they had just done but with less time. They did this until there were no more stones in their arms.

"Alright Flynn, I sure as hell hope this works," Lachlan said as he began to move backwards.

They weren't completely sure as to where the stones were and they certainly didn't want to be within the radius of 200 metres. Since the stones could be used from a long distance they didn't hold back as to how far back into the island they went.

The group reached the orphanage and almost everyone was there. Aside from a few of the parents that were within the farmland the rest of the group was there taking care of the children.

"What's up?" Maddie asked as she was assembling some type of puzzle with a few of the children.

"Well, some stuff happened so now we're moving the island. We're here to make sure everyone stays safe and nothing bad happens," Simon explained calmly.

Maddie nodded and began running around the orphanage to tell everyone to prepare for any unexpected situations. The parents began to gather their children in a circle in front of the orphanage.

Maddie walked into the centre and used the gravity stone to left everyone up, "Make sure you have a tight grip of you child!"

The rest of the group were watching as this happened and were surprised. They hadn't even thought about using the stones to fly off the island. Holding out their personal gravity stone they did the same and brought themselves to a similar level of the children.

"Alright, let's move the island now," Lachlan said.

The group issue the commands and they heard the island beneath them rumble. They quickly noticed the water quake as the island moved. The group decided to stay in one spot, that way it'll be much easier to determine how far the island has gone from their current position.

it took roughly 30 minutes before the island was almost a black spec in the distance before finally disappearing. They suddenly heard something from behind them.

Looking back they noticed it was a massive carrier plan along with some fighter jets. just be looking at the insignias on the plans they could tell It was the Land and Sky Guardians.

They had come to take their land.