Beginning the Journey to Patagonia

"You guys have gotten so good already," Maddie said joyfully as she flew up to them. She began to show off some tricks, doing flips in the air as she flew circles around everyone.

"Of course, we had some rather good demonstrations," Phoebe complimented Maddie as she flew towards her and tried doing a flip. She almost did it, but once she got to the top of the flip she almost lost control and feel down. Lachlan quickly flew behind and caught her before flying up to the others.

"So what commands do you give the stone? I'm constantly having to command the stone to change the direction slightly midair, but at the same time, I'm having difficulties keeping it constant since I'm putting a lot of my attention into spatial awareness. Don't want to end up splattered against a wall," said Joe.

"Well, I just command the stone to follow the direction of my fingers or hand, anything that can be used as a direction can be used for the stone," Maddie smiled when everyone stared at her dumbfounded. "I'll quickly do an example."

Maddie held up the stone in front of them, it quickly flew downwards diagonally. The group didn't think anything of it, they could do the same thing. But their eyes widened when they saw where it was heading to.

It was heading straight towards Maddie's hut's roof, or more specifically, the very point at the highest point on her roof. Just when it was about to slam into it the stone came to complete halt, it gently rested on the point with extreme balance.

"It involves a bit more of a technical term. For example, if you say for the gravity to go upwards, everything in a 200-metre radius will up; but if you command the stone to make everything, say, go towards the tree branch. Everything in a 200-metre radius will go up until it reaches the branch, which is where it will come to a complete halt," Maddie explained as the group looked on in awe.

"Another example is changing the gravity downward. You can change the gravity downwards and everything in that radius will go down until it can't anymore; but if you command for the gravity to go downwards towards the ground, everything in a 200-metre radius above the ground will get pulled towards it. Which would also explain why the island is so unique."

"So whatever is at the centre of the island was commanded to pull everything in a certain radius towards it. But why does the gravity get weaker?" Lachlan understood everything Maddie said quickly, but the other unique thing about the island was that the gravity gradually gets stronger the closer they are to the centre.

"Remember, there is no limit in details for the instructions we give the stone. There's nothing stopping us from making the gravity gradual with the stones. There's also no limit to the area we want to be affected, we could make it in the shape of a square or even a triangle," Maddie answered.

"Then let's test it out," Lachlan responded as he flew back to the ground. When his toes touched the surface he threw his stone. 'Change gravity towards the ground, radius 20 metres, every metre from the edge of the area gravity will increase by 1, starting at 2'

Lachlan threw the stone a bit away so he wasn't in the affected area just yet. He began walking towards the stone, once he reached 20 metres out from the stone he felt the gravity increase by 2. Taking a couple of steps he felt it increase again, he quickly walked 10 metres in before he came to a stop.

He had stopped training for a while so his body wasn't trained for 11 times gravity yet, although he could handle it he would struggle quite a bit.

'Change gravity 2 times, the affected area will be a rectangular prism, 20 metres long, 3 metres wide and 2 metres tall' Lachlan felt the gravity lighten up on him and he began to feel out the area.

He followed the edges of the affected area and discovered that it followed the shape of a rectangle. He then jumped up roughly 3 metres into the air, he took out another stone from his pocket and dropped it.

His gaze followed its fall as it suddenly increased once it was 2 metres up from the ground.

"Suppose that concludes the basic testing, we'll get more into detail later. For now however," Lachlan turned towards Maddie and Simon. "We'll be going to find that air stone, but we first need to know where to go."

"Well from what Harrison told us, we could either go to the top of Mount Everest, go to Antartica, Tornado Valley in Colorado, America, or go to Patagonia in South America," Simon said.

"There could also be new islands that are much windier then these places, but since these are the only places we know about I suppose we'll just settle for one," Lachlan said as he went into deep thought about which place to choose.

"How are both America's or South America's conditions after the two years?" Joe asked.

"From what I remember, both locations had it really rough, especially America. Although they both become equal in terms of danger, the way both countries handled the evolution is like comparing the heavens and the earth," Flynn answered. "While South America quickly adapted through strengthening their people through beast taming; America almost got annihilated from the sheer strength that everything threw at them, especially since most of their population didn't know how to fight against things that can't be killed through shooting it."

"So South America then?" Zhang asked.

"I'm slightly hesitant, as South America also became a major hub to drug cartels. Not to mention some of the even shader stuff going on, such as human trafficking," Flynn explained fully concerned about the safety of the group.

"Don't worry, we're strong enough to handle them," Chloe reassured him while flexing her arms.

"Here's the real problem though, the human traffickers don't care what it takes to get what they want. If you beat up their people through resisting they'll just send more people, a lot more people as that's how they get things done," Flynn explained his biggest concern about the trip.

"So they're a bunch of cowards that have no honour," Simon said while sounding as though he's looking down on them.

"Right now in this world, honour is something stupid that people should forget about. Power, money, and connections are what get you through the world now. Keeping your honour will now lead you to your deaths, as your enemies will take advantage of it," Flynn explained as he turned towards Simon. "You don't need honour anymore as no one high up will recognise it, the only thing they recognise is your power or influence."

"Do you think that's why those higher-ups are sending their children to the military? As they'll not only be able to build up their strength, they'll also be able to build up their power and reputation through making connections," said Lachlan as he came unto the realisation that those higher-ups weren't just sending their children into the military just for bragging rights.

"It's certainly a smart idea, as their children should have a bright future after making all those connections. But back on topic, I think we should head to Patagonia, as there's something else that interests me there," said Simon.

"Oh, and what's that?" Lachlan asked.

"I want to tame another beast and South America apparently has some rather exotic birds, granted I'll certainly want you to check them all before I tame any of them," Simon explained as he glanced over to Lachlan. "I've also wanted to try some South America cuisine, now's the perfect time to do it."

"Alright then, but make sure you take extra precaution around the cities, especially if you're passing any alleyways or shady corners. You should also always be ready to attack someone if necessary, just completely knock them out as long as you're doing it to protect yourself," Flynn warned the group. "And remember, you're only there to find an air stone, try to avoid getting involved with anything else, especially anything shady or dangerous."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep a tight handle on the leash," said Chloe as she reassured Flynn she had everything under control. "Aside from Simon and possibly Zhang, no one else would be involved in anything dangerous, so I'll just keep a close eye on those two."

"Ha, good luck keeping an eye on Zhang," Flynn responded as she grinned.

"Maybe we should just put a tracker on him," Chloe joked with a slightly serious tone.

Zhang stared at the two slightly worried he'll have to have a tracker put on him. That'll ruin the fun in any games he decides to play with everyone here.

"Alright, so how should we get there?" Lachlan asked. "Should we use the stones? Ride on the birds? Or a mix of both?"

"What's the point in riding the birds when we have the stones?" Zhang asked.

"Well if we have Kyle or Aaron summoned we'll easily be able to ward off any beast through their auras, not to mention the threatening appearance of both Kyle and Aaron will make sure everyone gets it into their minds that they won't be messing with us," Lachlan explained. "There's also the fact that they could quickly provide us with assistance as they're already summoned."

"Then let's just do both and get out of here," Zhang said impatiently, as though he was a kid rushing his parents so he could get home faster.

"Alrighty then, Simon and Maddie we're leaving the huts to you two, make sure they don't get destroyed while we're away. Dylan, you continue keeping an eye and protecting my sister," said Lachlan.

The group was slightly confused at the last part until they heard something leave really quickly, as though they were simply a gust in the wind. They didn't even notice that Dylan had been by them the entire time, even Zhang was surprised, almost shamed about his own skills.

Lachlan summoned Aaron while Georgia summoned Kyle. Lachlan holding onto the stone in his pocket before shotting off into the air, Aaron quickly followed right behind him. "Make sure you don't lag behind too much, we got a busy week ahead of it."

The rest didn't think too much about the remark but quickly shot into the air right behind Lachlan. Chloe and Simon quickly turned and waved their goodbyes before picking up the pace.

"Has anyone ever been to South America before?" Brianna asked.

"Nope, but there shouldn't be too many things different," Simon said. "Most countries are in the same state after the evolution, some worse than others such as America. But all in all, most countries are roughly equal now."

"Granted some countries such as America or Russie still have a hold over quite a few nukes," Simon quickly added on.

"Alright; however, as long as they continue to point their nukes at the beast populace I won't mind them. But the moment it begins to target a country, I'll be making sure none of them will be fired," Lachlan vowed.

The group began to have little chats amongst themselves as they flew towards Patagonia at a steady pace. They were excited about what they were going to find there.