
"Indeed we can, it won't be too difficult with our strength to take it from them. Plus, it's almost as though we're doing everyone here a favour by getting rid of these tyrants," Lachlan responded while nodding his head.

"Yes, how about we just have a friendly conversation with this group and their leader," Chloe said with a wide grin across her face, one that would send a shiver down someone's spine.

"Wha, what the hell are you guys talking about? Those people run this place, they're the strongest people here, there's no way you can beat them!" When Valentina heard what Simon said and the way the rest of the group reacted she freaked out, she didn't want the nice people she just met to suddenly get hurt.

"What are you on about, we're just going to have a nice friendly chat we them about the crystals we need. If they cooperate nicely, nothing will go wrong," Simon explained calmly with a gentle smile but a concerning voice.

Valentina didn't like the sound of his voice when he said it, she knew they certainly won't be going over to just have a friendly chat. But before she could say anything else the group had already disappeared from the table.

Desperately looking around she noticed the group standing in front of the tyrants. Her face to one filled with horror.

"Well hello there, we are interested in the crystals you've been collecting around the area, we would like for you to hand them over to us," said Lachlan with a friendly yet dangerous smile, a smile that would welcome you but devour you moment you piss him off.

As for the reason why Lachlan was asking for the crystals to be handed over to them, it was quite simple. They didn't have any money right now, nor did they think they'll have enough money to actually purchase one of the crystals. Most of the group have heard of people like this, ones that extort rarities to their extreme.

"Huh! You got some big balls for a small kid, asking for us to just hand over those crystals," The leader of the group immediately went all up in Lachlan's face. The man's face was scrunched up, his teeth showing while being tightly grit. "You better rethink what you just said before I, Thomas Gonzalez beat you to the ground."

'Seems pretty arrogant, nothing too much I can't handle' Lachlan quickly analysed Thomas and was thoroughly disappointed at how weak he was. He didn't have any tamed beast, nor high stats. While his only strength was intimidation.

Unfortunately, intimidation will only work up to a certain degree, and Lachlan is well past that degree.

"Indeed I do, but what I said remains the same, hand us those crystals and we'll be on our way, no harm done to either side," Lachlan calmly said while his grin never left his face.

"Seems you want to go against the Lions," said Thomas as he slightly bent his legs. "Well get ready to feel its fangs!"

Thomas lunged out Lachlan, he was throwing a hard punch from the right. Thomas and the others behind him were grinning wildly when they noticed Lachlan wasn't moving, they had assumed he had frozen up from fear.

The moment Thomas' fist landed on Lachlan's face a large resounding snap echoed across the street. The ones behind Thomas were immediately cheering him on.

"Yeah, beat that kid up!"

"That's what he gets for messing with us!"

"Punch him again! Use him as an example to show what happens to people that don't cooperate nicely with us!"

Valentina had closed her eyes shut, 'Why didn't you just listen to me'.


When that screamed sounded out the group looked towards the source, their eyes widened with shock and fear. Thomas was kneeling on the ground, his fingers snapped. Thomas had tears rolling down his face, he hadn't experienced pain for a long time.

"Is this really all you got, I'm quite disappointed," Lachlan sighed. Although he wasn't really disappointed, he had already analysed Thomas and knew how weak he was.

The rest of the group behind Lachlan were grinning wildly, for some reason they felt a rush of excitement flow through their veins when Thomas threw his punch. However, they were thoroughly disappointed with the results.

They hadn't had a good fight for a long time, only by sparring against each other will they find a challenge. But even then, they aren't fighting each other to the death and therefore have no reason to push their limits to the fullest.

It was also the reason why Simon was so annoyed with Lachlan taking care of the intelligent beasts himself, instead of letting them have a piece of the action.

"How are you disgrace us like that!" One of the men behind Thomas shouted as he ran forwards. He threw an uppercut, aiming for Lachlan's head. The rest of the group followed along; all punching different spots on Lachlan's body.

However, to Lachlan, everything seemed as though it went in slow motion. As these people didn't pose the slightest threat to him at all. He simply sidestepped and turned his body, dodging all the attacks.

The attacks, however, changed target and they all hit each other. Some hit each other's faces, others simple hit around the chest region.

"Ah! What the fuck are you doing!"

"What are you on about! You attacked me!"

To the side, Valentina had opened her eyes and to her surprise, Lachlan was winning by himself. It wasn't an understatement to say that he was dominating the fight. However, the thing that surprised her the most, was that the rest of Lachlan's group wasn't doing anything, just watching in silence.

It was as though they expected this to happen.

"Alright, that's enough. So how about you take us to the one that leads you all and we can have ourselves a friendly conversation with him?" Lachlan asked with a demanding and threatening tone.

"To get to our leader you'll need to beat us first!" Thomas shouted as he threw another punch. Lachlan almost felt like facepalming, just from the sheer stupidity that these people convey. It was as though they don't understand the difference between their strength yet.

"Sigh" Lachlan lifted up his hand to block the punch coming from below. Lifting his hand up high he then slammed downwards, his hand landed on Thomas' fist.

Thomas, shocked by the sudden development felt a jolt go through his whole body. He felt an unstoppable force smash against his fist, it was pushing down towards the ground and he couldn't resist.

Everyone watched as Thomas' body smashed against the ground, a terrifying snap echoed through the surrounding people. Everyone felt a chill go through their entire bodies, they felt their hair stand up as though a chilly breeze drifted through their bodies.

As they looked towards Thomas they saw his arm had been completely obliterated. Similar to one crushing a tin can, his arm from his forearm to his hand has been crushed. The bones in his arm have been pulverised into dust.

"Ah! My arm! My arm! I can't feel it!" Thomas rolled around on the ground screaming in pain. His little lackeys ran up to him but didn't know how to react. It wasn't as though they could suddenly fix his completely pulverised arm.

"Now, how about you take us to that leader of yours?" Lachlan suddenly appeared behind them slightly bent over. A wide but chilling grin plastered across his face as he looked towards them all.

The group jumped back from fright, they felt as though they were staring into the eyes of a monster, as though their heads were already in its mouth but it decided to play with its food. They felt terror, something they hadn't felt in a long time.

"You're going to regret doing this! Our leader will wring the blood from all of your bodies once he finds out what you did! Thomas is his son after all!" Although fearful they knew not how to show respect after spending so much time being to tyrants. They did, however, know how to throw around names, ones which should possess some weight to them.

Unfortunately, these names meant nothing to Lachlan and the rest of the group. Lachlan stood up and walked towards them slowly, "Well, how about you just lead us to your leader and we'll resolve all our conflicts like civilised people."

"Alright, but you're going to regret everything you've done," The man said he pointed his index finger towards them, his hand shaking from both anger and fear. He then turned around and began walking.

"Let's see how I'm going to regret it then shall we," said Lachlan as he smiled joyfully. He began following the man and the rest of the groups followed.

The group followed Thomas was carrying his body, they distanced themselves from Lachlan and the group from fear.

The surrounding people quickly split apart to make a path, allowing the two groups to walk through peacefully and easily.

Valentina was still sitting on her seat, her mouth and eyes opened wide from the shock she received. As the people everyone in this town viewed as strong were so thoroughly dominated, by only one person as well.