Tying Up Loose Ends (1)

Hunter leapt out of the shadows, appearing right next to its mistress. Leaning down it bit onto Catalina's dress, lifting her up before tossing her on his back. But just as Hunter was about to dive back into the shadows Zhang interfered.

"Oh no you don't," said Zhang as he reappeared, materialising out of nothing. With his hands, he yielded the power of darkness as well, although slightly lower level, it was enough to interfere with Hunter's transition into the shadows.

"Roar!" Letting off a mighty roar Hunter lunged at Zhang, his claws high in the air ready to strike Zhang down. However, just as the claws were about to reach him Zhang suddenly disappeared again. But during that time of invisibility Zhang had sidestepped, avoiding the attacking completely and putting himself in a favourable position.

While he was invisible Zhang threw an uppercut, aiming directly for Hunter's throat, his hand shaped like a spear with the speed to actually become one. But he unfortunately underestimated the strength of Hunter's defence.

As Zhang's hand jab into Hunter's throat, he felt a sudden force that resisted his attack, as though he had just punched an iron wall.

The shock from the resistance snapped Zhang out of invisibility as his mind wasn't stable enough to keep it under control. Hunter took advantage of the momentarily dazed Zhang, clawing him across the chest, throwing him back; Zhang's body smashed against the wall.

When Zhang's body was smashed against the wall his head snapped back, rendering him unconscious. His body slumped on the ground, thumping against the cold bathroom tiles.

Outside, the rest of the group heard the commotion and immediately got a bad feeling. They rushed to the source, sprinting around the corner and kicking the bathroom door open. Inside, they say Zhang laying against the floor, the jaguar hovering by the other side of the bathroom staring at them.

Afraid that its slightest movement could end his life.

However, when it took a glance towards the mirror and saw the condition Catalina was in it got furious. Although he treated Catalina like a master, he thought of her as a mother. He grew up in her care, as his real mother was pouched for her fur when he was still young.

'Since I can't beat them, I'll at least make sure they regret their actions' In a moment of desperate anger Hunter lunged towards Zhang, his claws ready to shred Zhang's neck into two and kill him off for good.

Everything seemed to move in slow-motion, Lachlan took a deep sigh as he moved forward. With his lightning-like speed, he appeared next to Hunter in an instant. Reeling back his fists he stomped on the ground and furiously twisted his body, his fist landed on Hunter's neck and snapped it in two, Hunter's body flew a few metres away before slumping onto the ground.

Catalina flew off, rolling another few metres before coming to a halt once her body smashed against the wall. The shock jolted herself awake, "Cough, couch." Catalina spewed out a mouthful of blood once she regained consciousness.

Looking up she noticed Hunter's body laying on the ground. 'Hunter? What are you doing? Didn't you hear my command? Rip them to shreds, Hunter?!' Catalina received no reply, her mind began to wonder. 'Hunter?'

Crawling over to Hunter she touched his body and didn't feel a pulse, she felt Hunter's body begin to cool down. "Hunter?" Catalina shook Hunter's body, she didn't believe he was dead, she didn't want to believe.

"Damnit! With the amount of money it took to raise you this was all you could offer?! You were a rare breed that was almost extinct, I extended much of the families power to find a baby like you and take you from your mother!" Catalina furiously shouted.

The group that was feeling bad for a bit suddenly felt as though their emotions were betrayed. Lachlan turned towards the others, "Take care of Zhang, get him the help he needs and don't rely on the banana just yet."

"Alright I'll go," Brianna ran to Zhan and picked him up, she then ran out of the bathroom. Phoebe, Georgia, Chloe, and Joe quickly followed along, they were both going to make sure Zhang gets to the hospital quickly and without any interruptions. They all also had complete trust in the other's capabilities, they didn't need to worry about them.

"So, how should we deal with this?" Simon walked up and stood by Lachlan's side.

"To be honest I was quite surprised with her sudden outburst, more so with what she was so angry about," Zoe took a few steps forward. "Just something about what she said doesn't feel right, just something about killing its mother just to get it doesn't sit right with me."

The others felt the same. Although everyone with a tamed beast technically used them as tools, they also built a unique connection with them. After all, Lachlan was in a similar position. In a way, he killed the Blue Rocs' parents in order to tame them. However, he didn't see the Rocs as tools but rather as friends or even family.

Not to mention that from what she said it's likely that she took the jaguar away from its parents long before the evolution happened. Which back then, not only was that illegal, it was also heavily frowned upon.

"Oh well, I suppose I'll have to rely on my trump card to deal with you all," Catalina deeply sighed as she stood up. She turned towards the group, 'Come out Lucifer'.

An aqua green light shot out from her back, it was the tattoo for her other beast, in the shape of a pair of wings that covered her entire upper back. A figure began to materialise into existence behind her, giving off a majestic and supreme aura. hen it was finally done a large jaguar stood behind Catalina, its fur was aqua green and its eyes were crimson orange. Standing up it reached the roof at a height of 7 metres, its body had to curl behind Catalina as it was 10 metres long. It had wings growing from its back, the feathers were a mixture of light blue and aqua green.



Name: Lucifer (Sky Jaguar King)

Age: Adult

Attribute: Wind

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 1st Grade

Level: 10

STR: 92(+20), AGI: 105(+40), VIT: 60(+10)

INT: 43(+10), PER: 49(+10), WIL: 38

Weakness: Arrogant, Prideful, Easily Provoke, Mental Trauma, Unfaithful

Strengths: Leg Strength (Level 2), Heightened Senses, Night Vision, Sky King's Aura, Sky King's Domain, Unique Wind Control (Level 2)


Looking read over the stats slightly confused, as there were a few things that didn't seem right. It's mental trauma being one of them, as it could only be the result of a few things considering how strong it is. It also meant Catalina didn't exactly acquire this jaguar through legal means.

There was also something about its unfaithful nature, meaning it would betray Catalina in a split second decision. There was just something about the relationship between the jaguar and Catalina that annoyed Lachlan just that bit more.

As for the domain strength, Lachlan still didn't have any idea as to what it might entail. The only other beast he's seen with a similar strength was the shark, neither Aaron nor Kyle possessed this trait.

As for the final thing that intrigued Lachlan, it was the unique wind control. Catalina didn't possess it even though she has perfect compatibility with the jaguar, meaning it's similar to the king's aura and domain, a skill that only the beast can use.

'Hey Aaron, you have any idea what this unique wind control is about?' Since he didn't know it was best to just ask the one that should have the most knowledge about it. Aaron did have wind control as a strength after all.

'Indeed' Aaron said. Lachlan was excited to receive some confirmation, Aaron then continued, 'It's a different way of controlling the elements, certainly is a unique way as well. As when a beast with normal elemental control uses the element they're forcing the element to obey their will. However, with this unique elemental control, the elements willingly obey the commands, meaning the attacks are much stronger and the control is much more precise.'

'So you're saying that the elements possess sentience?' First time Lachlan's heard about the elements being personified.

'Yes, although almost all elements possess intelligent similar to that of an infant; however, the older the element the more power it possesses. The higher level the user's elemental control is the older and more the elements that can control' Aaron explained in detail.

'And to gain that unique element control?' Lachlan asked as he would love for all of his beasts to possess it. Even though he wouldn't be able to control it, it would mean his beasts are a lot stronger.

'They must either be born with it or evolve into something that possesses it," Aaron explained.

Lachlan felt like facepalming, he would love for all of his beasts to possess the skill. But the only problem is he still doesn't know what materials are needed for them to evolve, let alone evolve into a beast that has the skill.

'Anyway, can you just come on out and show these two what real strength is?' Lachlan asked a rhetorical question, he knew Aaron would come out, that's what he vowed.

'Of course master, I will show these two weaklings what they should fear' Aaron said with spite and excitement. He got another chance to prove himself, raise his external appearance for everyone here.

Lucifer and Catalina watched as Aaron appeared, his aura was immediately released once he was summoned. The overbearing pressured crushed the two to the ground, they felt the air change as they began to feel as though they were suffocating.

'Lucifer, I'm struggling to breathe, control those wind elements to help me out' Catalina was laying against the ground breathing heavily, she felt as though there wasn't any air to breathe and began to panic.

'Yes mistress' Lucifer commanded the wind to help Catalina out, giving her some air to breathe. Unfortunately, both of them still felt an overwhelming pressure press against their backs, threatening to crush them into the ground.

"Do you want to give up yet?" Lachlan asked from a distance, he was slightly curious as to how long Catalina could hold on.

"Not until I get my revenge for what you did to my son and Hunter," Catalina said angrily as she stared at Lachlan with eyes full of hatred.

"Alright then, since you insist I suppose there's really no other way to settle this," Lachlan was slightly disappointed with the path Catalina chose. Her prideful and arrogant personality would be her downfall, yet she wouldn't realise that.

'Finish it' Lachlan said to Aaron. Aaron nodded before walking over to Catalina, his eyes were cold as he stared at Catalina. Raising his claws he swung down, Lucifer was roaring from the side, struggling to get up yet was pushed down every time. However, there was something strange about it, Lachlan knew Lucifer had the strength to get up, yet it chose not to. 'Suppose that's where its faith in Catalina extends to'

Catalina's eyes were filled with hopelessness as she saw the claw coming towards her. She knew there wasn't anything she could do. But that didn't stop her hatred, she hated everything that didn't go her way and wanted to get rid of it. Lachlan and the entire group included.

Before she knew it her vision went dark, the overwhelming feeling disappeared. She felt light, floating in nothingness.