Heading Back

"He's currently resting, the doctor said he should be able to be released in a couple of weeks. The damage done was very deep, as such, it'll take some time for him to heal them up," Brianna explained.

"We could probably give him some water or fruit from the island, it should accelerate the healing process," Lachlan suggested.

"Do we have any?" Brianna asked.

"Not right now but it isn't like we can't just go back to the island to get some. Not to mention we still needed to get those Air Stones back to the island for Flynn and Maddie to finish up the operation," Lachlan explained.

"Alright, I'll wait here till you get back, I don't want anything happening to Zhang while he's defenceless," Brianna explained worriedly.

"Okay then," Lachlan turned to face the rest of the group. "Alright, who else wants to go back to the island. Once you get back you'll first get some rest and then begin to move the island into position. Also, don't move it too far from its original position until everyone is back."

"I'll come back," Phoebe raised her hand. It was quickly followed by Chloe and Simon who both wanted to see their loved ones. The other's weren't too sure what to do, it was already getting dark and they weren't sure if they wanted to go flying in the cold weather.

"If you don't want to go, don't force yourselves. There'll be plenty for you all to do tomorrow anyway, it'll be the first day of Joseph's compensation, I want you all to keep an eye on everything happening in and around the food truck," Lachlan explained.

The rest of the group that decided against returning nodded. Joe sat down near Brianna, "Alright, we'll probably do that." Zoe sat down next to him soon after.

Lachlan nodded and walked back into the elevator followed by Phoebe, Chloe, and Simon. Brianna, Georgia, Zoe, and Joe decided they would stay behind and guard Zhang along with greeting him once he wakes up.

When they left the building Lachlan saw the clouds engulfed in an orange hue, spreading from the far corners of his vision to the other corners. The streets were still slightly active with the sounds of laughter, the pubs were filled to the brim with people drinking and eating away.

"Prepare yourselves, the trip back is going to be a long one," Lachlan warned. They decided on doing something before that though. Nearby the hospital was a clothing store, it was filled with winter clothing.

A small girl walked up to them, she looked roughly 13 years old and was a lot smaller than even Lachlan. She looked quite shy and hesitant when she walked up to the group. "Welcome! How may I help you?"

"We're looking for some warm clothing, preferably something like a windbreaker to go along with it," Lachlan replied in a friendly tone.

The girl rapidly nodded her head and gestured for them to follow. They walked to the righthand corner of the store where there were a variety of windbreakers and warm jumpers. The group quickly picked what they liked before the girl led them to the lefthand corner where there were tracksuit pants.

After they got what they needed they walked up to the counter and placed their clothes on top. A much older woman was waiting there patiently, staring at the group and the small girl since they arrived. Either she was testing the girl or guarding her.

"Is this all you'll be buying today?" The older woman asked in a gentle voice.

"Yes," Lachlan nodded.

"Alright, you won't need to be paying for this as I know who you all are, especially you boy," The woman pointed towards Lachlan. "You're the one that dominated those tyrants in front of Choripán Reyes, I'd like to thank you for that, you protect some dear friends on mine."

"Oh, you're friends with the owners of Choripán Reyes; don't mention it, I was just protecting some innocent people," Lachlan said with an embarrassed voice. He looked to the side and noticed the small girl staring at him with big open eyes.

"That's a friend's daughter, she saw you at Choripán Reyes when you took Joseph off his high pedestal," the older woman explained. "Anyway, all these clothes are a gift from this store as a thank you."

Lachlan nodded and took the bags of clothes, the group swiftly left the store before searching through the bags to find their own things. They took out everything they needed to feel warm and comfortable before walking towards Choripán Reyes, they still needed to get the Air Stones after all.

When they reached the food truck it was still rather active, however, instead of the usual owners running the truck, Valentina's parents, it was Joseph and a few of his subordinates instead.

"Welcome, welcome," Joseph came running out to meet with them. "Please sit down, let me show you my cooking skills, you'll probably be impressed by how much my skills have improved since you last saw me."

"I didn't eat anything you made last time I saw you so I don't know. Anyway, some of our group has decided to leave to go back to our base now including me. So, I'm going to need some of those crystals and I'd rather you lead me to them rather than just bringing them yourself," Lachlan quickly explained. He added the final part because he knew how ineffective Joseph's subordinates would be in terms of picking out the better stones considering they all look the same.

"Okay, I'll quickly get one of the guys in the truck to lead you to the storage facility, take whatever you want," Joseph said as he gestured towards one of the chefs in the truck to come over.

When the chef came over Joseph grabbed him by the shoulders. "You have an important task, lead these people to the storage facility and let them take those crystals, as many as they want. And remember, don't piss them off."

The chef nodded before walking to Lachlan, he gestured for the group to follow behind him. They quickly began walking towards the wall in the distance but just before then they turned off the road into an offshoot alleyway; they were led down it for a few seconds before the chef stopped and opened a small door. He had to slightly squat down to walk through.

Lachlan just walked through since he was short while the others all had to squat down slightly.

The chef reached to the side and flipped a switch, turning on the lights which opened their eyes to the large storage facility. The roof was roughly 10 metres tall and the entire building was roughly 30 metres wide and long. There were boxes that went up to the roof, filled with crystals.

Lachlan quickly analysed them.


Name: Air Stone (Low)

Description: Grants the user control over the air within a limited space. To gain control one must drop their blood on it. The more crystals or the larger the crystal is, the more powerful their control over the air will be.

Location: Can be found where the air is at a high intensity or is unique to that area.


Lachlan analysed a few and went forward to pick out the best ones. Unfortunately, there were only four high-ranked stones while the other ones Lachlan was bringing along with him were medium-ranked.

Lachlan looked at the stones and marvelled at their aqua-green crystal, he thought it would do great as a gift. He looked for a stone that had the most crystals and planned to give it to Sarah as a souvenir. It was a low-ranked stone but this was merely a gift.

"Alright we have what we need," Lachlan turned to the chef that led them. "Tell Joseph that some people from our group will meet up with him tomorrow, right now they're dealing with something and our little group is going back home."

Lachlan walked out of the storage facility while the others searched for a few stones for themselves. The aqua-green was deep and mesmerising, it left one in a trance just by staring at it. However, the thing that made it nice was the change in air once you own one.

Lachlan dropped a bit of blood on a medium-ranked stone to test it out. He immediately noticed the stone was a lot more than they thought. Although it could indeed control the air, the limit is boundless along with the instructions.

He was not only able to change the speed at which the wind blows around him, but also the temperature. Lachlan found that he could control the wind to move in any direction, he was able to navigate it through the nearby alleyways.

"So are we going now?" Phoebe suddenly popped out of the door behind him. Simon and Chloe followed soon after with a couple of stones in their hands.

"Of course," Lachlan nodded and they began to walk to the nearby wall. They walked along with it till they reached the exit, it was surrounded by guards armed to the teeth. They gave off a ferocious aura towards anyone and anything.

The group noticed a familiar face, it was Lucas, one of the people that greeted them when they first entered the city.

Lucas walked up to the group. "You do know it's incredibly dangerous at night, even if you're strong I wouldn't suggest putting yourselves out in the open."

Simon walked up and patted his shoulders. "You don't have to worry about us, we've dealt with this kind of environment for a long time."

Simon swiftly summoned Tempest whose head popped out around the corner outside. The group of guards quickly panicked and got into position but Lucas swiftly ordered them to stand down. Simon gave a silent nod before walking out and leaping onto Tempest.

Lachlan followed suit and summoned all three Rocs before leaping onto Calamity. He gently petted Calamity's head, brushing his hand against Calamity's soft feathers and fur. He was suddenly interrupted when Phoebe jumped in front of him and sat down. She leant back into Lachlan's chest.

"Alright you love birds we're leaving," Simon said with a light chuckle, shooting off into the air with the awe of the guards. Lachlan quickly got Calamity to go before getting Disaster who had Chloe on him to follow.

He unsummoned Catastrophe before wrapping his arms around Phoebe. He leaned back more and grabbed hold of Lachlan's arm, she wriggled around for a bit before getting comfortable.

"Are you scared Lachlan?" Phoebe abruptly asked out of the blue, her question shocking Lachlan.

"About what?" Lachlan replied.

"You don't have to hide it, it's obvious you were pretty shaken by that Vice-Leader's words, the other half's words especially," Phoebe said as she tilted her head to look at Lachlan.

"Of course I'm scared, didn't you hear what Alfredo said; the other halves seek destruction, I don't want myself to lose control and do something I won't be able to take back. He also mentioned their Leader who's also the same, unfortunately, he wasn't prepared and ended up losing his family to the other half," Lachlan's voice was slightly shaking from fear. Although he sought an understanding of what he was, the deeper he gets the more horrifying it seems; he doesn't want anything to do with it yet he has to deal with it no matter what.

"But you can be prepared and myself and all our friends will be prepared to stop you should anything go wrong," Phoebe said. "We can take it slowly as well, there's no need to search and tame many beasts right now anyway, you're doing great with what you have."

"Did you see the damage Alfredo did to my leg with just his hair, I analysed Alfredo and he didn't have the sort of strength to leave such a deep wound with hair along," Lachlan argued back, he was shaken by the strength the other half possesses. What's to say it isn't stronger when it gets its hands on a stronger vessel.

"Of course I did, but while you prepare to go against it we will as well. Although you're currently restricted to how many beasts you can have we aren't; everyone will train and tame to ready ourselves in case the worst happens," Phoebe explained.

"Alright, I'll trust you all for now, but make sure you prepare yourselves to fight against a dozen intelligent beast because that other half is sort of similar; it's incredibly smart but psychopathic and dangerous," Lachlan trusted Phoebe's judgement and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I just hope I can prepare enough to make sure nothing bad has a chance of happening."