Unique Turtle and Hard Demands

The fruit was shaped like a horn, it was a bright green fruit that hung off the tree branch. Lachlan hopped up in the air, grabbing hold of the gruit before yanking it down. He looked at the fruit in his hand think, turning to the rest of the group he asked, "Should we bring this along with us? Since it does alter appearances it might help us find a way to prevent the changes."

"Sure, we can also bring a few more and feed to some beasts, see what it changes in them; whether or not it just changes the appearance or entire race altogether." Everyone agreed to the idea. They all took a few fruits down, only two each and held them in their hands.

They then began to continue their search.


Back on the mountain, the group of three was scaling it in search of something. They came across a few unique looking stones they put in Zoe's tamed beast, Bag.

They also came across a few more mountain goats/rams, they were rather aggressive, threatening the group of three to stay away by scraping their hooves along the ground. One of which was currently in front of them, getting in a threatening posture with its dark blue fur. Simon stepped forward and did the same, he stared into the eyes of the ram, tempting it to attack as he looked down on it.

Feeling provoked the ram lunged towards Simon, who sidestepped out the way before kicking upwards, straight through the neck and lobbing off its head. He quickly reached down and picked the head and body of the ram up, bringing it over to Zoe who already had Bag prepared.

"Can you stop killing the same thing and giving it to me, we should only need two to three samples," Zoe complained as Simon had brought over his sixth kill.

"What are you talking about, they are different; they're all different sizes, their horns are different shapes and their fur is a different colour. Of course we should bring them all back," Simon explained.

"Nope, not dealing with this," Zoe put up her hands and walked away; heading around the mountain rather than up it. "If you don't want to hurry this all up then I'll just do it myself. And oh yeah, have fun carrying all those corpses back to the island."

Chloe swiftly followed behind her while Simon pouted. "Well don't blame me for trying to help."

He continued to walk up the mountain, leaving a trail of blood in his wake. Above him was a pile of corpses, being carried by the gravity stone. Simon noticed the number of rams was intensifying, there were now groups of them, all with a variety of colours.

When they saw him they huddled up, forming a wall to defend the young in their herd. Keeping their horns at the front they continued to threaten Simon to stay back and away from their pack.

Simon hopped onto Wildfire and set off into the sky, flying above and past the pack of rams to see if there's anything else they were defending. Simon noticed a cave, vines growing alongside it with thick clumps of it by the floor.

The rams would walk up and eat it, their fur would change colours from every bite, from red to blue, and yellow to black. Simon watched silently above the cave, observing the phenomenon to make sure it really was the vines causing it.

When the rams walked away he lept down and yanked a few vines off the cave roof, he piled them into a ball before sticking a gravity stone in it and throwing it up to float alongside the pile of corpses.

He then lept up back to Wildfire before looking up to the top of the mountain. 'Let's go up there Wildfire; if there is anything games have taught me, it's that there's something rare at the top of the mountain'.

'Doubt it' Wildfire replied before shooting up, gliding across the ground as they left a trail of dust behind them.

When they made it to the top Simon hopped down to look around closely, leaving no stone unturned as he looked for any unique looking plants. There was nothing, absolutely nothing on the top of the mountain aside from stones and a few weeds here and there.

He decided he was done there and went straight back to the island, the pile of corpses and ball of vines trailing shortly behind him.


Back in the forest, the group had just about finished up with their search. Similar to Simon, they had a pile of corpses floating behind them above the trees. They were still carrying the fruit in their arms, not wanting to let the blood from the corpses ruin them.

"So are we done now? There's literally nothing else in this forest," Joe complained.

"Sure, you three can go back, I'm going to take a quick looking around the rest of the island for anything abnormal," Lachlan said as he began to sprint off into the distance, his fleeing figure swiftly being engulfed by the thick overgrowth.

He weaved around the trees, narrowly avoiding all the beasts as he continued his search, analysing anything and everything he sees. Lachlan came to an abrupt halt at the sight of a stream, he squatted down on a branch, observing all the beasts that came to drink.

He waited until he finally noticed a rather unique monster, one that has a grade he had never seen before until now. Its body slowly crawled onto the bank, its shell glistening in the beam of sunlight breaking through the trees. It was a turtle.



Name: Devine Golden Turtle

Age: Elder

Attribute: Time

Grade: Good

Innate Talent: Elite

Level: 12

STR: 82(+20), AGI: 32(+20), VIT: 150(+40)

INT: 57(+20), PER: 20(+15), WIL: 18(+5)

Weakness: Fast & Precise Attacks, Weak Skin & Muscles, Lightning Attacks, Arrogant

Strengths: Future Sense, Catastrophe Prediction, Calamity Awareness, Shell Defence (Level 10)


An innate talent Lachlan's never witnessed before, but from what he understands, every level with that talent is 10 bonus stat points, it was at a level just slightly above 1st grade. But it also made sense, there was just no way something with the time attribute could have a low talent.

Lachlan hopped down from the branch and walked up to the turtle, he presented himself with no hostility. The turtle watched the human walk towards it, but its senses weren't going off so it didn't think much about it.

Suddenly, when Lachlan was roughly 2 metres away from the turtle it got a vision and rolled back into the water. Lachlan abruptly lept towards where the turtle originally was; the only thing he caught was air.

A dozen metres away the turtle resurfaced by the bank, looked towards Lachlan it let out a sound that seemed like a snicker. It brought its head below the water again before raising it a few metres in front of Lachlan in the water before bringing it down swiftly.

Lachlan wasn't having any of it and tossed a gravity stone inside the water, giving it very specific commands Lachlan changed the course of gravity, bring a clump of water into the water almost the size of the entire stream.

'Oh fuck this, Aaron come out and release your aura' Lachlan was fed up already, he wanted to get back to the island quickly after finishing up and if a turtle thinks it's going to stop him it better think otherwise.

Aaron came out a let out a powerful screech that shook the surroundings, the inside of the turtle's shell vibrated so much it almost caused it to pass out. Aaron took a step forward, making sure to stomp on the ground heavily to instil fear into the turtle.

Its aura began to leak from its body, seeping in the surroundings, warning any beast to stop in their tracks, the turtle included. Aaron leaned down, its beak barely brushing against the turtle's shell. 'Can I eat it?"

'No, I'm planning on giving it to Phoebe, it'll be her birthday soon and I reckon this will be a perfect gift for her,' Lachlan explained. Although he hasn't shown it, he had been worrying about what to get her. He didn't want to buy jewellery, he thought it was just a bit cliche for their group. But getting her another tame, that should make her happy.

Not only will she get stronger, but it'll also reassure her that she'll be able to stop him should the time arrive. Granted, he'll be making sure that time never arrives anyway.

Looking back towards Aaron he noticed the turtle looked as though it was sniffing him. It suddenly opened its mouth wide open and chomped down on Aaron's toe, sending Aaron into a frenzy as he slammed the turtle onto the ground.

The shock from the impact swiftly knocked the turtle out cold, yet it continued to hang onto Aaron's toe. Sitting down, Aaron brought his other front claw towards it, using its strength to pull apart the turtle's jaw and free his toe.

'This damn turtle better be happy I don't eat it' Aaron pouted as it gave the turtle a big whiff. 'Otherwise, I'll make sure to cook the damn thing alive'

'Alright, alright, hold your horses, no need to react to angrily. Its bite barely did anything to you anyway,' Lachlan said.

'Yeah but it still gave me a bit of a shook' Aaron complained.

'Oh, Aaron can't handle to bite of a little turtle' Catastrophe started riling Aaron up again.

Lachlan sighed and shook his head. 'Catastrophe, just stop trying to start stuff, at least right now'

The two immediately stopped arguing, they felt that there was a lot on Lachlan's mind and he could finally show it now that he was along. He sat down on the bank, listening to nature as Aaron laid down behind him, becoming a backrest.

After Alfredo's death, he realised how serious the situation became if he doesn't find a way to completely resist his other half. He felt as though Alfredo's other half was completely heartless, only getting joy from the suffering of others. It wanted Lachlan to struggle to survive, all while constantly telling him his other half might be able to take control early.

He was terrified at the thought of that. What would it do with his body? Would it continue on like Alfredo's other half or will it seek to destroy what might stand in its way first? If that was the case Phoebe, and all his friends would be in grave danger.

What would happen to Sarah? Would it kill her or take pleasure in torturing her? Lachlan couldn't predict how the other half would think and is terrified about it.

Lachlan placed his hand on Aaron's head, gentle brushing through Aaron's fur and feathers. 'Listen up you four, if something does happen and I lose control you're going to have to take me out immediately; you especially Aaron'

The three Rocs knew it would come to this and accepted it, although it was hard it would be for the best, even if it meant killing the one they see as a father. They also knew it would be what Lachlan wanted.

But Aaron rejected the idea. 'No master, I swore to protect you with my life, not destroy it with my own claws'

Lachlan knew Aaron would be the hardest to convince, its pride wouldn't allow it to go against the vow it made. 'And as your master, I command for you to end my life should it be controlled by the other half. And as for what you do after, I do hope you four can continue to look after Sarah'

Aaron spread its wing and extended one to cover Lachlan. 'Okay, I'll do it. But master, at least promise me you'll try everything to resist even after it begins to show itself; continue to search for treasures and atleast that way, you'll be able to take care of Sarah yourself'

'Of course I'll try, I also have you four to look after. I mean seriously, who's going to keep you four inline without me here' Lachlan said as he stood up. 'But well, we better get back to work, time doesn't wait for anyone'