Aaron's Untold Past (1)

'How long have you known you could do that?' Lachlan asked.

'Just then was the first time I've ever done that before, just something about it felt different compared to when we initially tested it out on the island' Aaron explained in the best way he could. However, he didn't fully know how to explain it, he just felt as though he could do it then, something instinctive.

'It might be due to the need for someone to use it on, but that wouldn't explain why you couldn't use it initially on me. Maybe it amplifies special abilities? That would explain why the Rocs lightning became more destructive' Lachlan thought about it and it was the only logical explanation, at the very least it explained what they knew so far. 'We'll test it out again another time, we'll see that the requirements for it are'

Aaron nodded. 'Yes, master'

Catastrophe came down and landed next to Aaron. 'Huh, so your special ability was the reason I felt so much stronger then. Suppose that makes us comrades then since it probably wouldn't work otherwise'

'What are you on about Catastrophe?' Lachlan asked.

'Well special abilities have limitations, Aaron's probably has the limitation of only working on comrades. And I don't mean all the others in the group aren't comrades, but rather, it's because we all work together under one person, that person being you, father' Catastrophe explained.

'That's another theory we could test out later, as of now, we'll collect the bones of the dragon and continue our search for items that'll increase my willpower; you four will help out' Lachlan said.

'Yes,' they nodded before shotting off into the skies to search for items. They swiftly split and went to the four cardinal directions, they would circle the island slowly to make sure they don't miss anything.

"Alright, so how about we search that dragon temple? We're bound to find something there,' Lachlan said to the group as he clapped his hands.

They nodded. Phoebe came running over, she had been watching everything going on from behind Joy. "I thought you would have wanted to tame the dragon? Also, what was that about gates?"

"Of course I wanted to tame the dragon, I was extremely tempted to but it was too prideful to submit to me. Granted, I won't let that dream die, I will tame a dragon and I know exactly how I'm going to do that," Lachlan said confidently before going on to explain the spatial gates.

"So you're telling me our parents are actually on another world entirely?" Joe asked with a shocked expression plastered across his face. Zoe was the same, they were both shocked and slightly nervous.

"Yup, don't worry though, it's a permanent spatial gate which means it won't disappear. Your parents are still safe there, the cave is like its own little environment, isolated from the outside world due to where it actually is." Lachlan swiftly attempted to calm them down, it was understandable for them to be worried; if Aaron hadn't told him how his cave is far away from everything he would have immediately gone back to the island to bring everyone out.

He would still go back to look at Aaron's world, but if they weren't in any immediate danger right now it'll be fine for them to finish what they were doing right now. The group were walking to the temple while Lachlan was having a conversation with Aaron about his life before meeting him and about his world.

'So what was your world like? In comparison to Earth that is, you know. What are the trees like? What about the animals? How much different are the humans of your world? Do they have large countries? Or small kingdoms? I want to know everything I can before going to your world' Lachlan asked a variety of questions to prepare himself, he also wanted to learn more about Aaron who came from another world.

'Well, when comparing the sizes, Earth is absolutely tiny compared to my planet, it might not even be qualified to be a moon for it, that's how large my planet is. Everything is quite similar, just different styles of living due to different environments. While the people on Earth advanced technology, the people of Edejur advanced their fighting techniques. The trees and plant life in somewhat similar, however, on Edejur there is a much larger variety as well as many unique, arcane species that can be used for alchemy.

As for the humans, well, they're a rather unique bunch. I've mentioned the fact that they've advanced fighting techniques, however, you could compare those techniques to the strengths that you get when you tame a beast. For example, ice control; although exhausting to use, should a sorcerer or cultivator reach the required level of strength, they're able to wield the elements to a similar degree.

I should quickly say cultivators are those people that specialise in both physical and magical fighting. When a human is born in Edejur, their talent is tested, from that one test their fate is determined. Should they have a low grade they're seen as no better than garbage; however, should one have middle - high grade they'll be seen as nobles, and as for those that reach the pinnacle in talent, they're seen as future rulers. They're also split up into three categories, Brutes, Scholars, and Impactors.

Although slightly complicated, dependent on your talent you get thrown into one of the categories. Brutes are those that have a talent in fighting techniques, researchers are magical spells and impactors are both, they are the cultivators, ones which are destined to leave an impact in the world. However, each category has subcategories for the level of talent someone possesses, there are a total of ten subcategories that are also split into 4 parts; low, middle, high, and peak'

'Sounds like a wuxia novel' Lachlan added.

'Indeed, however, the difference between wuxia novels and my world are the fact that almost all the people in my world are cold and heartless. Whether it be the ones in poverty or the nobles they all have the same twisted personality; having a kind one would make you vulnerable and those twisted ones would exploit you till your death. Any groups that have tried to stand up for kindness and treating others better have been slaughtered, so much so that no one even thinks of the idea since it's pointless'

'Who's the one slaughtering them? Surely it isn't those struggling in life?' Lachlan asked.

'Nobles, that's who. The people at the top that see all life beneath them as garbage; fortunately, sometimes that shitty personality gets the best of them and leads them to their death. However, for the ones that survive and gain power, they do everything they can to keep hold of it all, even if they have to slaughter entire families or groups that wish to change the system.

As for the kingdoms, they're both big and small. Depending on their age and influence, some grow the be the size of countries or continents while others stay at the small city size that they are' Aaron's eyes were filled with hatred and disgust, Lachlan, although hesitant wants to learn more about Aaron, more about the reasons for his hatred.

'The hatred you have for the humans of your world, where does it source from?' Lachlan asked.

'I suppose I will tell you master, but please be patient since the story is rather long and filled with many incidents which incur my wrath' Aaron said and Lachlan responded with silence.

--- In The Snowy Mountains of Lavestic ---

The roars of lions could be heard all throughout the cave system, a cave system which spread all throughout the mountain range. The cold wind was blowing harshly against the mountain, the trees were swaying heavily to the point of almost snapping in half.

But none of that could disturb the lioness which just gave birth to a litter of 3 lion cubs, they were sucking from the lioness's tit which laid on the ground, heavily breathing after giving birth. It looked at its cubs who had barely been alive for a few minutes, their eyes tightly squeezed shut as they used all their strength to drink.

The heavy footsteps of an alpha lion could be heard coming towards them, when it came closer the light from outside allow it to be seen. Its mane was large, each strand of fur was a metre in length. Its body was lean and muscular, filled with strength ready to lunged at any given moment.

It walked towards the cubs and laid down; looking over his children he felt a great sense of pity, for them to be born in such a cruel and heartless world. His eyes widened with surprise when he saw one of the cubs stop feasting and crawl towards him. The cub opened its eyes which were pure and untainted, it rubs its head against the lion's feet before laying down, wrapping itself around them.

The lion leaned its head down and licked the cub's forehead, he smiled wildly and laid his head down by its side. When the rest of the cubs finished drinking they crawled up next to their mother, falling asleep swiftly without a care in the world.

That night may have been cold but the cubs didn't feel a thing, their parent's thick fur kept them warm. When the morning sun blasted through the cave they were quick to wake up, it would be a day when the cubs first experience the outside world.

The sun was high when the family decided it was safe to go out, the two parents were on constant watch, their fear searching through every bush and every tree for anything that could attack them. The three cubs didn't take much notice, they played in the thick snow, play fought against one another.

That was until one of the cubs noticed a small bug flying just above them, its wings were filled with colours as it flew gently in the cold wind. One of the cubs began to follow it, it flew slowly through the air which made it easier for the cub to follow.

The parents swiftly realised what was happening and pounced on the bug, or more specifically, the empty space in front of the bug.

Blood splattered and stained the white snow red as a beast appeared before them, on the end of its tail was the small bug. The beast was small, only two times bigger than the cub but its teeth were razor sharp and injected a venom that would paralyse small creatures quickly.

The lion looked back at the cub but realised it was already at the corpse, sniffing around, poking its tiny claws into the skin. The cub was curious, trying to understand why there was a small bug one its tail.

The lion slowly and gently walked up to his cub and roared softly. "Listen boy, this beast is one of great deception, tricking the small infants of our race and many others into following it before killing and eating its prey. No matter how pretty or mystical something may seem, never trust it for a second."

Although the cub couldn't completely understand due to its young age, from the face its father was showing it, the cub knew it had done something bad. It nodded silently before walking back over to the other cubs and continuing their play fighting.