Aaron's Untold Past (3)

At the city gates, the carriage was undergoing an inspection, something everyone has to do unless they have the rank of Duke and above. The reason for it was due to public safety, making sure nothing contaminated or dangerous gets past their walls.

Two guards were currently inspecting the Baron's carriage, to the side were all the knights and magicians. The guards took a step back from surprise, the sight of a lion family with pure while fur shocked them.

They looked beautiful to say the least. The white fur could glow in the sunlight, their eyes dark blue that seemed to carry the ocean in them. The lion softly growled at them, its claws shot out, frightening the guards.

The two guards looked towards the one in charge of the carriage. Saveb nodded slowly, "You need not worry, they won't bite, they're friendly and intelligent."

The two continued their work, inspecting it swiftly and giving the green, letting the carriage into the city. However, one of the guards had some other thoughts, a beautiful beast that was friendly and smart, he knew just the right person that would buy it.


Time passed quickly and the carriage reached the mansion, they got through the gates and were greeted by the Baron who was standing in the way, his daughter in his arms. "Did you get my daughter a pet?"

"No, I got her a friend," Saveb said before gesturing towards the carriage. Fives heads poked out, the lions looked at the two intensely, they were the ones that brought them here and were the owners.

The lion and lioness hopped out of the carriage before lifting their young out. The lion walked up to the Baron, its chest puffed out wide as its muscles were tense. Although it didn't know why it felt a strong sense of danger from the man in front of it. As though the man in front of him was actually the lion while he was a small kitten.

A magician from behind smacked his staff against the ground, the same magic circle covered the ground and the surroundings lit up with a light blue hue. The lion stopped a few metres away from the Baron, its eyes locked on.

"So you must be the owner of this mansion and the one that wants to become friends with us; you need not worry as I've already made the deal with the butler. You give us a place to live and we become your daughter's friends and guardians," The lion said in a masculine voice.

"So that's the deal; I wholeheartedly accept it, but do remember, my daughter is young and frail, don't injure her, or I'll injure you," The Baron said as a thick mist of killing intent poured out of him, the lion felt as though it had a knife to its neck.

This was the first time the lion has met somewhat that wasn't fearful of the saying, but at the same time, the lion didn't even know if their misfortune would have any effect on this man. Although slightly confused, the lion felt a power inside the man, a power that could break everything in its path, maybe even their misfortunate.

"You need not worry about your daughter, my young were recently born and possess no claws while their teeth are blunt." As the lion was talking his eyes suddenly bulged out of his head, one of his children was at the feet of the Baron, looking at the daughter.

The Baron stared at the wide-eyed lion, its eyes were pure and untainted, similar to his daughter. He squatted down and pet the cub, his fingers brushing through soft fur. The cub stood up and walked closer to the daughter, it licked her leg.

She giggled softly. "Stop that, it's ticklish."

The Baron chuckled faintly before putting his daughter on the ground, he kept close but allowed the lion cub to walk up to them. The cub faceplanted into the girl's stomach, it rubbed its head around while sniffing.

The Baron's daughter sat down with crossed legs, the cut waltz up to her and laid down in her legs. The cub's fur was soft and slightly ticklish, it felt as though it was a feather gently brushing against her legs.

She reached down and wrapped her arms around the cub, bring it into her embrace and holding it tightly. She rubbed her face all through the cub's fur, giving it gentle scratches on the neck and belly.

The lion looked at the scene, he could feel his young one's joy and happiness just by being with the girl. He felt calm and he felt as though he made a great choice, the lion let off a hefty laugh. "Good, it seems my child has already become friends with your daughter."

"Indeed, and it seems my daughter's playtime will be a whole lot more eventful," The Baron joked. His smile was wide from the scene, he looked towards Saveb and gave him a big smile and thumbs up. "Good work Saveb, for this I'll get you one thing you really want. And as for the rest of you knights and magicians, you'll be getting a fat bonus."

The Baron was so relaxed he started going back to how he talks normally with friends, the joy from seeing his daughter so happy broke down his firm and noble wall. He was originally a commoner, but with his strength and military merit, the king had no other choice but to make him a noble.

It had never been seen before, a commoner managing to reach the ranks of Baron was unheard of in present times. Yet he had done it, through his strength alone. But it's also due to that background that he wants to protect his daughter as much as he can.

"Master, I think I know what I want but I'm not sure if it's acceptable," Saveb said shyly as he coughed faintly. "Master you don't need to offer me anything, I feel comfortable and great with everything you've already given me and my family."

"Master this, master that. We aren't in front of any other nobles, just call me Aaron, we're friends that have stuck it out through thick and thin remember?" Baron Aaron said as he slapped his hand on Saveb's shoulder. "Plus, I already know what you want. It's that azure green tea set isn't it?"

Saveb's cheeks went slightly red from embarrassment. "You still know me best Aaron, indeed, that tea set just looks so wonderful I've been dying to get my hands on it."

Baron Aaron chuckled softly again and turned to the knights. "Good, one of you knights will escort Saveb to the cutlery shop, make sure to get back safely and swiftly."

Saveb swiftly ran to one of the knights and grabbed hold of his arm before dragging him away. 'What are you waiting for, run man run, I have my tea set to get!"

Baron Aaron's smile widened at the scene. Saveb was an all too precious friend of his, fighting alongside him during wars. Baron Aaron hired him as a butler because no one else would; they didn't see Saveb as a good hire due to him not having any training. They would also be slightly hesitant due to Saveb's war name, Quick Death.

With a spear in his hand he was unmatched, slaughtering entire battalions of enemies singlehandedly. He was also called a calamity by the enemies; because every battlefield he partook in, their side would win by a mile.

Of course, Baron Aaron was always by his side during those battles, keeping him safe from any surprises and taking control of their entire military. Baron Aaron led their forces with an iron fist and powerful voice, he boosted morale and had charisma. He was the perfect leader.

Turning back to the lion he gestured for them to follow. "Do come, I'll show you the place you'll be staying at, I hope you like it." Baron Aaron then turned around and walked to the mansion.

The magician on the carriage was sweating profusely when he deactivated the magic spell, he sat down and leaned against the carriage, taking deep breathes. The magicians to the side both castes a magic spell, eliminating all fatigue.


Deeping into the city there was an extremely large and luxurious mansion, the walls were spotless and they reflected any light with a sharp glow. The gates were like the pearly white gates of heaven, the walls of the mansion were white as well. In the garden, the only flowers seen were white roses.

Inside the mansion, the interior showed no difference to the outside. The walls were white, the floor was white tiles, and the tables were white marble. Deep inside the mansion was the man who owned it, he was inside his study along with his personal butler and a guard.

"I'm telling you, the lion that the Baron brought back was snow white, its eyes were dark blue like the ocean, it was beautiful to say the least," The guard explained with frustration.

"I can't believe my ears, someone has something more beautiful than me, without my permission!" The man said in a deep, furious voice as his fists were clenched tightly, his eyes filled with rage at the thought of someone having something beautiful that he didn't.

"I will see with my own eyes what he brought back, and guard, if the information you told me is true I'll use my connections to get you promoted at least two ranks," The man said as he calmed himself down.

"Yes, Duke Arnon," The guard bowed before taking his leave joyfully. A reward of two promotions, the amount of money he earns as a guard is minimal; but the amount of money he could make while being in charge of the guards is a whole other story.

Duke Arnon looked towards his butler, his eyes still filled with rage. "Go tell that Baron Aaron that I'll be visiting his estate sometime in the afternoon."

"Yes, master," The butler said as he disappeared from his position, leaving the duke inside his study.

Duke Arnon gave off a burst of maniacal laughter. "Oh Baron Aaron, you can only blame yourself for what is to come, you shouldn't have brought in someone so beautiful in the open. Because unlike others, I'm not fearful of your name, after all, it comes from a bunch of fairytales and exaggerated stories."


Back at the Baron's mansion, the Baron had just brought the lion family to the place they'll be living. It was a large and spacious room, there was one large mattress on the floor along with plenty of blankets. There were a few doors, varying in size that led outside.

Walking outside they stepped onto the nice backyard, it was fully decorated with beautiful flowers of all different colours. To the left side was a small stream along with a bridge that went over it, there was also a small artificial hill by one of the corners.

"Well, do you like it?" Baron Aaron asked with a bright smile.

The lion nodded and walled up to the stream, he leaned over and took a sip. The water was clean and felt refreshing, it had a slight sting to it due to how cold it was but they were lions that lived in the cold.

The cubs quickly ran into the spacious area of grass and started play fighting, but one cub didn't, it stayed by the Baron's side, looking at the daughter in his arms. The Baron put his daughter back on the ground and allowed her to start playing with the cub again.

"Sir, there's someone that wishes to meet with you," A guard said as he walked through the door. Someone right behind him, the man was tall, grey hair with a few studs of a beard.

"Hello Baron Aaron, I'm the personal butler for Duke Arnon and I'm here to inform you that the Duke is coming for a visit soon," The Butler said his words before disappearing from the spot.

Hearing that name turned Baron Aaron's mood sour. To him, Duke Arnon was someone that shouldn't be a noble, someone that shouldn't even be alive. The only reason for his nobility is due to his heritage; if it wasn't for that Duke Arnon would never be able to make it up the ranks, no matter what he does.

He didn't participate in any wars, and the one time he did it ended with a disaster due to him wanting to make to soldiers beautiful. He changed the armour completely because he thought of the design as crude. They were now wearing to white and gold armour that had some ridiculous add on, they were spotted from a mile away due to a few other changes to the armour and the soldiers couldn't fight properly.

And when he was questioned about it, he had the nerve to say that if a soldier can't fight beautifully then they shouldn't be a soldier.

During that one moment, Baron Aaron was so close to pouncing on the Duke and ripping his head off. Their soldiers, some of which were friends of his were killed due to the Duke's actions yet he had the nerve to say something like that.