Aaron's Untold Past (5)

Days passed and it was time for the king to make his move. The nobility was outraged by the death of Duke Arnon, they wanted Baron Aaron to face the consequences. They wanted him hung, beheaded, they wanted him dead.

However, every commoner sees this as something else. It wasn't the nobility being outraged due to Duke Arnon's death that set them after Baron Aaron, but rather, it was due to their fear of him coming after them that set them off.

The king knew that all too well, but with every high ranking nobility taking arms he had to do something. In the kingdom, there were 3 Dukes, 5 Marquesses, 10 Earls, 15 Viscounts and dozens of Barons located around the entire kingdom. The Earls, Marquesses, and Dukes were all up in arms with at least half of the viscounts joining into the fray.

In the royal chamber, the king sat upon his throne, to the side was all the nobilities or at least representatives of them. In front of the king, kneeling on one leg was Baron Aaron, his head facing the ground.

"Baron Aaron, do you know and admit to the crimes that have been stated?" The king asked in a deep voice, it echoed through the chamber like magic, piercing all ears.

"I do," Aaron said.

"For the crime of killing a Duke, you would normally be sentenced to death. However, in exchange for your nobility and all military merits you had accumulated, you may keep your life and move to the countryside, never to be inside the royal city again. Do you accept this punishment?" The king asked.

The smug faces plastered on the faces of the nobles turned to horror. One of the two remaining Dukes stepped forward. "Please, your majestic, reconsider your punishment and be fair. He killed Duke Arnon so therefore the punishment must be done properly."

The king looked towards the Duke, he emitted an aura that shut the Duke up instantly, he felt himself getting crushed towards the ground. His voice pierced the souls of all those present, they were shaken, "You dare question the Authority of your king!"

The Duke was shaken and he fell to the ground grovelling. "No your majesty! Please excuse this lowly one's mistakes!"

The king sighed and leaned back into his chair. "It seems the nobility will need some reforming. Do remember your position, unlike your ancestors who earnt their positions you merely inherited it. If you dare try and pull something like that again I'll have you stripped of your ranking and tossed into the streets."

The Duke frowned as his face twisted in all sorts of ways, he retreated back to the wall. "Yes, your majesty."

There wasn't anything else he could do. As for the Reformation; although unpleasant if he plays his cards correctly he should be able to keep his position. At the very least he would stay a nobility, he shouldn't fall too far down the ranks anyway.

As for the other nobles present they weren't as confident. All the nobles here were fearful of Baron Aaron due to his heaven-defying strength, they feared that their positions were threatened. As for the ones that weren't present, they were preoccupied with actually making the kingdom a better place rather than worrying about their rank.

The king turned his attention back to Baron Aaron, he continued to kneel on one knee before the king. "So, Baron Aaron, do you accept the punishment?"

"Yes your majesty," Aaron said. Although it might not be that well known but the king wasn't lacking in strength, even Aaron would have to be careful if he and the king fought. But that was also the reason why he decided to work under this kingdom's king, he was a man of strength, wisdom, and political conviction.

"Good, you will be sent to the town of Asdof where you will spend the rest of your life there; should the time arise you will be summoned back to the royal city where you will take the position as a constable," The king explained before he straightened out his arm. "Now go, a carriage has already been prepared for your departure."

Aaron smiled as he nodded and stood up. Although it may sound as though the king is punishing him it could also be said that the king is giving him a vacation. The town of Asdof is known for its scenery and beach life. Not to mention when he's needed again he'll instantly be given the military position of constable.

The nobles faces were twisting even more; they all knew of the town of Asdof, some of which were planning on visiting with their families. But they couldn't do anything about it. Assassinate him? They'll be lucky if they don't get found out. Turn the people's opinion of him? The king would probably get rid of them for disrupting the peace. There was no victory for them.

Walking outside the palace Aaron was greeted with a large carriage, it was being escorted by knights and magicians all wearing the royal crest. When they saw him they all brought their right hand to his heart. They were all soldiers that participated in the war, they all knew of Aaron's identity and respected him.

"Hello Baron Aaron, we'll be in charge of escorting you to the town of Asdof, we have already been to your mansion and stored everything needed," A knight at the front said. His face was old and mature, scruffy as well.

His daughter's little head poked out of the carriage, it had a large smile. The next head that poked out surprised him though, it was the lion, then the lioness, followed by all the cubs. The lion's head was still slightly bruised from being slammed into the ground.

Aaron smiled widely and jogged to the carriage before opening the door, he hopped in and lifted his daughter into his arms. He rubbed his beard on her neck before plopping her on his lap. He looked in front of him, the seats and floor were being completely occupied by the lion family. As for his side, he had the person he trusted to most right next to him.

"Welcome back Aaron, it was quite difficult to hold Sarah back, she was ready to burst into the royal chamber," The butler explained with a light chuckle.

"Well good job with holding her back, I feel as though those nobles were ready to explode at any given moment. Fortunately, the king was rather adamant on the punishment I was to receive, it was great watching all their faces twist with anger and horror," Aaron said as he leaned back into the chair. The carriage began to move quickly but due to the quality, it was smooth riding without any bumps.

The journey to the town of Asdof was rather calm and relaxing. No bandits or anything attempted to attack them due to the royal crest on the solder's armour, they had plenty of food and water for the journey as well.

When they reached the town they saw the grand ocean beyond it, they couldn't see where it ended. Sarah stuck her head out and her eyes lit up, the lion family followed suit. They had lived in the mountains for a majority of their life, as for seeing the ocean, that was something they had never dreamt of doing.

The salty breeze filled the carriage, it was gentle and soothing. After a little while, the carriage finally came to a stop, they were in front of a fairly normal home. It wasn't as grand as a mansion but it had a large yard as well as plenty of bedrooms and plenty of room inside.

The knights immediately began to work, there was a carriage that followed behind them that held all important belongings. The Knights started unpacking, swiftly furnishing the house before hopping onto their horses again.

The squadron leader stood in front of Aaron and bowed. He then turned around and got onto his horse. Their group set off swiftly without a moments delay, Aaron and the others watched their backs fade into the distance.


In present times, Earth. Lachlan was listening to Aaron recount his journey and couldn't help but be amazed by the number of coincidence incidents. The daughter's name was Sarah and the father's name was Aaron.

'We live the rest of our lives in that house. Sarah studied magic under the viscountess that was controlling that town, she was kind-hearted and always brought delicious snacks. When Sarah learnt communication magic she talked to me for hours on end.

As time went on no one was able to escape the clutches of death. My father was the first to go, followed by Aaron, then my mother. By then the three of us cubs had already grown to be adults, we separated there, they wanted to start their own families but I wanted to stay with Sarah and continue protecting her. And that's exactly what I did.

Even till I was extremely old I was still with her, by her side on her death bed pressing against her gently as she closed her eyes one final time. By then the townsfolk had already familiarised with me, they weren't fearful of me as I walked their streets, neither did they mind. However, it was only one month later that the evolution happened, it shook our world to its core.

Everyone in the town evolved, including me. I turned into the griffon while the other humans turned into brutes. I don't know why but it seemed a violent tendency awoken in them, even loved ones fought to the death. I couldn't bear seeing everything go to shit so I left, flying across the ocean to an island many weeks away from land.

I spent a bit of time there before I met you, who so rudely beat me up. The only reason I attacked you was that I initially thought you were a human from the mainland, however, you and your group didn't have that same violent glint in their eyes, you worked together. When you asked me to be your tamed beast I was uncertain, but at the same time, I was curious as to why you're so different from the others. That was when I found out a gate had formed in the cave entrance.

You brought me back to your world and I suppose you know everything else from that point onwards' Lachlan and the Rocs were all entranced by Aaron's story, they had all stopped looking for a moment and just sat down to listen closely.

'Damn Aaron, who knew you had such a backstory' Catastrophe remarked. Although the others were just as surprised. It was filled with a few twist and turns but was a rather fulfilling and happy story in the end.

'So Aaron, just wondering, but do you still have that curse thing?' Lachlan asked. He hadn't seen anything about it with his eyes which might mean he had to upgrade them again. he shivered at the thought of going through more pain.

'I'm not too sure, I think I might have it but I'm uncertain' Aaron replied.

'Well we might be able to find out in the future whenever you guys get another comrade' Lachlan said.

"Hey, Lachlan! Stop leaning against the wall and help search for stuff!" Simon shouted at him the temple. Due to being entranced by the story he walked to a nearby wall and began leaning on it, the others didn't mind but it had already been half an hour.

'Yeah! Yeah! I'm coming!" Lachlan shouted back as he jogged over. 'Well then, you four continue your search and make sure to do it thoroughly'

'Yes,' The four replied in unison.