Starting in America

The group travelled for a while, not too concerned about stopping along the way due to their sudden increase in strength. They didn't find a need to go searching further, so instead, they would begin to increase their influence around the world.

On the island, the group sat on top of the tree wall, looking down on the world. They were all fully equipped in armour, the group had all finished the tests and Lachlan paired them all with a suitable set of armour.

Joe was in a fiery red armour set, wielding a spear that seemed to be covered in the blood of its enemies. The armour increased fire control while the spear intensified killing intent/bloodlust, installing fear into enemies.

Zoe was wearing an azure green dress that reached just past her knees, lined with darker emerald green. Although it didn't help her at the moment due to its increasing control over plants. It still gave a good increase to her agility, strength, and vitality. Her weapon was rather deathly looking with its two matte black blades, it was a war scythe, but unline normals ones it was extremely poisonous, as well as giving off a deathly aura that pressured one's mind.

Georgia's armour set was certainly a unique find, it was black with perfectly functional wings that remained invisible until being used. Although they couldn't work as well as wings they gave the wearer the ability to fly, due to the armour passively decreasing the wearer's weight. One of the main reasons Georgia snagged it up. On her forearms were two hidden blades, completely black, but they had the ability to camouflage themselves until they were in offensive mode.

As for Chloe, although she didn't manage to find any armour sets that increase her water control, she did manage to find a lovely, bright red armour set that increased her strength and willpower. Paired with her battle axe that further increased her strength greatly she very quickly became a fierce warrior, ready to be known.

Simon, Phoebe, and Lachlan were wearing the armour they had put on a while back. Lachlan had managed to find a sheath for his broadsword, he carried across the back of his body if he did it the other way he probably wouldn't even be able to walk properly. Phoebe had two dark blue daggers by her waist that further increased her water control by 1 and gave her a decent boost in agility and perception. Simon had two black gloves on his hands, attached to the knuckles were bright red sparks, sharpened to pierce metal.

Alongside them were the owners of Choripán Reyes, along with their daughter Valentina. The father, Pedro looked towards the large land mass called America, his eyes widened from all the damage that would be seen already. "So that's where we're supposed to start our business?"

"Of course not, we'll look for an actually decent place to stay, otherwise how will we make the business successful?" Flynn asked jokingly. "We'll also stay with you for a while, make sure you're all properly accustomed with the place and not to mention, warns others of yours backing."

Joe slapped Pedro's back, almost throwing him off the island. "Don't worry about it, we'll make sure you fit right in before we leave. We'll also make sure to leave a way for you to make contact with us at any time."

Scratching his head Pedro replied, "Great, that calms me down a bit, having you all for our backing."

Everyone agreed. Although they would stand out like a sore thumb, at the very least, their strength was unparalleled. Some of them were even expecting some people to surround them and take pictures of them, they would think it's some kind of cosplay.

"Damn, looks like America really had a tough time," Lachlan said as he sighed, looking down at the ruined towns. They were completely annihilated and the group saw why. A dark green bear that had purple crystals running down its spine was roaming the town, its body the size of houses as it stomped on the remains of cars. Its nose pointed towards the ground, sniffing, searching for food.

"What the hell are those people doing?" Georgia said abrupt, pointing towards a nearby group of people running on the ground towards the bear. Everyone's eyes widened with surprise, as behind and above the group were beasts, all moving alongside them.

"Isn't it obvious, they're hunting that bear down, possibly even trying to capture it," Simon said as he gave the group a nob of approval. "They've probably got family somewhere nearby and want to kill the bear before it kills them."

"Should we help them out?" Phoebe asked with concern.

"Only if they need it, we'll watch for now, see how they fight," Lachlan explained. He had already analysed them, and although they had a decent amount of strength Lachlan wasn't sure where they got the confidence to take on the bear.


Name: Crystal Bear Tyrant

Age: Adult

Attribute: Earth/Crystal

Grade: Good

Innate Talent: 1st Grade

Level: 14

STR: 42(+40), AGI: 54(+20), VIT: 70(+30)

INT: 37(+20), PER: 40(+10), WIL: 32(+6)

Weakness: Weak Paw Defence, Overwhelming Arrogance, Prideful

Strengths: Body Strength (Level 4), Skin Defence (Level 3), Earth Control (Level 4), Crystal Control (Level 2), Bite Strength (Level 6), Tyrant's Aura


Not only was the bear strong, with Tyrant's aura it had a method of partially suppressing that groups fighting prowess. Not to mention that unless they had some heavy hitter beasts, which they don't, they won't be able to even pierce the bear's skin, let alone kill it.

The group had readied their gravity stones just in case they had to interfere; however, after watching the group on the ground set up they realised it was a bunch of professionals. Two people were stationed on top of houses far furthest away from the bear holding onto snipers while another 3 stopped halfway towards it, they were holding rocket launchers. Finally the last 3 were heading towards the bear for battle, they were all holding onto shotguns with long daggers by their side.

Their beasts were much larger than the others, two had much smaller bears while the other had a few alligators.

The alligators swiftly waddled towards the bear's legs, opening their mouths before clumping on tight. They performed their signature move, something everyone knows them for. A death roll.

Spinning fiercely the alligators managed to rip a large chunk of the bear's legs off before the bear swatted at them, smashing them away from it. But while it had its head lowered the other, but smaller bears grabbed hold of its head, dragging it to the ground.

The people started firing rapidly into weak points, the joints, and bits of soft tissue. The ones carrying the shotguns ran up close to the bear's face before shotting madly into its eyes, they continued to pump their guns until the bear dropped dead.

"Damn, they're pretty good," Simon complimented as he gave them another nod of approval. "I wonder who they work for."

"Although I would say military since they have weapons, this is America, they're possibly just a group of desperate people fighting for survival. There's also the possibility that they're an Explorer's Guild party, possibly sent on a mission to despatch the bear causing havoc," Lachlan explained. "Not to mention their uniform isn't very military-like."

The group on the ground were wearing rather casual, but light clothing. The most likely scenario is that the clothing was produced by the Explorer's Guild through Researcher's United's help.

"Oh, seems like they noticed us," Zoe stated as she pointed towards one of the ones with a sniper. It was a woman who had unhooded herself, she was standing on the roof waving towards them. Zoe was waving back.

The woman spoke while she held onto what the group assumed as an earpiece, it seemed they relaxed a bit after realising they weren't an enemy as well.

"So, should we go down to greet them?" Zoe asked with wide eyes.

"I don't see why now, we'll also be able to get some directions from them to the nearest populated city." Chloe agreed with the idea. Everyone else swiftly followed suit, giving their nods and thumbs up.

They all hopped off the island, Pedro, Elena, and Valentina were brought down with them on the back of Aaron. They all gentle floated down to the people on the ground. With the island behind them and were rather unique armour they looked fantasy like, to say the least, they stood out like a sore thumb with their vibrant colours, Simon's violet especially.

The people on the ground watched in shock as they saw the group approaching them while floating through the air. They all had their beasts summoned, the two snipers had snakes while the people with rocket launchers had spiders. It was a rather specialised group, further pointing out that they're probably a party from the Explorer's Guild.

When they landed on the ground the frontal assault group swiftly readied their shotguns, fear in their eyes. "You are all humans, right? You're not some type of new intelligent beast right?"

They chuckled faintly before Chloe took a step forward and holding her hand on her chest she said, "Yes, we are all humans and aren't some new type of intelligent beast. I would have thought that news of our existence would have reached your ears by now considering we originally weren't too far when we confirmed it with Researcher's United."

"So you're the group on the floating island," One of them said in realisation. "I just thought of it somewhat ridiculous to believe. A group of people travelling on a floating island with a great amount of strength."

Chloe looked towards Lachlan and squinted her eyes, Lachlan didn't know what to say and just shrugged. Turning back to the group she said, "Well I don't know where you heard we had a great amount of strength but yes, yes we are the group travelling on a floating island."

"You know, when someone is travelling on a floating island you just assume they have a lot of strength. Because surely someone's attempted to steal it from you, at the very least someone should have tried to negotiate for the island," A broad man with a sturdy face said.

"Nah, we weren't exactly known for our peaceful nature," Chloe said as she scratched her head. "But moving on, where's the nearest safe city?"

"Roughly 100 kilometres North, away from the waters, in a safe spot a decent distance from the rivers and streams," The man explained. "If you want we can lead you there, it'll also be easier to get you in."

The group looked at each other and thought about it. It was pretty obvious what the guy wanted to do because although he was attempting to hide it well he couldn't stop his legs from slightly trembling from excitement.

"Alright, just make sure you keep a strong hold on the wall, we don't want you falling down now do we," Chloe said before shooting into the air, dragging the group along with her. Everyone else sighed, shook their head before following her trail.

Just as they were about to reach the island Chloe looked towards the group. "so, just wondering, but what are you apart of? Is it Explorer's Guild? Or some other independent group here in America?"

"Explorer's Guild; we're apart of a sub-guild that focuses on taking down large beasts with heavy firearms and strategical warfare," The man explained as the rest of the group remained silent. They were all looking down, they felt their stomach at their throats from looking down.

"Alright." Chloe nodded as they landed, the rest of the group followed behind them before returning to their original positions. "So which way was it?"

"100 kilometres North," The man said again.

Lachlan nodded before issuing the island the commands. The new people watched in shock as the island began moving, they stared at the ground beneath them, the ground passing by quickly as they could feel the wind blowing against their face.