Trouble Arises Above

Days passed in the blink of an eye, the group stayed within the city and enjoyed it there. Being surrounded by other humans comforted them, especially when those people weren't after their lives.

They had dealt with the gang situation rather swiftly, now, a few of the remaining members had quit and joined the business. Learning from the owners how to cook and maintain the food stall, they learnt quickly and put in a lot of effort.

Some of them were rather tired with everything happening in the gang, constantly seeing people get murdered but not being able to say anything about it. As for Jose, he had been killed by Valentina for attempting to rape her.

Although the group knew Jose was bad just from their first encounter with him, they thought he might have changed his ways after seeing everything they're able to do. But it seems people remain stupid and stubborn until the end.

As for the rest of the people, although some did indeed choose to work under the group most of them separated and went their own ways. Some joining other, more humane gangs while some went to work in construction.

And right now, the group was currently relaxing in the Explorer's Guild building. Because of their sudden and unexplained entrance, once their island was seen floating above some people thought it was going to be the end of their time.

That was until the Explorer's Guild announced their presence, and explaining that the group wasn't a group of intelligent beasts. It made the group slightly laugh at all the shocked faces, especially when the measurements of the island came out.

As for why they were there right now, Burnie and his party had finally relaxed enough and gotten enough rest and they were planning on taking on another mission. Although Burnie had been pretty busy showing them around the city, he did enjoy spending some time with the group.

Burnie and his group came over, he was holding a folder in his hand it seemed thick, full of papers. Chloe and Flynn were the most curious about how the Explorer's Guild actually works, they swiftly surrounded Burnie and asked for the folder.

He didn't mind and handed it over. "It's all the information needed for the next mission. Although taking on missions can be dangerous, missions like ours where it requires us to take down certain beasts can be safe depending on how much information there is on the beast."

Flynn and Chloe were flipping through the papers, it was a new type of bear that recently appeared in the nearby area. Although it wasn't doing anything targeted towards the city, just it's presence was making hunting difficult. Not to mention it had an aggressive attitude, attacking any living thing that gets in its sight.

Chloe walked over and gave it to Lachlan to analyse. Before that Lachlan took a closer look at the bear, it's claws and teeth were made of some type of metal. Its fur was thin but sharp metal fibres; when on all four limbs it was 4 metres tall and 7 metres long.



Name: Iron Bear

Age: Adult

Attribute: Iron

Grade: Normal

Innate Talent: 3rd Grade

Level: 10

STR: 52(+30), AGI: 34(+10), VIT: 50(+20)

INT: 21(+5), PER: 23(+5), WIL: 19

Weakness: Weak Skin, Overwhelming Arrogance, Prideful

Strengths: Fur Durability (Level 2), Body Strength (Level 2), Iron Control (Level 2), Bite Strength (Level 2), Heighten Sense of Smell


It was strong but nothing too insane in the current state of the world. Unlike when the evolution first happened, after two years the strong beasts continued to hunt the weaker ones, decreasing every weak beast population to the point of extinction.

"Yeah, I don't see any problem with you all taking this down, it should really be a piece of cake for people of your skill level," Lachlan explained. He still remembered the first time he saw Burnie's group in action, their efficiency and precision.

Burnie nodded. "We know, that's the reason we chose to do it. We aren't exactly looking for death so we don't take anything that's well beyond our limits, and trust me, we know when we're out of our league or not."

"So, what are you going to be doing?" Rosanne asked. She was curious because Burnie would no longer be with them, guiding them around the city.

"We're just going to relax, I heard they have some good massage places in the city; I'm thinking about visiting one and giving my body a treat," Lachlan explained first before getting criticised by Phoebe.

"How are they supposed to massage a person that doesn't even get affected by a knife blade?" Phoebe questioned before answering it herself. "They don't, that's how."

Lachlan swiftly interrupted before Phoebe could get another word out. "Nope, massages are still the same. Although my body might not get affected by blades and whatnot, I can still feel things pushing against it and applying pressure. For example, when you rest your head on my chest I can still feel that perfectly fine."

Phoebe pouted at Lachlan's example. "Fine, go do what you want."

Lachlan lightly chucked and wrapped his arm around Phoebe. "How about you come along with me, a massage is great for the body and mind. At least that's what I've heard."

Phoebe leaned into Lachlan's chest. "I suppose it wouldn't be such a bad idea."

"Great." Lachlan stood up with Phoebe in his arms. "Let's go right now. We'll meet up with you all later."

Turning towards the door the group could only see the fleeting figure of Lachlan and Phoebe. Simon sighed as he leaned back a bit more. "I might go and get something to eat, maybe some beast ribs, I heard they're both massive and delicious."

"I'll go with you then, I don't really have anything else to do," Joe decided to join Simon in his journey to get some beast ribs. They hadn't had them yet but they've heard great things from passing explorers and civilians.

"I want to get some beds and bedsheets, some new pillows also wouldn't be too bad of an idea," Zoe said. She instantly got everyone's attention, none of them had thought about anything like that but they really did need it. They have been sleeping on wooden beds the entire time, just cushioned it with leaves.

"I like that idea, let's do that instead," Simon and Joe swiftly jumped trains and joined along with the Zoe in her goal of finding some good beds and bedsheets. The rest of the group remaining decided to join along before turning to Burnie.

Burnie sighed as he placed his hands on his hips. "Alright, once you get out the building take an immediate left, the second street you reach you go right, and somewhere along that street there should be home appliances."

"Thank's Burnie!" The group shouted as they ran off.


Elsewhere in the city Lachlan and Phoebe were walking side by side on the path, they were currently wearing casual clothes, their armour was stashed on the island. They looked like a fairly normal couple, being eyed by people passing by.

When they finally reached their spot they halted their movement and stared at the establishment. The building looked to be made out of wood, there was steam rising from the side and it was completely surrounded by face shrubbery.

Walking inside they headed straight for the receptionist, swiftly choosing what type of massage they wanted to do. They both chose to get a Swedish massage, it was their first time so they didn't want to jump into the deep end just yet. They were also only looking to relax, they didn't have any muscle problems.

After doing that they sat down by the chairs, there was a small Japanese style pond set up, the bamboo and everything. Lachlan and Phoebe sat for 10 minutes before they were called up, the ones doing their massages were both Asian woman. They looked identical to each other, both having black hair and brown eyes. Standing side by side the two weren't able to tell the differences.

"Hello, my sister and I will be in charge of your massages, please, follow us," The one on the right said as she gestured for Lachlan and Phoebe to follow. Walking in and through a corridor they reached their room, the two were sharing a room together.

Opening the door she let the two in before closing it behind them. "Please, undress yourselves and lay down on the beds. Please shout to us when you're ready."

The two were left in the room standing in silence, unsure of what to do. Turning to each other they looked each other eye to eye. Phoebe was the first to say something, "Turn around and don't even think of peeking."

Although she wasn't even holding onto a weapon Lachlan felt as though there was a blade by his throat. Raising his hands into the air he turned around and faced the wall. "Alright, alright, hurry up and change."

It only took a minute before Phoebe was fully changed, she had two towels wrapped around her chest and waist. She walked past and laid down on the massage bed. "Alright, I'm finished, now hurry up and get over here."

Lachlan only took a few seconds before he was out of his clothes and had a towel wrapped around his waist. He went over and laid down on the other massage bed, just a couple metres away from Phoebe. "Alright, we're done, you can come in now!"

The door opened and the therapists came in, quickly getting into position by the beds they began to get to work. The two felt a sudden pressure on their backs, it was gentle and smooth, it was hitting all the right spots.

They had to stop themselves from moaning loudly and hid it under their breath. The therapist smiled towards each other as they continued their work, they were feeling the muscles Lachlan and Phoebe both possessed after training for so long.

When the girl doing Lachlan's massage reached his arm she was surprised. "Excuse me sir, but do you mind me asking about your arm? I need to know whether or not it's safe to continue massaging it."

"Yeah, it's all good, just a wound from battle, nothing too serious," Lachlan brushed it off quickly. At Argentina he had his arm stitched back on, and although not perfect it currently still worked. He still encased it in ice whenever he's in battle though because it's just much more effective.

"Have you got it checked out by a doctor? If so, have they confirmed that it's fine?" The lady asked politely.

"Yes I've had it checked out by a doctor and they've confirmed that it's fine right now. Although, if I get into another battle like the previous one that did the damage, it probably won't be working," Lachlan explained as he closed his eyes.

Although reluctant she accepted the explanation and continued the massage, getting really deep into the muscles with her pressure. The two let out a loud moan before covering their mouths, their faces turned beetroot red.

The two therapists chuckled. "It's alright, that's completely natural."

The two continued their massage for another hour before they were finished; Lachlan and Phoebe both felt refreshed and relaxed, as though they had just been reborn. Going back to the receptionist they paid for the massage before leaving the building.

When they got outside they were met by Burnie and his group who were completely flustered, they were sweating profusely. Burnie grabbed hold of Lachlan's shoulders. "We need your help, there's something happening above group that's threatening the city."

Looking up Lachlan saw a large number of tamers along with their beasts, he did a quick analysis and realised they all had earth control. Turning back to the flustered Burnie Lachlan asked, "What's happening?"

"A beast horde, threatening to crumble the roof of the city," Burnie explained. "While we were doing our mission we noticed a large number of beasts heading towards the city. We swiftly returned to make a report but by then the beasts were already on top, stomping around, attempting to collapse the roof."

"Intelligent beast?" Lachlan asked as he couldn't find any other reason behind the beasts' behaviour aside from the work of an intelligent beast. It was confirmed by Burnie's furious nodding.

"Yeah, yeah. It's an intelligent beast that the Explorer's Guild have been after for a year because ever since it's appearance it attacks the city every few months with a large number of heavy beasts," Burnie briefly explained.

"Where are the others?" Lachlan asked.

"At the guild building, they were asked whether or not they could help and fortunately they said they could. Although something was a bit off about Simon; unlike others that were dreading the battle he seemed excited," Burnie explained.

"Don't worry about that, he just wants a good fight where his life is on the line," Lachlan explained as he brushed it off and began walking. "Anyway, are we going up right now?"

"Obviously, do you expect us to wait until they actually collapse the roof to attack," Burnie answered sarcastically.