Power of the Dragon King

Walking through the crowd Lachlan saw a variety of stalls, all selling different goods that had their purpose. Lachlan even saw a few of the necklaces that Drate had, they were being sold by demons; unfortunately, Lachlan didn't have any money on him and couldn't buy anything even if he wanted to.

"So you finally made it huh. I was waiting for you," Drate appeared from behind Lachlan, tapping his shoulder gently. "Anyway, let's make it to the stadium where the main event will be, it's starting in an hour and we have to get the best seats."

Grabbing onto Lachlan's arm, Drate dragged Lachlan through the crowd towards the colosseum. Unfortunately, unlike Drate who didn't have large weapons on her, Lachlan was constantly smacking into people with his broadsword as he went past.

Some of those individuals looked back and shouted at him, but Drate didn't care and kept running, weaving through the crowd as she dragged Lachlan along with her. Finally, after a dozen minutes, they managed to make their way to the colosseum.

Getting a closer look on the colosseum Lachlan had to agree that it seemed a lot like the roman colosseum on Earth. It looked almost identical, aside from the fact that it was actually still in perfect condition.

"Come on, we got to get in line, we're lucky it's somewhat early so the line isn't that long," Drate said as she continued dragging Lachlan along. Although he could easily stop the two of them, he didn't mind, it was easier to make his way through when with someone that actually somewhat knows the streets.

Finally, they reached a line, it wasn't as long as Lachlan expected, only have a few dozen people in it. In comparison to the lines that form out of new phone releases, which seem the form around the building. It wasn't all too bad.

When they reached the receptionist she looked at them before nodding, handing them a ticket with a number on it and a cardinal direction on it. Granted, Lachlan couldn't read what the cardinal direction was, he just saw the arrow pointing to the left. Drate looked at the number and smiled widely, "We're in luck, it seems we got front row on the west wing of the stadium."

"Oh great, so that means we got ourselves a pretty good view huh?" Lachlan said in a questioning tone. He wasn't sure where exactly the good seats were, this wasn't a football stadium where you might be able to snag yourself a footy.

Rather, they might be getting blood spilled on them, maybe a head might fly towards them. It doesn't matter right now though, Lachlan would deal with it when the time comes.

"Of course it's a great view, we'll be able to see the dragon king's dragon up close, we might even be able to feel the pressure it gives off," Drate said with excitement. "The elders of my race told me that standing up to the dragon's aura is a great achievement of its own."

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it them," Lachlan said sarcastically. He did wonder why Drate was looked forward to feeling the dragon's aura so much though, they still needed to be in perfect condition afterwards for when they raid the castle.

The two walked into the colosseum, through the large halls before entering the colosseum's stands. They were rather olden style as well, being made of stone. But if one were to think about it, it could also be thought that they were made of stone to force the crowd to stand up and cheer.

Drate walked Lachlan to their spot, it was near the front right by the edge of the stands. In a similar manner to the roman colosseum the centre was a gigantic circle field, only made with dirt with the entrances to the field being by the walls.

The two waited for an hour to pass patiently, more and more people begun to fill the stands, some of which were here to sell their goods. If one were on the field and looked towards the stand, they would notice how many different races were there.

Lachlan managed to spot the elven hotspot, where there seemed to be roughly 5 different elven races sitting by each other. There were the woodland elves, spirit elves, pixie elves, mountain elves, and river elves.

At another side there were the dwarves, they were all roughly 3'0 - 4'0 tall, their bodies rather chunky as it was filled to the brim with muscles. They were known for their craftsmanship, not just in blacksmithing but in tailoring and carpentry as well.

The metal gates sunk into the ground, dragonkin filled with sides of the colosseum holding onto large golden horns. Blowing into them loudly they signalled for the tournament to begin, more and more dragonkin appeared from the entrances, their dragons trailing behind in their wake.

There were roughly 50 combatants, all with different colour scales and had different stats. They trained hard, only targetting towards the stats that fit their style the most. Some of them were complete agility monsters, coming close to Lachlan's natural agility while others were strength beasts. Similar to the agility focused fighter they too almost reached Lachlan's natural strength stat.

Finally, they the horn blowers did one more blow, at the top of the colosseum on a balcony a dragonkin walked out. Garnered with a dark purple robe, lined with gold he stood by the edge of the balcony.

The crowd went wild, dragonkin especially as they shouted out, all saying some rather bizarre things that Lachlan was for some reason not to surprised with.

"Dragon King take my babies!"

"Dragon King take me into your harem!"

"Dragon King make me your slave!"

Lachlan shrugged his shoulders while he stood quietly, looking at the dragon king's stats he was rather surprised. They were the strongest natural stats he had seen so far in this world, granted, he hasn't seen any other king yet so he couldn't be certain whether or not the dragon king really was the strongest.


Name: Akiry (Dragonkin)

Age: 43 (Adult)

Dragon Bonds: 1/1

STR: 187, AGI: 198, VIT: 100

INT: 42, PER: 44, WIL: 22

Weakness: Arrogant, Prideful, Sensitive Tail

Strengths: Skin Defence (Level 6), Arm Strength (Level 5), Leg Strength (Level 5), Maximum Speed (Level 4), Swimming Speed (Level 4), Heightened Senses, Language of the World


The dragon king raised his hand and the crowd quietened down, there were still faint whispers but nothing too loud. "Welcome! I would like you all for being here to spectate this momentous occasion!"

His voice boomed through the colosseum, Lachlan wouldn't be surprised if it sounded throughout the entire city as well. It was as though there were speakers scattered across the stands as it sounded as though the dragon king was shouting in front of them.

"We've gathered here today to spectate these wonderful warriors battle it out with their lives on the line! Upon the end of the day, the few warriors that still stand on the field will be chosen to become apart of my personal guards! Their position in life will be settled as they fight to protect me!"

A dragon's roar was heard through the city, a shadow was cast upon the colosseum was a dragon descended from the skies. Its scales looked like they were made entirely from gold, unlike other dragons that had 2 - 3 claws, this one had five.

It landed on the ground and released a powerful aura, knocking out a few of the weak-willed people in the stands. Lachlan wasn't too affected, it was around the level of Aaron's aura, if not stronger.



Name: Tachichi (Golden Five-Clawed Dragon)

Attribute: Gold/Wind

Age: Elder

Grade: Great

Innate Talent: Elite

Level: 21

STR: 304, AGI: 323, VIT: 500

INT: 102, PER: 104, WIL: 50

Weakness: Arrogant, Prideful, Sensitive Tail & Wings

Strengths: Golden Control (Level 4), Wind Control (Level 8), Skin Defence (Level 8), Body Strength (Level 6), Maximum Speed (Level 6), Heightened Senses, Dragon's Tyrannical Aura


However, it was somewhat naturally stronger than Aaron. Although that's only through natural stats and doesn't include his stats added onto it. Lachlan also realised that it seemed most tamed beasts in this world don't have their master's natural stats added onto them.

Lachlan twitched when he felt something grab onto his arm. Looking to his side he noticed Drate was struggling to keep herself together, her forehead was covered in sweat as her knees were about to give way to the pressure.

"How come it doesn't seem to affect you?" Drate asked weakly.

"Because I'm strong," Lachlan remarked casually. "Anyway, let's hurry and get going, we've got to make the best of our time while the king is away from his castle. Not to mention it seems you're struggling to keep yourself together."

Lachlan grabbed onto Drate and carried her over his shoulder, bringing her outside the colosseum. His actions caught the attention of the dragon king, it wasn't a usual occurrence for someone to act as though they weren't affected by his dragon's aura.

But after a second thought, he just put it up with the idea that Lachlan was just trying to impress Drate. The dragon king thought that Lachlan likely left cause he himself was about to faint from the pressure.

Once they were outside Lachlan realised the pressure was completely gone, the streets were left empty as everyone was inside the colosseum. Lachlan looked towards the castle that oversaw the colosseum and began running towards it. His feet leaving indents in the stone roads.

Without people in the way Lachlan was able to go all out and reach his top speed, disappearing from his spot he reappeared by the corner of the colosseum. Unfortunately, although he was fast, going around a corner at that speed was still somewhat difficult.

Drate had long since regained herself, she stared in shock as she noticed Lachlan's speed and strength. It made sense to her as to why he was able to withstand the dragon's pressure so easily.

It didn't take long for them to reach the castle entrance, the large golden gates that stretched around the castle. Lachlan stared at them and nodded, although they didn't seem like it, they were heavily reinforced with a simple but quite unbreakable spell.


Name: Dragon King's Wall

Description: An item made from the hands of the first Dragon King, possessing the power to reflect almost all damage and remains impenetrable. When in a state of emergency, the current dragon king can activate the wall which creates a defensive barrier around the castle that reflects all damage.
