Dragons Appear on the Island

Joe took off, his speed swiftly approached that of the speed of sound as his spear tore through the wind, heading directly for the ant queen's head. By attacking this way, he would make the most use out of his spears long reach rather than attempting to slowly weaken it from bodily attacks.

The ant queen noticed and formed a barrier of solid flames, the heat reaching extremely levels as Joe felt as though his face was beginning to melt. He swiftly backed away, his guard still up in case the ant queen attempted to attack him while he retreated.

Fortunately, it seemed the queen was still weak from the abrupt change of environments. Although, it also seems that due to her control over the fire, she managed to survive Sandy's special ability without much trouble either.

The group on the island heard the roar, the ants seemed to have halted their attacks on the island because of it as well. For a second, the group thought that Joe and Phoebe managed to succeed, but they finally managed to get a glimpse of the other side of the ant horde. Although the mound was successfully destroyed, the ant queen was still alive and rather furious.

"Tsk, seems they haven't managed to finish it off." Simon didn't think that sending Joe over was a bad move but that was because he didn't know the ant queen had such good control over fire. If they sent Chloe at the beginning instead, they could have flooded the entire mound, having the same effects while killing the ant queen.

"Oh well, that just means that another strong opponent appeared. So, are you planning on going over to give it a try?" Georgia asked as she floated right by him. Everyone in the group knew of Simon's personality, especially how he always wants to challenge strong opponents. Georgia was already surprised enough to see Simon stay by the island for this long.

"Nope." Simon shook his head which caused Georgia to furrow her eyebrows. "Yeah, I know it isn't my usual character. But… I've decided to stick this one out and leave it to Joe and Phoebe, that haven't had a challenge in a while, maybe this can be a great reminder too that thrilling feeling of battle."

"Battle junkie," Georgia remarked beneath her breath before going out a slaughtering some more ants while they were in the middle of confusion.

The ants were currently confused as to what they should do. Should they continue their attack on the island? Or should they go back and help their queen? However, they're extremely confident in their queen's strength, that it's enough to handle those couple of people and beasts by her. At the same time however, they're making no progress on the island invasion, none at all, they haven't even scratched the ones defending the island.

The queen roared loudly, giving her commands to her soldiers, dispelling any confusion they had. They were to continue their attacks on the island, that way the ones currently attacking her may need to return to protect the island. Giving the queen some time to recover.

The group noticed the ants all turn around simultaneously like they were all connected to each. Their wings thrashed around violently as the charged towards the island all at the same time, some of them dispatched themselves from the group to attempt to attack the island at a different angle.

The group didn't take much notice of them, they were rather confident in their gravity defence. It's an absolute impenetrable wall unless one also has control over gravity. And considering their fight against the ants so far, it's quite obvious that they don't. The only thing they have is strong bites, and the smallest bit of fire control, nothing too out of hand.

Back at the crumbled mound, Joe and Phoebe were both floating silently in the air at a distance from the ant queen. Their tames right behind them, waiting patiently as they readied themselves to fight. Phoebe was at a slight disadvantage, they were currently over land so they couldn't make use of water control to the fullest. Fortunately, Sandy was still at home due to the lava spewing out of the mound. Her ability to change the terrain into a lava field is quite useful, especially since it gives her a boost in strength.

While the ant was still injured, they continued the fight, Joe and Sandy at the front of the charge while Phoebe, Faith, and Hope were just slightly trailing behind. Faith was dragging it, along with Hope along the ground through its tactful water manipulation, creating a path of water just slightly ahead of them so the enemy won't be able to predict their next move.

The ant queen, noticing the group's rapid approach slammed its claws on the ground, rupturing the land, causing a few nearby buildings to collapse as cracks were created in the ground lava spewed from beneath. This wasn't Sandy's lava however, rather, it was natural lava formed under the continental plates. The ants had borrowed that fire down, as a blazing hot environment makes them comfortable as well as giving them the advantage in the fight.

However, due to the sudden change in the environment not to long ago caused by a special ability, the queen was unable to protect the eggs and even herself for that matter. Since she wasn't able to control the lava of a special ability, she would use her own special ability to give herself the advantage.

The group narrowly dodged the pillar of lava that spewed from the ground, Sandy's eyes contrasted when she noticed that it wasn't her lava and that she wasn't able to command any control over it. 'Master, that lava is the work of the ant queen's special ability, take precaution, she seems to possess an ability similar to mine.'

'So that means she's currently got a buff right?' Joe asked the corner of his lip twitched. That ant queen using her special ability was rather surprising as it meant she was an elder, but the more annoying part was that it had a similar ability to his own tame meaning he had no more advantage.

'Yes master, however, hers is slightly more powerful due to her grade being above mine' Sandy explained in a calm and composed voice. 'But with all of us here it shouldn't be a problem to take her down, or at least keep her stalled until the others finish up with the ants up there.'

"Tsk, that's annoying but I suppose I can finally get a good work out," Joe muttered faintly as he cracked his knuckles. Unlike the others which sought fights, he couldn't be bothered and would rather wait for the fights to come to him. However, similar to the others, he enjoyed fighting.

Dashing forward Joe pulled his spear back, Sandy was right behind him, keeping the heat away from him so he can follow through the with the attack. Phoebe sighed, shrugged her shoulders before following right behind him. Faith kept his control over water up, solidifying any lava that gushed from beneath them.

The ant queen swung her claws towards them, they tore through the air loudly like a plane, a trail of fire followed behind it as the heat radiating from it intensified. Faith shot through the air, ramming into the claw and biting down hard. Although he might not be able to beat the ant queen in terms of elemental control, he would be able to destroy it with his defence and somewhat his strength.

The ant queen was surprised by the sudden turn of events; panicking she began to rapidly fire her flames around her, they blazed intensely but Sandy cancelled out most of it for Joe while Joy did his best to protect Phoebe with his own water control and shell.

She roared loudly, gaining the immediate attention of her ant soldiers. They immediately stopped what they were doing and began heading back, without a care in the world that the group on the island continued to slaughter them as they escape.

"Man, this is actually getting somewhat bothersome," Simon complained as he stretched his hand. Although the ants were difficult to beat, just the sheer number of them was making it somewhat bothersome. All they saw was the ant's carapace, they blocked out their vision from everything else which caused their minds to start playing some tricks on them.

"Yeah, it's like there isn't an end to them, we really need a way to stop a large group of them at the same time. Seriously, how have ants not taken over half of the planet by now," Georgia complained as she wiped the blood of an ant off her hidden blades.

"Unfortunate, that's not how it works. There's probably plenty of other races which are able to contend with them, including humans with their explosives and variety of special abilities through tames." Zoe, Chloe, and Flynn appeared right by them. There wasn't a need to protect the island anymore since the ants were retreating. "So, what's happening in Joe's and Phoebe's side of things."

"Well, it seems they've managed to piss off the ant queen, so I reckon we should go over and actually give them some help instead of standing around doing nothing," Georgia responded.

"Floated," Flynn casually corrected, getting the groups' gaze on him momentarily as they raised an eyebrow each. "What, we aren't standing since we aren't on the ground. We're floating since we're literally floating in the air right now."

"Fair enough, anyway-" Georgia was about to continue before a loud roar echoed through the area, followed by another two slightly weaker roars. They felt an oppressive aura come from the island, it wasn't the usual aura which any of their beasts can give, it was something different. Something that seemed to want respect, akin to a king.

Looking back they noticed the air above the island seemed a bit heavy, the trees were quaking as something was moving through the forests swiftly. They saw three figures, two of which were flying through the air while one was on the ground. They got closer and closer, finally, the group was able to make them out.

"Well I'll be damned, he actually managed to get himself a dragon, three of them for that matter," Simon muttered beneath his breath as he nodded with surprise.

In front of them appeared three dragons, all unique in shape and colour but all possessing a similar oppressive aura. Lachlan was currently in front of them on Aaron, however, unlike the usual way of riding Aaron Lachlan was currently standing on Aaron's back with his arms crossed and a wide grin.

Getting to the edge of the island the three dragons gave off a might roar that echoed throughout the city. It was extremely intense as any remaining glass in nearby buildings shattered.